Are you wanting something more than just shooting qualification lines? Want to test your skills against fellow officers and have fun? Here is your chance to put your skills to the test at the TNOA TACTICAL POLICE CHALLENGE.

This multi-gun event is great for beginner and advanced level shooters. This event will be filled with several stages to test your abilities with the shotgun, pistol and rifle. Course design will utilize marksmanship, speed and tactical situations as well as moving and shooting. You will be firing from inside, around and under different obstacles setup on the range.

Get your registrations in early with your requested squads and we will get you shooting together with your friends. This is a great time to come out to the range and have fun with your fellow officers. 8-hours TCOLE credit will be given.

When? / Friday, February 26th (Set-Up / RO’s Shoot)
Saturday, February 27th (Remaining Shooters)
Saturday, February 27th: Registration begins 0700 – 0745
Where? / Pasadena P.D. Les Early Firearms Training Center, 6600 Genoa-Red Bluff, Pasadena, Texas 77505 (281-998-2981)
Divisions / Tactical Division = Rifle can have one power optic or iron sights & Pump or Semi-Automatic Shotgun with iron sights & Pistol with iron sights.
Operator Division = Rifle can have variable power or one power & pump or Semi-Automatic Shotgun with iron sights & Pistol with iron sights or slide mounted optic (MUST wear body armor, gloves, and helmet while shooting course of fire).
Ammo / Maximum Rifle caliber for all divisions is .223. Round count, stages, map, and other event information will be sent by e-mail to registered shooters prior to event.
Rules and Gear / Duty firearms, duty holster, magazine pouches and all other gear MUST be duty LE type as allowed by the TPC Standards. See the NRA Tactical Police Competition Standards on-line at www.nrahq.org/law/competitions. ***NO COMPETITION GEAR***
Cost / Females - $50.00 / TNOA Members – $70.00 / Non-Members - $90.00.
This is a LIMITED 100 slot event – RESERVE NOW!!
Prizes / There will be a shoot-off with top 10 shooters regardless of division. Prize table format will be by order of finish. Winners will be awarded using the Lewis Prize Allocation system (Ex. 30 shooters will be split in 3 groups of 10 with 1st, 2nd, 3rd place winners in each group). Awards will also be given for High Overall (Municipal, County, Federal, Female). Several GUNS will be awarded by random drawing.
Info / For more information or to register call Jerry McClain at 281-808-5929 or by e-mail at .
Hotel(s) / Hampton Inn & Suites – 4741 E. Sam Houston Pkwy South, Pasadena, TX 77505 (281-998-3300)

This match is made possible by the generous support from High Standard, Hoffners, Collectors Firearms, Safariland, Springfield, Glock, Top Brass, and Blackhawk to name a few.




February 26 and 27th, 2016 / Pasadena P.D. Les Early Firearms Training Center

Shooter Information
First Name: Last Name: TNOA Member YES NO
Agency: Address:
You must have e-mail to receive Confirmation and Round Count Notices
Law Enforcement Agency Category
□ Municipal □ County □ State □ Federal □ Private Law Enforcement □ U.S. Military
Your Eligibility
Sworn Law Enforcement: □ Full Time □ Part Time □ Reserve-Auxillary □ Retired
United States Military: □ Active Duty □ Reserve □ National Guard □ Retired
Shooting Division
→ Remember ←
Duty Firearms ONLY ◊ NO Competition Guns or Gear
I will be shooting: □ Friday, February 26 (Reserved for RO’s and Shooters by Request) □ Saturday, February 27th
I will be shooting: □ Tactical Division
□ Operator Division
Please try to squad me with:
Payment Information
I am paying for the following: □ Individual Female = $50.00 □ TNOA Member = $70.00 □ Non-Member = $90.00
□ I am also paying $______to register ______
Name & Registration Form For Each Must Be Included
□ Credit Card: Card must be in your Name or Agency with billing address matching the address listed on the registration.
Name on Card: ______□ VISA □ Master Card
Number: ______Expiration: _____ / ______
Month Year Signature
□ CASH □ CHECK (Make payable to: Texas Narcotic Officers Association)


Preferred: (Credit Cards Only) E-mail registration form as attachment to .

By Email: (Cash or Check) Complete the registration and mail to: TNOA TPC at 5745 Emerald Brook Lane, League City, TX 77573.

By Phone: Call Jerry McClain at 281-808-5929 (Registration form & payment will need to be mailed).

Law Enforcement & Military shooters MUST bring Credentials with you and show them when you check in at Registration the day of the event.