Unit: 3 Heather Bundick / Week 21 Monday Jan. 9th 2017 Day 1
Domain: Measurement and Data / Suggested time/duration: 60 minutes
Standard: MAFS.2.MD.1.1
Measure the length of an object to the nearest inch, foot, centimeter, or meter by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes. / Learning Target(s):
  • describe attributes of a standard linear measurement tool (e.g., inch ruler, centimeter ruler, yardstick, meter stick, measuring tapes) such as: equally spaced numbers, consecutive numbers (0, 1, 2, …), equally spaced markings between numbers, awareness of where the zero is located (i.e., the most appropriate place to begin measuring an object).
  • understand that length tells how long, how tall, or how wide something is.
  • select an appropriate tool to measure the length of an object provided by the teacher.

Rigor: Procedural Skill and Fluency / SMP(s): 4. Model with mathematics 5. Use appropriate tools strategically 6. Attend to precision 7. Look for and make use of structure

Materials/Resources: CPALMS Might We Measure This?, rulers, yard sticks, meter sticks, measuring tape, document camera, notebook paper, cube-shaped tissue box, pencil, crayons, yarn, strips of paper that measure: 5 inches, 8 inches, and 12 inches, Might We Measure This? Standard Measurement Chart, CPALMS Turtle Extension Activity, CPALMS Formative Assessment, How Big Is A Foot digital book (

Engage: Flocabulary Video: OR watch How Big is a Foot? Digital Story:

  • Create a 4 door foldable for Ruler, Yardstick, Meter stick, Measuring Tape
  • Fill in each door with the title and description of each item.
(Fill this in as the teacher, then make a copy for each student per their responses. You can put 2 charts per page
Ruler / Yardstick / Meter stick / Measuring Tape
  • It has numbers 1 to 12.
  • It is shorter than the other ones.
  • It has numbers 1 to 36.
  • It is just a little shorter than the meter stick.
  • It is about as tall as me.
  • It has numbers 1 to 100.
  • The numbers are closer together.
  • It is floppy and not hard like the rest.

  • Have students explore with these tools for measuring by pairing up and measuring items like: Chair, Ball, Desk, Pencil, Eraser. Have students write down how much each object measures under their foldable tabs.
Explore: Centers:
  • M: Math Facts
  • A:Garden Tools Measurement Worksheet
  • T: Students will engage in MobyMax
  • H: Students will practice concepts through hands on activities and games.

Elaborate:Ask students what they noticed when they were measuring the different objects.
Evaluate: Informal Observation. 4 door foldable.
Options for remediation/extension:CPALMS Turtle Extension Activity
Unit: 3 / Week 21 Tuesday Jan. 10th 2017 Day 2
Domain: Measurement and Data / Suggested time/duration: 60 minutes
Standard: MAFS.2.MD.1.1
Measure the length of an object to the nearest inch, foot, centimeter, or meter by selecting and using appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks, and measuring tapes. / Learning Target(s):
  • describe attributes of a standard linear measurement tool (e.g., inch ruler, centimeter ruler, yardstick, meter stick, measuring tapes) such as: equally spaced numbers, consecutive numbers (0, 1, 2, …), equally spaced markings between numbers, awareness of where the zero is located (i.e., the most appropriate place to begin measuring an object).
  • understand that length tells how long, how tall, or how wide something is.
  • select an appropriate tool to measure the length of an object provided by the teacher.
  • measure and record the length of various objects provided by the teacher to the nearest inch, foot, centimeter, or meter (from any given number).

Rigor : Procedural Skill and Fluency / SMP(s): 5. Use appropriate tools strategically

Materials/Resources: LearnZillion Unit 2, Lesson 5 Practice choosing measurement tools (printed form)LearnZillionUnit 2, Lesson 5 Practice choosing measurement tools (weblink), LearnZillion unit 2, Lesson 5 In-Class Practice, Howard County Assessment Task 2, rulers

Engage: Play Quiz Quiz Trade
  • Teacher/Student will go through the LearnZillion Lesson on Measurement:
  • Use the Gradual Release for the In Class Practice Packet that goes along with the LearnZillion lesson. I Do: 1, We Do: problem 2, They Do: problems 3 and 4, You Do: problems 5-8.
  • Review problems for correct answers.
Explore: Centers:
  • M: Math Facts
  • A: Garden Tools Measurement Worksheet
  • T: Students will engage in MobyMax
  • H: Students will practice concepts through hands on activities and games.

Elaborate: Use Card 4 and 5 from the LearnZillion lesson. Go over the correct answers for problems 5-8 on the In Class Practice.
Evaluate: In Class Practice. Informal Observation
Options for remediation/extension:
Unit: 3 / Week 21 Wednesday Jan. 11th 2017 Day 3
Domain: Measurement and Data / Suggestedtime/duration: 60 minutes
Standard: MAFS.2.MD.1.3
Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, yards, centimeters, and meters. / Learning Target(s):
  • discover useful benchmarks for the following measurements: inch, foot, yard, centimeter, and meter.
  • estimate a reasonable length for a given object visually after seeing a benchmark unit.
  • estimate length using inch, foot, yard, centimeter,

Rigor: Procedural Skill and Fluency / SMP(s): 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others

Materials/Resources: LearnZillion Unit 14, Lesson 1 Understand ways to estimate length (paper form), LearnZillion Unit 14, Lesson 1 Understand ways to estimate length (weblink), rulers, tree map, Estimating and Measuring Length Practice Handout (items needed for handout – index card, juice box, highlighter marker, science book, pencil), FACT MAFS.2.MD.1.3 Sticky Bars,Estimating and Measuring Document, child-friendly music

Engage: Create a tree map with things that are about one foot and things that are about one inch with a partner. Compare results whole
  • Play LearnZillion Lesson on Estimating Length. Engage a discussion and follow the teaching guide.
  • After LearnZillion lesson divide students in groups to complete a “Mix-Pair-Share” Estimating and Measuring Activity.
  • Students will partner up with one other student and estimate each item in inches and centimeters. Then take the measurements. Then they will share their results with other students while music is playing.
Explore: Centers:
  • M: Math Facts
  • A: Garden Tools Measurement Worksheet
  • T: Students will engage in MobyMax
  • H: Students will practice concepts through hands on activities and games.

Elaborate: UseLearnZillion Cards 7-8 to facilitate a closing discussion
Evaluate: Estimating and Measuring Activity. Informal Assessment.
Options for remediation/extension:Use the “Addition Practice” questions from Card 8 on the LearnZillion lesson with students who need additional support.
Unit: 3 / Week 21 Thursday Jan. 12th 2017 Day 4
Domain: Measurement and Data / Suggested time/duration: 60 minutes
Standard: MAFS.2.MD.1.3
Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, yards, centimeters, and meters. / Learning Target(s):
  • discover useful benchmarks for the following measurements: inch, foot, yard, centimeter, and meter.
  • estimate a reasonable length for a given object visually after seeing a benchmark unit.
  • estimate length using inch, foot, yard, centimeter,

Rigor: Procedural Skill and Fluency / SMP(s): 5. Use appropriate tools strategically

Materials/Resources: LearnZillion Unit 14, Lesson 3 Practice estimating lengths in centimeters (printed form), LearnZillion Unit 14, Lesson 3 Practice estimating lengths in centimeters (weblink), In Class Practice,Estimating and Measuring Document (also used on Week 21, Day 3), Tree Map, Estimating and Measuring Length Practice Handout (items needed for handout – index card, juice box, highlighter marker, science book, pencil), Howard County Assessment Task 4

Engage: Create a Tree Map for “what is about one centimeter” and “what is about one meter.”
  • LearnZillion Lesson on Estimating lengths in centimeters and meters:
  • Students and Teacher will complete the In-Class Math Practice using the gradual release method.
Explore: Centers:
  • M: Math Facts
  • A: Garden Tools Measurement Worksheet
  • T: Students will engage in MobyMax
  • H: Students will practice concepts through hands on activities and games.

Elaborate: Cards 4-5 from the LearnZillion lesson. Use the teaching notes to facilitate a discussion.
Evaluate: Formative Assessment on Centimeters and Meters: 10 points
Options for remediation/extension:
Unit: 3 / Week 21 Friday Jan. 13th 2017 Day 5
Domain: Measurement and Data / Suggested time/duration:60 minutes
Standard: MAFS.2.MD.1.3
Estimate lengths using units of inches, feet, yards, centimeters, and meters. / Learning Target(s):
  • discover useful benchmarks for the following measurements: inch, foot, yard, centimeter, and meter.
  • estimate a reasonable length for a given object visually after seeing a benchmark unit.
  • estimate length using inch, foot, yard, centimeter,

Rigor: Procedural Skill and Fluency / SMP(s): 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 5. Use appropriate tools strategically 6. Attend to precision

Materials/Resources: Flocabulary: Estimating Lengths and Exit Ticket Assessment

Engage: Students will watch a Flocabulary video: :
  • Students will take a formative assessment on Estimating Lengths in centimeters and meters and Exit Ticket MD.1 (18 points)
Explore:No Centers
Elaborate: Formative Assessment (18 points)
Evaluate: Formative Assessment (18 points)
Options for remediation/extension:Extension: Students create their own game cards: Each student creates 2-3 game cards using objects around the classroom. Students can switch game cards and play with a different partner.