MINUTES of a MEETING of the HIGHWAYS and PLANNING COMMITTEE of Bourne Town Council, held on Tuesday 9 December 2008, at 7.30 at the Town Hall, Bourne

(Minuted by Town Clerk)

Present: Chairman Cllr J Smith

Councillors Mrs S Cliffe Mrs L Neal Mrs J Smith D Fisher A Prentice Mrs S Wilson Mrs P Moisey Mrs K Roche 2 members of public/press


Proposed Cllr Mrs J Smith, seconded Cllr Mrs P Moisey and by majority vote

RESOLVED: To approve the reason of apologies for absence from

Councillors B Fines, D Higgs, T Holmes, Mrs B Johnson, Ms J Pauley, Mrs H Powell


PERSONAL Cllr J Smith Item 11e/Minute 1026P/e) Town Council Representative on BUC

PERSONAL Cllr Mrs S Cliffe Item 11e/Minute 1026P/e Town Council Representative on BUC

PERSONAL Cllr D Fisher Item 11e/Minute 1026P/e Town Council Representative on BUC

PERSONAL Cllr Mrs K Roche Item 11k/Minute 1026P/k Daughter attend Westfield P. School

PERSONAL Cllr Mrs L Neal Item 8/Minute 1023P Likely to be involved at SKDC level

PREJUDICIALCllr Mrs L Neal Item 11k/Minute 1026P/k Governor of Westfield P School


Nobody indicated any desire to speak on any agenda item


Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and by majority vote

RESOLVED: To approve the above Minutes as a true record and for the Chairman to sign them


No reports were received

1021P TO ANSWER QUESTIONS FROM COUNCILLORS - No questions had been received


A) Correspondence for information only – to be received en bloc (available for perusal)

a) LCC – Winter maintenance leaflet i.e. salting routes, winter driving 2008/09

b) S08/0974/12 Dickinson Dem. 2 dwellings & erect new one & garage 2/4 Meadow Dr Approved

c) S08/0997/12 Mrs J Tshabalala. Extension & alterations to dwelling, extension to detached garage & erection of 2m high bou8ndary wall. 11 Cherry Holt Road Refused

d) S08/0735/12 Bamford. Erection of dwelling & detached double garage 18 Victoria Pl.Approved

e) S08/0894/12 Bourne Skip Hire & Recycling. Erection of transfer building & use of trammel sorting machine. Bourne Skip Hire & Recycling, Cherry Holt Road Approved

f) S08/1034/12 Adcock. Erection of garage to side of dwelling. 11 Wordsworth Gr Approved

g) S08/1054/12 Mr/s Burton. Two storey rear extension. 65 Harrington Street Approved

h) CPRE – Countryside Voice Autumn 2008

i) LCC – Temporary Road closure, Bourne. Corn Exchange car park will be closed on Fridays 01/05/09, 03/07/09 & 16/10/09 (04.00 hours – 19.00 hours) for the French Market.

j) LCC – Public Notice -Proposed traffic calming – Austerby, Beech Avenue & Mill Drove.

The Clerk reported that Highways had requested clarification re the council’s comments of 19.11.08

as it was not clear whether the council was objecting to the proposal or not. She further informed the

committee that although the public notice referred to Road Humps the scheme incorporated a

number of measures including chicanes with give way signs and road humps (two humps across the

road rather than one full width ramp)

Proposed Cllr A Prentice, seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously

RESOLVED: To re-iterate that the council believes in traffic calming and is generally in favour of measures in the form of chicanes or any other form that does not require vehicles to mount any kind of ramp. The council objects to any measure that is raised.

k) LCC – Travel & Transport Briefing. Issue 20 November 2008

l) S08/1100/12 Lund. Grd fl.extension & en-suite over replc garage111 North Rd Approved

m) Longhurst – re Croft - contact has been made and reassurance received that issues would be addressed to prevent further deterioration of the site.

n) S Holland DC/ Rutland CC / SKDC - Joint Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment (SHLAA) This is a comprehensive assessment of the potential of land for housing development and is a new requirement upon Local Authorities resulting from the publication of Planning Policy Statement 3 (Housing) in 2006. SHLAA will form a fundamental part of the evidence base for emerging Local Development Frameworks (LDF) in each area. It should be noted that the inclusion of a site in this assessment does not mean that planning permission for housing will necessarily be granted. The suitability of all sites, and their capacity, will need to be tested by submitting planning applications for consideration on their individual merits. SKDC has completed its SHLAA report; this is for information purposes only – the report and maps can be seen on www.southkesteven.gov.uk

Proposed Cllr A Prentice, seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously

RESOLVED: To receive items (a) to (i) & (k) to (n) en bloc

B) Correspondence for discussion

1. LCC e-planning review with regard to consultation on planning applications in parish

E-planning is an important means of allowing much wider access to the planning process for its users and was implemented by LCC in 2005.

Proposed Cllr Mrs K Roche, seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously

RESOLVED: To agree to accept consultations on planning applications via email, and to agree to comment on policy documents online.

2. Letter from a resident regarding number of HGVs and traffic speed on West Road.

A resident is complaining about the number of HGVs using West Road and wonders why the relief road is not more widely used by local companies situated in the industrial area of Bourne. He feels the amount of HGVs and traffic speed on West Road is unacceptable.

Proposed Cllr Mrs L Neal, seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously

RESOLVED: To respond to author pointing out that this is a LCC matter; BTC has lobbied for better signage which is being provided. Hoping that monitoring will show that this will have made an improvement.

3. Lincolnshire Fire and Rescue - Integrated Risk Management Plan – Six Year Action Plan 2009/10 – Consultation - Consultation of proposed vision and outcomes for 2020 as well as priorities for 2009/10. Comments/feedback by 6 February 09. www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/lfr/irmp

Proposed Cllr J Smith, seconded Cllr Mrs J Smith and unanimously

RESOLVED: Members to consider this and respond individually if appropriate

4. Campaign to Protect Rural England - Stop the Drop – anti litter campaign

Campaign toolkit, sponsored by Keep Britain Tidy in conjunction with its Big Tidy Up campaign. This has been developed specifically with parish councils in mind. www.cpre.org.uk

Proposed Cllr J Smith, seconded Cllr A Prentice and unanimously

RESOLVED: To receive the above


After lengthy discussion it was

Proposed Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded Cllr Mrs J Smith and by majority vote

RESOLVED: To receive the above


After lengthy discussion it was

Proposed Cllr A Prentice, seconded Cllr Mrs J Smith and unanimously

RESOLVED: To ask Anglian Water to investigate the problem regarding smells and lack of drainage on West Street and to possibly look into replacing sewer


The Clerk explained that application S07/1038/12 64b North Street had been refused retrospectively in September 2007 but the sign had never been changed. The local resident as well as the Clerk had made numerous enquiries but nothing had changed.

Proposed Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded Cllr Mrs J Smith and unanimously

RESOLVED: To write to SKDC, Development Control, Enforcement Officer, with a copy to the Strategic Director, and ask what progress had been made.


Resolved for the following observations to be forwarded:

a) Ref: DC/08/0125/12/JJ/PC5

Applicant Sainsbury’s Supermarkets

Proposal Approval of details required by Condition 7 of p/p S08/0709/12

Location J Sainsbury Plc, Exeter Street

Application Type Discharge of condition(s)

Proposed Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded Cllr Mrs K Roche and unanimously resolved

OBSERVATION: No objections

b) Ref: S08/1193/12/PWNM/PC1

Applicant Mrs B Smith

Proposal Extension to existing conservatory

Location 66 Mill Drove

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded Cllr A Prentice and unanimously resolved

OBSERVATION: No objections

c) Ref: S08/1236/12/PWM/PC1

Applicant Mr G Lishman

Proposal Erection of conservatory

Location 6 West Road

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed Cllr Mrs J Smith, seconded Cllr Mrs S Cliffe and unanimously resolved

OBSERVATION: No objections

d) Ref: S08/1244/12/PWM/PC1

Applicant Mrs J Gilsenen, Central Networks East PLC

Proposal Installation of 1200mm dish at 33m, one 800mm dish at 47m on

existing mast

Location Bourne Substation, Manor Lane

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded Cllr A Prentice and resolved by majority vote

OBSERVATION: No objections

e) Ref: S08/1260/12/PWM/PC1

Applicant Bourne United Charities

Proposal Demolition & re-building of entrance gate piers

Location The Abbey Lawn, Abbey Road

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed Cllr Mrs L Neal, seconded Cllr Mrs J Smith and unanimously resolved

OBSERVATION: No objections

f) Ref: S08/1282/12/PWM/PC1

Applicant Mr & Mrs Barnatt

Proposal Erection of conservatory

Location 68 Edinburgh Crescent

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded Cllr Mrs S Wilson and unanimously resolved

OBSERVATION: No objections

g) Ref: S08/1286/12/RV/PC1

Applicant Mr A O’Keeffe

Proposal Single storey extension to front, side & rear of dwelling

Location 22 Kingsway

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr A Prentice and unanimously resolved

OBSERVATION: The Committee objects on the following grounds:

a) The proposed design is out of keeping with the character of the area

b) The proposal would create a dominant and oppressive environment for neighbours

c) The committee believes the proposal would be visually intrusive

h) Ref: S08/1310/12/RV/PC1

Applicant Mr J Venn

Proposal Remove boundary hedge, replace with 2m high close boarded fence

with brick piers

Location 1 Abbots Close

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed Cllr Mrs S Wilson, seconded Cllr A Prentice and resolved by majority vote

OBSERVATION: The Committee objects on the basis that the proposed fence would be out of keeping with the area; a fence is harsh looking compared to a hedge.

i) Ref: S08/1239/12/PWM/PC1

Applicant Mr T Decamp

Proposal First floor side extension to dwelling

Location 23 South Street

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed Cllr Mrs L Neal, seconded Cllr Mrs K Roche and resolved by majority vote

OBSERVATION: No objections; it was felt that the size and location of the plot would comfortably cope with the proposal

j) Ref: S08/1264/12/RV/PC1

Applicant Mr P Hutchings, I P Performance Motorcycles Ltd

Proposal Change of use from B8 to B1 and Sui Generis Uses

Location The Arena, Roman Bank

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed Cllr Mrs P Moisey, seconded Cllr Mrs J Smith and unanimously resolved

OBSERVATION: No objections in principle but would like to stress that there should be no excess noise to residents living to the north of the site, on Willoughby Road.

Please note that the committee felt that the information provided was inadequate.

Cllr Mrs L Neal left the meeting due to her Prejudicial Interest declared at the beginning of the meeting

k) Ref: S08/1308/12/PWM/PC1

Applicant Bourne Westfield Primary School

Proposal Covered external play area

Location Bourne Westfield Primary School, Westbourne Park

Application Type Full Planning Permission

Proposed Cllr Mrs K Roche, seconded Cllr Mrs J Smith and unanimously resolved

OBSERVATION: No objections

Cllr Mrs L Neal returned to the meeting

l) Ref: S08/1311/12/RV/PC1

Applicant Mr/s J Cunningham

Proposal Outline - Erection of dwelling and garage

Location R/o 127 North Road

Application Type Outline Planning Consent

Proposed Cllr Mrs S Cliffe, seconded Cllr A Prentice and unanimously resolved

OBSERVATION: The Committee objects on the following grounds:

a) The proposed design is out of keeping with the area.

b) Highways safety issue as the proposed access road would form the third access right next to each other. To the immediate north of the proposed access is a track that is used by agricultural and residential vehicles and immediately to the south is the access to no 127 North Road. The committee believes that 3 accesses adjacent to each other and within close proximity of Stephenson Way joining North Road on the opposite side would create highways safety issues.


The Clerk - A letter had been received from SKDC about a planning application that might affect the council – S08/1300/12 1&1A West Street, Re-development of offices & land to provide 10 residential apartments with ground floor office space. Placed on the next agenda of this committee.

The Clerk - The council had received a CD containing “Draft submission Core Strategy” with guidance notes on legal compliance and soundness. This document is due to be published in January 2009. Comments were invited on legal compliance or soundness. CD and guidelines are available in the office and copies can be provided. This will be placed on H&P Agenda 6.1.09

Cllr Mrs Neal expressed concern that schools may have been left out from being congratulated by the council, which had first been proposed some time ago when a couple of schools had been awarded for special achievements; she reported that recently Westfield Primary School had an ‘outstanding’ Ofsted inspection.

The Clerk was asked to also check on other schools’ websites.

Due to there being no further business the Chairman declared the Meeting closed at 9.05pm


Highways and Planning Committee Meeting held on 09.12.08