Department of Entomology
Student Scholarship Fund Application

Applications due to Barb Smith by January 14, 2011.

Instructions for Application

There will be 3 subsections of the Department's awards:

Travel Research Scholarship

Applications and awards for Scholarship and Research will be done once each year in January. Applications and awards for Travel will be made twice/year, in time to announce funding decisions before the papers are due for the 2 major entomological meetings (Pacific Branch and National ESA meetings). However, you can apply for travel funds to any other type of meeting during the 2 award periods.

The Scholarship award will be for a set amount each year, viz., $1,000 (but not to exceed one-third of the total funds available that year). This money may be used at the recipient's discretion, and is not tied to research or travel. The criteria for this award will be solely based on scholarly performance in the areas of coursework (both the type of classes taken and the GPA) and research relating to the student's thesis. The award is based primarily on activities at WSU (both research program and academic achievement). However, the student's entire vita will be used to gain an overall profile of scholarly activity.

The Travel and Research awards will also primarily reward efforts made in the current degree program. However, other criteria may be brought to bear, such as need, or providing opportunities that will enhance the student's career. In these areas, students relatively new to the department, but with good ideas for research or travel, may also be competitive.

A student may apply for any and all of the award types in a given year without prejudicing his or her chances for obtaining an award in another category. A student may apply for a Travel award at both times during the annual cycle, again without prejudice.

Instructions for Application:

Four forms are provided for application to these awards, but only 2 need be filled out for any one type of award. One form, the Résumé, must be completed for all award types. The second form (Application) will differ for each of the 3 award types. For Travel, the application form will ask for a name, date, and location of the meeting, a budget, and what percentage of the costs are requested. For Research, an abstract of the research proposal must be provided, and a budget (with justification) for the proposed work. For Scholarship, the student will write a job description for which they would be eligible, and provide a cover letter applying for that job in which they summarize their qualifications, experience, and future plans.

The forms can be filled out either by (1) typing on a hard copy of the form (no handwritten applications will be accepted), or (2) by filling out a blank version of the form in a word processing program. Unlike previous years, you may not attach a résumé or CV in place of filling out the forms. Blank forms will be made available in Microsoft Word 6.0 and in the Entomology Office. In all cases, you may either attach additional (typed) sheet as necessary to any part of the application, or "expand" the form in your word processing program.

Letter of Support: In addition to the 2 forms, each application must be accompanied by a letter of support from the student's Major Professor or Undergraduate Advisor. This letter should be in the form of a memorandum addressed to the Scholarship Committee, WSU Department of Entomology. Letters for all 3 types of awards (Scholarships, Research, Travel) should address the student's abilities, attitude and progress toward their degree, plus any outstanding features in their academic or research performance to date. If the letter is in support of a Research or Travel award, then it should also address need for funding (if such exists) and the value of the opportunity provided by the award. Include information on what other resources have been made available to the student (Note: while need may be considered as an award criteria, the Major Professor's ability to fully pay for research or travel does not prejudice the student's application). The letter of support will not be valid without the signature of the Major Professor. A signed hard copy must be handed in with the application.

General: Just as in real life, your application will be judged in part by your ability to write well, spell correctly, and use good grammar. In addition, your ability to read and follow directions will be considered. Questions may be directed to the chair of the Scholarship Committee. A hard copy of all parts of application must be handed in to the Department by the deadline.

Washington State University

Department of Entomology
Student Scholarship Fund Application



Name of Applicant: Date: ______

Major Advisor:
Degree Program (BS, 5th year, MSC, Ph.D., other):
GPA in current program (WSU only):
Education prior to current program:
Degree: Institution: GPA:
Degree: Institution: GPA:
Honors: (List awards, scholarships, fellowships, etc. prior to current program; include title, date & amount of award if monetary)

Work Experience: (List in reverse chronological order. Include Assistantships)

Position: ______Employer: ______
Supervisor: ______

Description of Job Responsibilities: ______


Position: ______Employer: ______
Supervisor: ______Date(s) of Employment: ______to ______

Description of Job Responsibilities: ______


Position: ______Employer: ______
Supervisor: ______Date(s) of Employment: ______to ______

Description of Job Responsibilities: ______


Position: ______Employer: ______
Supervisor: ______Date(s) of Employment: ______to ______

Description of Job Responsibilities: ______


Research Activities:

A. Refereed Journal Articles (list full citations in standard ESA format).

B. Books edited or Book Chapters

C. Non-refereed publications (extension bulletins, popular articles, extensive reports)

D. Book Reviews

E. Published Abstracts

F. Proceedings of Meetings or Conferences

G. Proposals to Granting Agencies. Include investigator(s), granting agency, title, amount, and status (in review,funded, denied).

H. Professional meetings attended (include name, location and date of meeting; whether or not you presented a paper/poster; your position on paper/poster (presenting or co-authored only). Note the type of session (student competition, 10-minute paper session, symposium).

Other Scholary Activities:

A. Awards (scholarships, assistantships, fellowships, etc; give name of award, date or duration, and amount if monetary. Include all previous WSU department of Entomology awards).

Name Date Amount

B. New Concepts or Patents:


A. Formal Courses: (e.g., a numbered course offered for credit in a college or university. Give the name of the course, instituion, date, and describe your role (professor, teaching assistant, no. lectures given, laboratory exercises developed etc. Provide a summary of student evaluations if available).

B. Informal Instruction: (short courses, training sessions, supervision of other students)

Service to the Department, College, University

Describe in narrative form your past or current involvement in 1) extension activities (Master Gardener training, Field Days, Pesticide Recertification training); 2) College or Departmental committees; or 3) Department/College/University clubs.

Participation in Professional Societies

Describe in narrative form your memberships in and past or current involvement in professional science-related societies (committees served, symposia organized, sessions moderated). Do not repeat attendance of meetings or papers presented as described in Research Activities.

Washington State University

Department of Entomology
Student Scholarship Fund Application



Name of Applicant: Date: ______

Name/Location/Date of Meeting:

Type of Presentation: (paper, poster, symposia, competition):

Title of presentation:

Author(s) (boldface or circle the presenter):


Item Amount:

1) Transportation (type):

2) Registration:

3) Lodging (specify):

4) Meals:

Total requested: ______

Percent of actual cost of travel represented by this request: ______%

Have you applied to other sources for support? If so, specify source and amount:

Provide additional information: sharing room/transportation costs with others; if ground transportation, specify total miles, rate/mile, whose vehicle:

Washington State University

Department of Entomology
Student Scholarship Fund Application



Name of Applicant: Date: ______

Abstract of Proposed Research:








Provide details of above items:

Have you applied to other sources for support? If so, specify source and amount.

Washington State University

Department of Entomology
Student Scholarship Fund Application



Name of Applicant: Date: ______

1) Hypothetical Job Description: (Write up a job description of a position for which you would be well suited. Refer to one of the current faculty notice of vacancies, posted on our web page.)

2) Write a cover letter applying for the above job description.

(Note: both items 1 and 2 must be submitted to complete this part of the application. Use this sheet with your name on it as a cover sheet.)