Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Ltd.




82ndPower System Operational Coordination Meeting

Date: 20.01.2015

Venue: PTC, Chandaka

Odisha Power Transmission Corporation Ltd.Bhubaneswar.

Agendafor 82ndPSOC Meeting to be held on 20.01.2015 at PTC, Chandaka

A1: Confirmation of the minutes of the 81stPSOC Meeting held on 26.12.2015

The minutes of meeting was circulated vide letter No. SGM (PS)-Pl-15/2014/79(30),dated 05.01.2015to all the members and also uploaded in the SLDC website. No comment has been received from any of the members.

Members may offer their comments. If there is no comment, the minutes of the meeting may please be confirmed.


B1: Review of Grid Performance for the month of November’14’December’14.


Hourly frequency variation for the month of November’14December’14.

Month / % of time frequency remained
<49.00 / 49.00-49.70 / 49.70-49.90 / 49.90-50.05 / >50.05 / 49.70-50.05
Nov’14 / 0.00 / 0.26 / 13.84 / 53.36 / 32.54 / 67.20
Dec’14 / 0.00 / 0.75 / 20.30 / 47.90 / 31.04 / 68.20

Maximum & Minimum frequency during the monthof November’14 & December’14.

Month / Freq (Hz) / Date / Time
Nov’14 / Maximum – 50.44 / 16.11.14 / 06:04 Hrs
Minimum – 49.60 / 27.11.14 / 17:41 Hrs
Dec’14 / Maximum – 50.58 / 15.12.14 / 00:00Hrs
Minimum – 49.56 / 13.12.14 / 17:12Hrs

(B)Grid Demand for the month of November’14December’14.

Month / Demand / Maximum Consumption / Maximum Demand / Minimum Demand
MU / MU / Date / MW / Date / Time / MW / Date / Time
Nov’14 / 1972 / 69.92 / 04.11.14 / 3630 / 12.11.14 / 20:00 / 2000 / 20.11.14 / 14:00
Dec’14 / 1937 / 65.99 / 15.12.14 / 3515 / 23.12.14 / 19:00 / 1869 / 19.12.14 / 15:00
Dec’13* / 1856 / 64.27 / 26.11.13 / 3319 / 30.11.13 / 20:00 / 1997 / 05.11.13 / 15:00

Members may please discuss.

(C)Voltage Profile of 220 kV Buses in OPTCL system for the month of December’14

Sl. No / S/s Name / Maximum / Minimum
kV / Day / Time / kV / Day / Time
1 / Jayanagar / 251.08 / 18 / 02:00 / 232.72 / 5 / 19:30
2 / Theruvali / 246.69 / 8 / 01:45 / 228.62 / 29 / 18:15
3 / Bhanjanagar / 248.20 / 9 / 13:30 / 225.97 / 6 / 18:15
4 / Chandaka / 238.03 / 18 / 14:15 / 218.00 / 6 / 18:00
5 / Narendrapur / 232.26 / 01 / 12:15 / 208.76 / 29 / 18:15
6 / Joda / 237.11 / 31 / 03:45 / 215.35 / 20 / 08:00
7 / Tarkera / 235.84 / 02 / 03:00 / 226.31 / 27 / 15:45
8 / Bhadrak / 241.96 / 04 / 13:45 / 221.35 / 08 / 17:45
9 / Paradeep / 238.03 / 11 / 12:30 / 210.78 / 03 / 17:15
10 / Budhipadar / 246.71 / 02 / 00:30 / 229.03 / 30 / 19:00
11 / Duburi / 239.82 / 26 / 02:00 / 221.87 / 08 / 17:45
12 / Balasore / 240.52 / 04 / 13:45 / 223.25 / 06 / 17:45
13 / Meramundali / 234.57 / 11 / 03:15 / 200.97 / 12 / 09:45
14 / Bidanasi / 254.60 / 21 / 13:15 / 233.24 / 12 / 10:30
15 / Katapalli / 236.65 / 16 / 11:45 / 223.54 / 27 / 19:00
16 / Nayagarh / 238.90 / 04 / 13:45 / 218.98 / 06 / 08:30
17 / Mendhasal / 239.30 / 04 / 13:45 / 221.35 / 06 / 18:00
18 / Bolangir / 241.73 / 16 / 11:45 / 212.75 / 16 / 12:15

The maximum voltage of 254.60 kVoccurred at BidanasiGrid Sub-station while Meramundali220 kV bus hasexperienced the minimum Voltage of 200.97 kV.

Members may discuss.

(D) Energy Generation / Import during the month of December’14

Source of Power / Energy (MU)
Thermal (TTPS+IB) / 406.69
OHPC Stations including Machhkund share / 372.21
IPP & CGP Support / 452.04
ISGS drawal / 706.19
TOTAL / 1937.12

(E)Drawal of Machhakund Power

The drawal of Machhakund power during the month of December’14 was 18.35 MUagainst AP drawal of 19.443MU.Total generation was 40.164 MU.

In the last meeting it was deliberated that, bus modification work at Jayanagar S/S is under progress. G.M (Telecom) shall expedite to establish direct communication between Machhakund and SLDC through PLCC. Sr. G.M (O&M), Zone-I shall examine the condition of the breaker at Machhakund traction feeder. Modification of 33 kV network for enhancing Machhakund drawal is under progress.

Sr. G.M (O&M), Zone-I, GM (Telecom)/ Southco may update.

(F)Under Frequency Relay operation in OPTCL System during the month of December’14.

Since the frequency had never gone beyond the lowest setting of UFR, there was no UF Relay operation occurred during the month of December’14.

(G)DISCOM Drawal up to the month of December’14

Name of DISCOM / MONTH / Approved Energy Drawal Prorated for the month
(MU) / Scheduled Energy (MU) / Actual Energy Drawal
( MU) / Open Access Import Schedule
(MU) / Net Energy Drawal
( MU) / Overdraw (MU)
1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5=(3-4) / 6=(5-2)
CESU / May’14 / 767.781 / 762.55 / 789.927 / 2.34 / 787.587 / 25.037
June’14 / 743.014 / 723.533 / 757.041 / 2.368 / 754.673 / 31.14
July’14 / 767.781 / 697.006 / 714.674 / 2.984 / 711.69 / 14.684
Aug’14 / 767.781 / 719.368 / 717.87 / 2.984 / 714.886 / -4.482
Sept’14 / 743.014 / 693.26 / 725.186 / 1.1704 / 724.0156 / 30.7556
Oct’14 / 767.781 / 702.494 / 707.59 / 3.247 / 704.343 / 1.849
Nov’14 / 743.014 / 660.172 / 645.803 / 3.586 / 642.217 / -17.955
Dec’14 / 767.781 / 623.206 / 620.432 / 4.589 / 615.843 / -7.363
WESCO / May’14 / 579.233 / 636.485 / 649.787 / 21.92 / 627.867 / -8.618
June’14 / 560.548 / 582.247 / 630.606 / 9.702 / 620.904 / 38.657
July’14 / 579.233 / 546.269 / 611.128 / 27.784 / 583.344 / 37.075
Aug’14 / 579.233 / 582.062 / 611.545 / 21.698 / 589.847 / 7.785
Sept’14 / 560.548 / 612.084 / 643.179 / 20.574 / 622.605 / 10.521
Oct’14 / 579.233 / 616.196 / 651.926 / 26.424 / 625.502 / 9.306
Nov’14 / 560.548 / 590.951 / 583.831 / 2.621 / 581.21 / -9.741
Dec’14 / 579.233 / 539.112 / 573.154 / 4.289 / 568.865 / 29.753
NESCO / May’14 / 452.685 / 414.293 / 475.678 / 19.668 / 456.01 / 41.717
June’14 / 438.082 / 391.799 / 458.494 / 33.207 / 425.287 / 33.488
July’14 / 452.685 / 398.217 / 476.175 / 31.676 / 444.499 / 46.282
Aug’14 / 452.685 / 447.333 / 451.265 / 22.476 / 428.789 / -18.544
Sept’14 / 438.082 / 423.846 / 444.946 / 18.474 / 426.472 / 2.626
Oct’14 / 452.685 / 418.854 / 445.698 / 20.311 / 425.387 / 6.533
Nov’14 / 438.082 / 366.485 / 393.515 / 23.372 / 370.143 / 3.658
Dec’14 / 452.685 / 396.403 / 404.228 / 21.769 / 382.459 / -13.944
SOUTHCO / May’14 / 283.671 / 291.135 / 278.532 / 0 / 278.532 / -12.603
June’14 / 274.521 / 264.148 / 269.739 / 0 / 269.739 / 5.591
July’14 / 283.671 / 252.704 / 265.791 / 0 / 265.791 / 13.087
Aug’14 / 283.671 / 267.643 / 277.861 / 0 / 277.861 / 10.218
Sept’14 / 274.521 / 264.708 / 272.043 / 0 / 272.043 / 7.335
Oct’14 / 283.671 / 260.148 / 259.509 / 0 / 259.509 / -0.639
Nov’14 / 274.521 / 262.625 / 261.393 / 0 / 261.393 / -1.232
Dec’14 / 283.671 / 254.595 / 257.783 / 0 / 257.783 / 3.188

*The above figures are as per EBC data.Energy drawal by SOUTHCO are excluding of energy consumed by NALCO at Damanjodi and IMFA at Theruvali.

PART C – issues to be raised in 104thOCC meeting of ERPC

C1: DR, EL, PLCC and Reactor status installed in Eastern Region.

In the last meeting it was decided that, the updated status of DR, EL, Reactor, ownership of PLCC system and Automatic Under frequency Load shedding Scheme (AUFLS) shall be intimated to ERPC by CGM (O&M).

CGM (O&M) may please deliberate.

C2: Augmentation of 3rd ICT at 400kV Jeypore s/s.

The 2 nos. of 315 MVA ICT's at Jeypore s/s are getting loaded up to 200 MW each many times. In such a scenario, tripping of any one ICT will lead to tripping of second ICT also. The ICT-I has already completed 25 years and its performance also getting deteriorated. Hence, it is proposed to approve for 3 rd ICT, in view of contingency & reliability.

It was decided in the 104thOCC meeting of ERPC that the suggestions of OPTCL / SLDC shall be examined by ERLDC and placed in the 105th OCC meeting.

Members may note.

C3:Status of 80MVAR Line reactor of 400kV Meramundali-Angul at Meramundali

In the last OCC meeting it was deliberated that OPTCL has completed all works. Powergrid may commission the relay.

CGM (O&M) mayupdate.

C4:220 kV inter-connecting lines of OPTCL with 400/220 kV Bolangir (PG) S/s

400/220 kV, 2X 315 MVA S/S at Bolangir has been established by Powergrid as part of ISTS system & the following 220 kV interconnecting lines was envisaged to be established by OPTCL:

(i)LILO of OPTCL’s Burla-Bolangir line (One ckt) at Bolangir (PG).: March 2015

(ii)220 kV Bolangir –Kesinga D/C line with one ckt LILO at Bolangir(PG).:January’15

In the last meeting AGM(Construction) stated that220 kV Bolangir-Bolangir (PG) line, which is a part of 220 kV Bolangir–Kesinga D/C line with one ckt LILO at Bolangir(PG) may be delayed due to land dispute issue raised by IDCO. A meeting is scheduled to be held with IDCO in next week. The schedule of commissioning can only be ascertained after the meeting.

CGM (Const.) may please update the status.

C5: Status of “Third Party Protection Audit”

It was deliberated in the OCC that work order has been placed to CPRI, Bangalore for conducting protection audit at Meramundali, Budhipadar, Theruvali & Jaynagar sub-stations.

Protection audit for Berhampur, Chatrapur, Aska, Bhanjanagar and Phulbani Grid S/s of OPTCL have been conducted by ERPC during the current month.

CGM (O&M) may please update.

C6:High voltage problem at 400kV Jeypore-OPTCL Substation—OPTCL

In the last meeting it was decided that OHPC shall conduct harmonic study in coordination with OPTCL. Gridco shall send a proposal to CEA Standing Committee for elimination of back to back DC. OPTCL shall examine for filing Petition before the CERC for not maintaining the bus Voltage at Jeypore (PG) by POWERGRID, as per CEA standard.

CGM (O&M) / CGM (RT&C) / GRIDCO / OHPC may deliberate.

C7: Pollution mapping for Eastern Region

In the last meeting it was decided that Southco and WESCO shall expedite the work and report to OPTCL.

Discoms may please deliberate.

C8:Certification through BIS as per IS 18001:2007 to all generating/transmission units.

In the last meeting it was deliberated that CGM (O&M) has written letter to BIS in this regard.

CGM (O&M) may please deliberate the status.

C9:Mock Black start exercises in Eastern Region–ERLDC

It was deliberated in the OCC meeting that, the mock black start exercise for Upper Kolab HEP shall be conducted during last week of January 2015.

SLDC & OHPC may deliberate.

PART-D – Operational Issues

D1:Non-compliance of drawal schedule by DISCOMs

Non compliance of drawal schedule messages issued to Discoms during the month of December 2014 is as tabled.

Sl. No / Name of Discom / No. of message issued / Over drawal (MU)
1 / CESU / 14 / -7.363
2 / WESCO / 18 / 29.753
3 / NESCO / 8 / -13.944
4 / SOUTHCO / 10 / 3.188

All the Discoms are requested to predict their drawal in a realistic manner to avoid over drawal / under drawal. Frequent revision of drawal schedule may be avoided as for as possible.

Discoms may please deliberate.

D2: Over Voltage Problem at New Duburi sub-station:

As intimated by M/s Tata Steel Ltd; connected at New Duburi Sub-station through 220kV circuit, they are experiencing persistent high voltage problem to the tune of 240kV resulting frequent tripping of their incoming feeder. Further, due to low over current setting at New Duburi, the feeder is also tripping while charging their power transformers.

CGM (O&M) may please deliberate.

D3: Availability of data of real time power flow of feeders covered under Under-frequency Load shedding scheme (UFLS) and lower relief expected to obtained in real time system operation

In the lost meeting G.M. (Telecom) stated that price bid evaluation has been completed. Purchase Order will be placed shortly.

G.M. (Telecom) / Sr. G.M. (CPC) may please update the status.

D4: Reporting of Sequence of Events (SoE)

It is noticed that Sequence of Event (SoE) report for Meramundali S/S is not available in complete shape due to non-integration of all 400kV breakers in SCADA system.

In the last meeting G.M (Telecom) stated that Relays (CMR) have already been installed for interfacing status of tie-breaker with the RTU for integration in to the SCADA system. Inputs of those breakers are not available at present at the control panel. It is decided that Sr. G.M, EHT (O&M), Zone-II shall expedite the matter for providing the input data early.

G.M. (Telecom) / Sr. G.M. (O&M)-II, Meramundali may deliberate.

D5: Prolonged outage of transmission elements and tentative revival dates

Sl.No / Name of transmission element / Reason of outage / Probable date of revival
1 / 220 kV Jayanagar-Theruvali ckt-IIIBreaker / Breaker defunct / March 2015
2 / 220/132 kV, 100 MVA Auto-II at Duburi / After inspection by repairer, date can be ascertained
3 / 220/132 kV, 100 MVA Auto-II at Joda / -do-
4 / 220/132 kV, 100 MVA Auto-I at Jaynagar / Replacement of 100 MVA Auto by 160 MVA under progress.
5 / 220/132 kV, 100 MVA Auto at Bolangir (new) / Replacement of 100 MVA Auto by 160 MVA under progress.

C.G.M. (O&M) may please update the status.

D6:Communication issues

(i)Installation of communication equipment by CGPs / Industries.

The status of data communication from CGPs as deliberated in the last meeting is as follows

Sl. No / Name of CGP / Present status
1 / M/s Sri Ganesh Metalicks Ltd. / PLCC / SCADA not established. M/S Sri Ganesh proposed for communication through wireless communication mode.
2 / M/s Shalivahan Green Energy Ltd. / PLCC/SCADA not installed. Penalty is imposed by OERC. It should be deleted from the agenda points.
3 / M/s IFFCO, Paradeep / DPLC, RTU, Battery charger, Battery set are installed at site. Commissioning will be taken up by respective vendors. Erection & Commissioning of Outdoor coupling equipment is under progress. Work has been awarded to M/S KBS-EL-Cons Ltd.
4 / M/s MSP Mettalicks / PLCC / RTU installed. Database has already been prepared by OPTCL. Final RTU integration with OPTCL system by the vendor is awaited.
5 / M/s NINL, Duburi / M/s NINL has submitted a letter recently for Scheme, BOQ for PLCC / SCADA.
6 / M/s Adhunik Metallics / PLCC installed. Provision is not yet made towards data connectivity with OPTCL system.
7 / M/s Rohit Ferrotech / PLCC established. Data base prepared by OPTCL. Inspection byTelcom Engineer is in progress.
8 / M/s VAL, Jharsuguda / No isolator status is available. MW/ MVAR not available for Sterlite 1/2 line, station transformer / Smelter. CBs of Bus coupler data, Bus-1 kV/Hz are not available. As per MOM between OPTCL & Sesa Sterlite, Jharsuguda dtd 22.09.2014, provision for telemetry data will be extended within 6 months.(March,2015)

All the CGPs have agreed to establish data communication system by March 2015 in the meeting held on 27th November 2014.

GCC / GM (Telcom) may please deliberate

(ii)Availability of Tap position of 400kV ICTs at Mendhasal.

Tap position data for Mendhasal ICTs are not available for display through SCADA. ERLDC raised this issue in 104thOCC meeting of ERPC held on 23.12.2014.

G.M (Telecom) stated that, they have prepared a modified ckt. for input to transducer “TPC-2001” for display of OLTC status. The Scheme shall be implemented on availing shutdown of the ICT. It was decided that DGM, EHT (O&M) Division shall sent shutdown proposal to SLDC.

CGM (O&M) / G.M. (Telecom) may update.

D7:DISCOM Issues


1)The 1 minute data provided by SLDC is mismatching with the actual drawal of WESCO. In the month of November’14 as per 1 minute data the total was 600 MU, whereas the actual for the month was 580 MU, it means that the one minute data shows more than the actual drawal i.e. 3.44 %higher. But in the month of December’14 as per 1 Minute data the total was 563.1097 MU and the actual was 570.6694 MU and the variation was 1.32 % lower. As evident, the trend as of 1 minute data is very erratic and with this forecasting on this basis may not be accurate.

2)As per 1st GCC(West Zone) held on 07.01.2015, AGM (TC), OPTCL told that a 2 MBPS lease line is required for SCADA arrangement from SLDC to WESCO DSOCC. A letter has been issued to GM, BSNL, Sambalpur. It is worthwhile to mention here that as per case No. 50/2010, para 13.6.1, OERC have approved the SLDC’s ARR (including SCADA arrangement ofDiscom). So, the expenditure for the entire setup (excluding the lease line and petty materials) shall be borne by SLDC.

3)The Solar unit’s import is yet to be deducted from WESCO’s bills.

4)The block wise statement as provided in SLDC website may be provided in EXCEL format instead of pdf. format. For safety reason the data may be provided both in pdf. and EXCEL format.

5)For the last four months hardly for 10 days full 96 block data are available on ABT Dashboard.

CGM (IT) / GRIDCO / SLDC may please deliberate.


(i)Incorrect display of Dashboard data and lagging of drawal data by one block. Display of transformer drawal at Sunabeda.

(ii)Implementation of Intra ABT, Phase-2.

(iii)Billing of traction feeder drawal at Traction sub-station end.

(iv)Normalization of Ganjam grid sub-station.


(i)Correctness of Dashboard data

(ii)Non implementation of downward revision by SLDC

(iii)Demand disconnectioninstructions by SLDC disproportionately in case of overdraw.

(iv)Implementation of Deviation Regulation in the State is not acceptable to CESU without any direction from the Hon’ble Commission.

(v)Non acceptance of decision regarding incorporation of Pallahara feeder drawal in CESU’s drawal.

(vi)Load drawal by other Discoms from CESU area.

(vii)Issues such as bay extension, commissioning of new sub-stations, expedite the work of ongoing new sub-stations and Up-gradation of existing sub-station capacity etc.


E1: Commissioning status of New Transmission elements.

As deliberated in lat meeting the status of commissioning of new transmission elements is as follows:

Sl. No / Details of transmission element / Present Status
1 / Commissioning of 220 kV Jayanagar-Jeypore 2nd DC line / Work has already been started. Expected to be completed by June 2015.
2 / Commissioning of 400 kV Meramundali-Mendhasal 2nd ckt / Line is ready and shall be charged after commissioning of 3rd ICT at Mendhasal for which work order / PO issued. (October-2015)
3 / Commissioning of 400 kV Ib-Meramundali D/C line. / 400kV SSEL-Meramundali line has been idle charged from SSEL end. The line will be made operational after completion of inspection.
4 / Commissioning of 400 kV Duburi-Meramundali D/C line. / Expected by the end of January 2015. ESI hospital has filed case.
5 / Commissioning of 220 kV Bidanasi-Cuttack line / Work in progress and expected to be completed by June 2015.
6 / Commissioning of 220/132 kV Cuttack S/S / Work in progress and expected to be completed by June 2015.
7 / Commissioning of 132 kV Baripada (PG)-Jaleswar line / Work has already been started, which will be completed by December 2015.
8 / Commissioning of 220/132 kV Kesinga S/S / Work under progress. Expected by September 2015.
9 / Connectivity to Keonjhar PG / Proposal to connect by LILO of 220 kV Joda-TTPS through Nayagarh 220 kV (ESSAR) S/S. Expected to be completed by June 2015.
10 / LILO of 220 kV Burla-Bolangir line (one ckt) at Bolangir(PG) / Work awarded.Expected to be completed by March, 2015
11 / 220 kV Bolangir –Kesinga D/C line and LILO of one ckt at Bolangir(PG). / 220kV Bolangir – Kesinga D/C line is under construction. It is proposed to connect Bolangir (PG) through LILO arrangement of one ckt. (may be delayed due to land dispute with IDCO)

[Action: CGM (Construction)]

Status of Discom’s action plan for power drawal from the S/Ss expected to be commissioned in near future.

Sl. No / Name of the sub-station / Probable month of commissioning / Name of DISCOM / Action taken by Discoms
1 / 132/33kV, 2x20 MVA Banki / Nov’14 / CESU / 33 kV feeder work completed.
2 / 132/33kV, 2x20 MVA Konark / Mar’15 / CESU / Line existing
3 / 132/33kV, 2x20 MVA Samuka beach / Mar’15 / CESU / L&T has taken up
4 / 132/33kV, 2x20 MVA Khajuriakota / Mar’15 / CESU
5 / 132/33kV, 2x40 MVA Sarasmal / Dec’14 / WESCO
6 / 132/33kV, 2x40 MVA Kalunga / Nov’14 / WESCO
7 / 220/33kV, 2x20 MVA Banei / June’15 / WESCO
8 / 132/33kV, 2x20 MVA Boud / Dec’14 / SOUTHCO / 33 kV Boudh feeder completed. Purunapatna feeder under progress
9 / 132/33kV, 2x12.5 MVA Dabugaon / Dec’14 / SOUTHCO / 33 kV Dabugaon and Papadahandi feeder completed
10 / 132/33kV, 2x12.5 MVA Umerkote / Mar’15 / SOUTHCO / Requisition for funds placed
11 / 132/33kV, 2x20 MVA Nawapara / Nov’14 / WESCO / 33 kV feeder work completed.
12 / 132/33kV, 2x20 MVA Padmapur / March’15 / WESCO / Court case
13 / 132/33kV, 2x20 MVA Udala / Mar-15 / NESCO / Line existing
14 / 132/33kV, 2x20 MVA Somanathpur / March’15 / NESCO

In the last meeting it was decided that CESU shall explore construction of 33/0.4 kV sub-station at Mendhasal to avail power supply for Mendhasal area.

All DISCOMS may update the status.

E2: Installation of Energy Metering at Hydro/Traction & Solar projects.

In the last meeting it was deliberated that installation of meters at all hydro stations except Indravati HEP and traction S/Ssexcept Bamara, Bhalulata and Chandiposi traction S/Sshave been completed. It is learnt that Indravati authority has not provided a plate for meter installation in the panel. OHPC may instruct to Sr. G.M, Indravati HEP to provide the required plate. Discoms are requested to ask railway authority for change of CT / PT and identify the space for meter installation.

CGM (O&M)may update the status / OHPC / WESCOmay please deliberate.

E3: Metering issue of TTPS.

In the last meeting it was decided to hold a meeting on 04.12.2014 between Gridco and TTPS to resolve the issue.

GRIDCO / TTPS may please deliberate.

E4: Construction of 220 kV Tarkera-RSP 2nd DC line.

In the last meeting it was deliberated that the matter is under examination by OPTCL.

CGM (Const.) / RSP may please deliberate.

E5:Shifting of 33 kV line from Balasore Grid S/S yard to facilitate separation of Tfr and Balasore Alloy bays.

In the last meeting NESCO stated that M/S Balasore Alloy has agreed to take up the work.

NESCO may please deliberate.

E6:Implementation of Automatic Meter Reading for OPTCL-Discom interface points.

It was deliberated in the last meeting that Automatic Meter Reading (AMR) for all the interface points is to be made operational very soon. On implementation of the same, all Discom shall receive the block wise drawal data for all interconnection points. Discoms have already furnished the revised formats. Since provision has already made under the ULDC expansion project for providing Video Display Units (VDU) to all the Discom at DSOCC for display of their drawal from SCADA system, further providing data from AMR may create confusion. This may be examined by CGM (IT).