Instructor Course Evaluation /  / 20

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Instructor Name______

Classroom Presentation(1= Poor, 5=Excellent)

1 2 3 4 5

1. Was the class content meaningful?    

2. Was the information presented well?    

3. Were the concepts explained clearly?    

4. Did the classroom demonstrations aid in your understanding of the 5 Keys?     

5. Did the lecture adequately prepare you for the on-road training?     

On-Road Training(1= Poor, 5=Excellent)

1 2 3 4 5

1. Was the on-road content meaningful?     

2. Was the information presented well?     

3. Do you feel you were given enough time to get familiar with the vehicle?     

4. Did the instructor’s 15 minute behind the wheel demonstration of the 5 Keys aid

in your understanding of the techniques?     

5. Was the instructor’s guidance during coaching drive helpful?     

6. Was the out of vehicle blind area demonstration useful?     

7. Did you find the backing/parking exercise effective?     

8. Did the instructor give a balanced critique of your evaluation drive?     

Classroom Training Skills

(1= Poor, 5=Excellent)

This training gave me the foundation to…. 1 2 3 4 5

  1. Deliver an effective classroom presentation.     
  1. Handle potential debate questions brought up by students.     
  1. Talk about backing collision avoidance.     
  1. Conductthe 5 Keys Verbal Presentation including demonstrations.     

On-road Training Skills

With practice I feel confident I can…(1= Poor, 5=Excellent)

1 2 3 4 5

  1. Observe drivers’ habits as they get comfortable with the training vehicle.     
  1. Effectively demonstrate the 5 Keys from behind the wheel.     
  1. Coach drivers to constructively help them correct individual weaknesses.     
  1. Evaluate driver strengths and weaknesses then provide verbal and written feedback.     
  1. Conduct parking, backing, mirror and blind area demonstrations.     

Instructor/Summary Information(1= Poor, 5=Excellent)

1 2 3 4 5

1. Did our instructor present himself/herself in a professional manner?     

  1. Was the time well spent?     
  1. Will this experience make you a safer driver?     

4. Did the instructor give a balanced critique of your presentation skills?     

  1. Do you think this class would benefit a co-worker or friend?     

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