Customer Price Quote Request Form

Online Access to the

Serial Publications of the American Society for Horticultural Science

Please print out this form and provide the following information. ASHS will send a price quote for online access for your institution. Your online subscription will allow access to research published from 1994 to present. Subscription period is for the calendar year (January 1 through December 31).

1)Which of the following are you requesting a price quote for?

(Check all that apply)

___ Journal of ASHS___ HortScience___ HortTechnology

___ Online Access & Paper Copy of the Publications

___ Online Access Only

___Immediate Access AND/OR ____ 2009 Calendar Year Start


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E-mail Address: ______

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5)What type of subscription are you interested in?

–––– Global License (worldwide access covering more than one campus or location)

–––– Multi-Site License (more than one campus or location)

–––– Single Site License (one campus or single facility)

6)How many people will have access? ______

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9)Please provide the complete names of any institutions that are “partners,” “affiliates,” or “subsidiaries” of your institution that you would like to give access or will automatically receive access to the online subscription content:


10)Please provide your IP Address information: ______

11)Please list the names of different sites/campuses this online subscription will serve, along with complete address information for each site or campus (i.e., Extension centers, research facilities). If you do not have enough space, please attach a list of all sites/campuses):

Thank you - please send completed form to:

Fatema Gharzai

American Society of Horticultural Science

113 South West Street, Suite 200

Alexandria, VA22314-2851


Telephone: 703-836-4606

Fax: 703-836-2024