Health, demographic change and wellbeing

Delavnicazapredstavitevprojektnihidej je potekala 24.11.2014 v Bruslju.

Predstavitevdelovnegaprograma Health, demographic change and wellbeing

PHC25: Advanced ICT systems and services for Integrated Care



Jose Martinez-Usero, FUNKA

Odprtirazpisi 2015



Deadline: 24.2.2015

Budget: 88.000.000 EUR


  • PHC-09-2015: PHC 9 – 2015: Vaccine development for poverty-related and neglected infectious diseases: HIV/AIDS
  • PHC-15-2015: Clinical research on regenerative medicine
  • PHC-33-2015: New approaches to improve predictive human safety testing



Date: 21.4.2015

Budget: 104.500.000 EUR


  • PHC-21-2015: Advancing active and healthy ageing with ICT: Early risk detection and intervention
  • PHC-25-2015: Advanced ICT systems and services for integrated care
  • PHC-27-2015: Self-management of health and disease and patient empowerment supported by ICT
  • PHC-28-2015: Self management of health and disease and decision support systems based on predictive computer modelling used by the patient him or herself
  • PHC-29-2015: Public procurement of innovative eHealth services
  • PHC-30-2015: Digital representation of health data to improve disease diagnosis and treatment



Date: 24.2.2015

Budget: 29.000.000 EUR


  • HCO-06-2015: Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases. Prevention and treatment of lung diseases
  • HCO-11-2015: ERA NET Collaboration and alignment of national programmes and activities in the area of brain-related diseases and disorders of the nervous system
  • HCO-12-2015: ERA NET: Antimicrobial resistance
  • HCO-13-2015: ERA-NET: Cardiovascular disease
  • HCO-17-2015: Towards sustainability and globalisation of the Joint Programming Initiative on Neurodegenerative Diseases

Projektni predlogi s področja zdravja za razpise 2015:

1 / Childhood obesity, cardiovascular risk and Functional Diet: Newperspectives in health economy and social health prevention / PHC 21 / Hospitals, University, SMEs food industry, Associations of Patients, Companies with past experience in ICT systems applied to health, Management of large amount of data and epidemiological studies / University of Bari FilomenaCorbo PhD / Večinformacij
2 / MAGNuM - Models AGaiNst Metabolic syndrome based on persuasive technology / PHC-28 / Universities/hospitals, preventive public health, Health professionals, training providers, Experts on user modelling and predictive system models / University of Udine / Večinformacij
3 / Cardio Cloud Computing Mathematical Medicine for the Europe of 2020 / ICT infrastructure management and customization (Institutions or Companies); Laboratories, Biomedical Research Centers, and Hospitals / Politecnicodi Milano - Dept of Mathematics PiercesareSecchi / Večinformacij
4 / Carb4Ex - Carbohydrates for Exercise – develop a personalized ICT device, suggesting patients the appropriate countermeasure to avoid excessive exercise-related falls of glycaemia / PHC 28 / Research institutes, to validate further the algorithm under the most various conditions (e.g. children and adolescents); Industries, to develop the ICT solution to be put on the market; Patients’ association, to ensure that the results of the project become as widely known and understood as possible. / University of Udine / Večinformacij
5 / Molecular profiling of tumours by RIP-seqanalysis: an innovative approach for new prognostic and therapeutic targets / Research institutes; Molecular biology Institutes; Clinical and research cancer Institutes, Biotechnology companies / University of Udine / Večinformacij
6 / Efficient genetic testing for developmental eye disorders / PHC 28 / Ophthalmologic Institutes; Molecular biology Institutes; Clinical and research Institutes / University of Udine / Večinformacij
7 / The applicability of personalized targeted therapy for advanced colorectal cancer patients in European healthcare systems / PHC 28 / Cancer Center in different Countries in Europe, possibly if they are ESMO Designated Centers for Integrated Oncology and Palliative Care, drug companies involved in mCRC treatment / Polyclinic University Hospital of Palermo, Italy Giuseppe Bronte, MD, PhD / Večinformacij
8 / Developing a predictive genetic model for CMV disease in immunocompromised patients / PHC 28 / Medical divisions treating CMV disease, such as transplantation or infectious disease units; Microbiology or immunology researchers involved in the study of CMV infection and disease in different European countries, with no geographical restriction, to obtain genetic data to be generalized; pharmaceutical companies / Polyclinic University Hospital of Palermo, Italy / Večinformacij
Unit of Transfusion Medicine Danilo Di Bona, MD, PhD
9 / Delayed Ab Rx’s for acute URTIs: Can Pharmacists help with Ab Stewardship / PHC 28 / EU partners to trial the project; ICT help in designing tracking patients and prescriptions; Health regions/municipalities to recruit doctors and pharmacists / University of Wolverhampton, UK / Večinformacij
10 / Spectroscopy for food authentication (SFA) / SFS 14 2014/2015‐B / Producers of high quality foods needing quality assessment and enforcement (based on Physical Chemistry techniques) - candidate food: cheese(France, Italy, Greece, Spain, …); European Public Agencies interested in food control and safety(e.g., import/export) / Politecnicodi Milano Prof. Mateo / Večinformacij
11 / Integrated approach for Therapy Delivery in Hemodialysis / PCH 25 / Research Institutions, SMEs, Nephrologists / Politecnicodi Milano Maria Laura / Večinformacij
12 / Risk score for Alzheimer’s disease Prediction within the European pre-Dementia Population (RAPID) / HCO 17 / Clinical groups with expertise in diagnosis and treatment of cognitive impairment and dementia, with dedicated neuroradiology and laboratory facility, bioinformatic analyses, economic analyses and data analysis/database specialists / Polyclinic University Hospital of Palermo, Italy / Večinformacij
13 / Development and prototyping of a Portable (home) Artificial Kidney with strongly extended monitoring facilities and remote support / PCH 25 / Chemical medical products manufacturers, Dialysis disposables manufacturers, Dialysis equipment manufacturers, Industrial designers, Medical ICT producer or services provider, Dialysis centres / Politecnicodi Milano
Dept. Chemistry, Materials and Chemical Engineering / Večinformacij
14 / The metabolic syndrome as a progression factor in patients With Multiple Myeloma: Understanding biological mechanisms and finding new therapeutic targets / Pharmaceutical industries, hospitals, research centers, centers with excellent background in the statistical analysis / University of Bari Medical School / Večinformacij
15 / Fall prevention - Create better conditions for senior citizens to prevent falls and fall injuries by combining modern technology and a person-centeredapproac / PCH 21 / Coordinator, Multi-disciplinary consortium (to tackle the many factors in fall prevention), End users, industry, stakeholdersh / SP Technical Research Institute of Sweden (Skane region) / Večinformacij
16 / Improving leishmania therapy using nanostructured drug delivery system / Laboratories specialized to the tropical diseases, especially protozoa / University of Eastern Finland - School of Pharmacy / Večinformacij
17 / E-mental health to support psychotherapy in remote areas / PCH 27 PCH 28 / ICT business: development of e-mental health applications; Health innovation centres: development and guidance of implementation of innovative methodologies; Research institute: evaluations / Solentra. Belgium / Večinformacij
18 / Tackling malnutrition in elderly persons / SFS 16 / Lead partner: all types of partners / / Večinformacij
19 / Integrated, sustainable, citizen centred care – tackling the impact of alcohol on health / Looking for partner agencies involved in tackling homelessness, street drinking, begging, anti social behaviour and crime. Tackling inequalities and promoting health initiatives / Suffolk County Council Public Health Department / Večinformacij
20 / European strategy for tackling malnutrition in the elderly –the food service perspective / SFS 16 / Special concerning the healthy eating of the elderly: Nutritional aspects (requirements, strategies, recommendations); Dietary behavioursand preferences; Physical and social environment of eating; New food products; Food service models (home/nursing home/hospitals/emergencies) / Mikkeli University of Applied Sciences, Finland / Večinformacij
21 / Evidence and Learning - Public Health And Transport / PCH 29 / Lead partner / Southend on Sea Borough Council, UK / Večinformacij
22 / Pre-Commercial Procurement of Patient Empowered Post-Stroke Rehabilitative Technologies / PCH 27 / Public Health Authority/ Commissioner of Care / Business Services Organisation, Northern Ireland / Večinformacij
23 / Improving the quality of health using administrative data / PCH 30 / Clinical providers (hospitals, practitioners,…), government health agencies, universities, research institutes / Department of Mathematics – Politecnicodi Milano / Večinformacij
24 / Evolution on Models and solutions for Integrated Care / PCH 25 / ICT enterprise with experience in care sector, Health care and Social Care Organization to conform 2 additional pilot actions. / Region of Castilla y León
Monica / Večinformacij
25 / Building HealhtyCommunities / PCH 23 / International partners with experience in the field of health literacy campaigns and pedagogy; Partners with experience in the field of ICT integration in the field of public health; Experts in health economics (cost-effect) / University of Udine / Večinformacij
26 / Digital Platform Social Services / Partners with experience in research and practical work of different areas within social services / Skåne Association of Local Authorities / Večinformacij