2014-2015 Semester 2

Maestra Ceseña Office Hours:

(928) 634-7531 ext. 4412 Mon-Thursday: Lunch

Other Days/Times: By Appointment


Semester 2: The second half of the year is already upon us! The next few months will pass quickly. I wanted to send out a reminder of my classroom policies and update contact information. Please remember you can always access current progress/attendance information via FamilyLink. Please contact me any time with questions or concerns.

Daily Required Class Materials

Textbook Workbook Packet

Pencils/pens Vocabulary List

Red pen Flag partner sheet

3 ring binder Verb charts

**Any and all other handouts to be used as resources

The three strikes rule applies to students arriving prepared for class. Students will be sent to retrieve their materials and work in the Alternative Learning Center for the class period.

Expectations: Curriculum:

* Come to class on time and PREPARED; * Chapter 1: Un viaje en tren

* Be respectful of others, school, and personal property * Chapter 2: En el restaurante

* Listen while others are speaking; * Chapter 3: Telecomunicaciones

* Complete assignments on time and neatly; * Chapter 4: De tiendas

* Make your success in this class a priority; * Chapter 5:Los pasatiempos

* ASK questions if you do not understand!

Late/Missing Assignments:

Any Late/Missing work will be accepted one day late for half credit. Workbook packet is not accepted late. Bell work cannot be made up if you arrive late. It is the student’s responsibility to obtain the missing work.

Extra Credit:

There are five extra credit opportunities available for each chapter. It is highly recommended that all students take the time to complete these as they are valuable study tools for the chapter.


Plagiarism is defined as “passing off another person’s ideas, writings, etc., as your own.” Since the assignments in this class require YOUR knowledge, ideas, and words rather than those of others, plagiarism (or any other form of cheating) will result in immediate failure of that assignment and a discipline referral.

Complete bottom portion and return:



2014-2015 Semester 2

Class Period: ______Student Name (Print): ______

I have read and understand Señora Ceseña’s Policies. I will take an active role in monitoring academic progress in this class. If I should have any questions or concerns at any time during the year, I will contact Ms. Ceseña in person, by phone, or by email.


Student Signature Date


Parent Signature Date

Parent Address

Parent Email Parent Phone #