(Character Study)

(July 2012)

Unit Statement:An actor must inhabit a character. By doing the same, the student can project the goals and desires of the character to the audience. The student will study various archetypal characters from classic plays to popular films.

The goal for this unit is to allow the student to create a character from the foundation of an archetype or stereotype. The student will find the GOTE method useful, now and in the future, in the development of their character. Additionally, a broad character study must be made before performing the monologue in front of an audience.

Essential Outcomes:

  1. The Student Will create a dramatic or comedic character, and write a monologue or dialogue to express the character to an audience.
  1. TSW will design a look for the character, and find appropriate props for the scene.
  1. TSW create a goal, obstacle, tactic and expectation (GOTE) for the character.
  1. TSW write an original monologue or short script for the character.
  1. TSW perform in front of an audience.

Suggested Materials:

Black, Carolyn. Developing Characterization by Creating Stereotypes. New York State Department of Education. Web. 9 March 2012.

Cohen, Robert. Acting One/Acting Two. 5th. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2007. Print.

The GOTE system was designed by Robert Cohen.


archetype / character study / costume / goal
GOTE / makeup / objective / stereotype

Suggested Assessment Tools and Strategies:

  1. Watch films or TV shows to identify archetypal and stereotypic characters.
  2. Students can discuss these characters in class. Focuson cultural or societal expectations of characters.
  3. Students can create a character based on discussions and independent study, and design a motivation that goes with “type” or against “type”.
  4. Students will apply a GOTE sheet to their character.
  5. Students should construct an original monologue or dialogue featuring the character.Improv routines featuring the character can assist in this activity.
  6. Create a video for the portfolio unit (technology component).


Suggested Rubric (E05):

Student name ______Class ______Date______

A grade = at least 3 A level and no P level.

B grade = at least all B level and no P level.

TSW / ‘A’
“Exceptional” / ‘B’
“Great” / ‘P’
“Not Yet.”
TSW 1 / Student creates a highly interesting or wholly innovated dramatic or comedic character, and writes a monologue or dialogue to express the character to an audience. / Student creates a good, yet very typical dramatic or comedic character, and writes a monologue or dialogue to express the character to an audience. / Student has created a stock character with complexity.
TSW 2 / Student designs a look for the character and finds appropriate props for the scene that perfectly fits the mood, tone and plot of the monologue or dialogue. / Student designs a look for the character and finds appropriate props for the scene. / Student has designed a look, with little or no effort.
TSW 3 / Student creates a goal, obstacle, tactic and expectation (GOTE) for the character that all expressly figures into the dénouement of the monologue. / Student creates a goal, obstacle, tactic and expectation (GOTE) for the character. / Student has not completed the GOTE sheet.
TSW 4 / Student writes an original monologue or short script for the character that leads to a strong denouement. / Student writes an original monologue or short script for the character. / Student has written a monologue or short script, but without applying GOTE.
TSW 5 / Student performs exceptionally; bringing the audience into the world they created. / Student performs in front of an audience. / Student has not performed.
TSW 6 / Student prepares a video for possible use in the portfolio (technology component). / Student has not prepared the video.

Rubrics are suggested; please consider modifying it to the needs of your class.



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