Existentialism Presentation Project

Due next semester. TBD.

In groups of 2-3 students, each group will select at least one film to analyze for its content related to the theme of existentialism. Since existentialism is a difficult "ism" to define in a simple way, you may use outside research to inform your analysis. Like many of the assignments in this class, the presentation should be persuasive and the content must contain evidence which supports your claim(s). This project may be approached in variety of ways. Your group may want to focus on a single character, multiple characters, or the theme of the "world" that is presented in chosen film(s).

Your evaluation will be based on the following:

Style: You may use PowerPoint, Prezi, or be old-fashioned and make a poster. Whichever method you choose, make sure your group presents all of your material in an effective way. Your presentation should only be 6-8 minutes long, so make sure to focus on the main points.

Existentialism explanation: As previously noted, the existentialist perspective can be a difficult one to define. Your group must try to explain how you are using this terminology. Consider: What is the primary concern of an existentialist? What is valued within existential thought? How does the existentialist view the nature of meaning, or how individuals form meaning in the world? What is the effect of having an existentialist perspective? Positives? Negatives?

Film overview: Assume that most of your audience has not seen the film you are using. Present the main plot points and key concepts, especially those which relate to the general concept of existentialism.

Making connections: This is really the main part of the presentation. How does the film you have chosen connect to, or exemplify, existentialism? In your presentation, consider the "general to specific" model we have used for writing effective paragraphs. For example, in your film overview you make some general connections to existentialism, but make sure you use concrete details from the film to support your position.