
Project I- Un País y Una Bandera- Due Friday, September 26.

I.  Choose a country in which Spanish is the primary language spoken. Turn in your choice for teacher approval by Monday, September 9.

II.  You will need a WHITE T-SHIRT to complete this project.

III.  Do research (on the internet, from books, magazines, or other reliable sources) to find out these topics about the country you chose:

a.  Location: Where on the globe is it located? What borders the country?

b.  Population: Recent count

c.  Principal cities: Include the capital and at least 2 other cities.

d.  Government: What type of government does the country have? Who is their current leader?

e.  Recreational Activities: What can you do there for fun? Where can you go? Include popular vacation sites. (at least 2)

IV.  ON the FRONT of your white t-shirt, create a REPRODUCTION of the flag of the country you have chosen. It must look like the flag of the country, but should be made in a unique, creative way. You can paint it, bedazzle it, or make the flag out of any media that will adhere to your t-shirt.

The requirements for this flag are:

a.  Size: Must be as big as a sheet of copy paper (8.5”x 11”).

b.  Made of: Whatever creative means of artistry you would like EXCEPT food products. This can include sequins, feathers, cloth, beads, magazine cutouts, etc. You are only limited by your own imagination.

V.  ON the BACK of your white T-shirt, include a drawing of the country itself, and include the facts of the research you did in part III.

VI.  Due: We will all wear our flag shirts on Friday, September 27th. You will also need to bring your grade sheet on the back of this project sheet.

VII.  Grading requirements: Remember that you will be graded for your information AND the creativity of your t-shirt.