Dear Community Partner:

We are excited to announce the FIRST Community wide Back to School Expo! This event will be held on August 2, 2014 at the Stonewall Government Complex 140 Stonewall Ave West, Fayetteville. The following agencies and organizations are partnering to provide this Expo for parents of school age children and youth: Fayette FACTOR Family Connection, Fayette County Health Department, Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta and Fayette County Schools.

Our theme is “School Readiness”. The following services will be on-site to help families/children be ready for an August 7th start date: (1) immunizations /boosters and screenings for elementary, middle and high school students (2) information and applications for lunch programs and, (3) opportunities to meet and register for afterschool programs, tutoring assistance and other youth enrichment programs. Representatives from Fayette County Schools will be present to provide parents with information regarding volunteer opportunities and other parent-geared events and activities that will be happening at their children’s school during the 2014-2015 school year. We will also have food and fun activities for the entire family. This will be a free event for our families to attend.

We are inviting you to participate as a sponsor, vendor or donor. Your presence will not only enrich the experience of those in attendance, but will also promote a sense of community support for students and their families.

Included with this cover letter, please find our Back to School Expo Flyer and a registration form. To participate in the event, please complete the registration form and email to as soon as possible. Spaces (10’x10’) are limited and will be awarded on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is no cost for faith-based organizations, non-profits and county agencies. However, we encourage you to bring generic school supplies to give to students/families that visit your table. We are asking businesses to pay a tax-deductible $250 fee which will be used toward funding this event, specifically the purchase of supplies. We are also looking for event sponsors. With a tax-deductible gift of $500 your company name and logo will be included in all pre and post event marketing. You will also have a presence at the event – through space for your booth, your marketing items will be a part of every goodie bag and you will be recognized throughout the day of the event.

Please don’t hesitate to contact us with questions about how you can get involved with this event. We’re so excited to involve the community in our efforts to help local students and their families – join us as we present this wonderful event to Fayette County residents!

For the children,

Becky Smith Glenda Bryant Laura Turner Kim Bryan

Executive Director County Nurse Manager Community Outreach Liaison Social Worker

Fayette FACTOR Health Department Children's Healthcare of Atlanta Fayette Schools