September 15, 2008
7:30 P.M.
The meeting was called to order by President Bruce Nowak with the following trustees answering to roll call: Ralph Bowley, Mike French, Al Lehr, Linda Lehr, Laura Schaefer and Mike Todd. Mike Flynn was present. The Pledge of the Allegiance was recited.
Mike Todd made a motion to approve the September 2, 2008 minutes as presented and it was seconded by Laura Schaefer. The motion carried unanimously.
COMMITTEE ON ACCOUNTS AND COMPUTERS: Ralph Bowley stated that he has reviewed the bills and made a motion to pay the bills. The motion was seconded by Mike Todd. The motion carried unanimously.
PERSONNEL: Linda Lehr stated that the Village office will be closed November 14th for the staff to attend Locis training. No one opposed the closing.
SEWER: Al Lehr stated that Don Traiteur and his crew pumped two places at Polk Street and Madison Street and at the Ballpark lift station. There was an alarm that went off at Wheatridge because of a power surge. The new sewer is being tested with minor problems.
Don Traiteur stated that Garden Place had a backup. They did have one spot of water in the basement. Al Lehr stated that that end of town was out of power for a short time. Al Lehr stated that Brian informed him that on a normal Sunday he runs 300K gallons of water through the sewer plant; this past Sunday there was over 800K with the storm.
WATER: Al Lehr stated that the water tower ran over twice Sunday. Illinois American came out and found a celluloid was not programmed right. They informed Brian how to program it correctly so it would kick off at the right height.
Don Traiteur reported that patch work was done on the Oak Street water line. The paper work was not filled out right. There were no problems with the water sample.
REFUSE: Al Lehr stated that two resident’s trash pickup was missed last week. They were picked up early Thursday morning. October 4th will be the white goods pick up date. The items have to be out by 6:00 a.m. The refrigerators do not have to be red tagged. The recyclers will take care of that. A reminder will be published in the newspaper.
STREETS, ALLEYS AND SIDEWALKS: Mike Todd reported the following:
The Millstadt Lion’s Club requested permission to hold their annual candy drive collection at the 4 way stop on October 17th and 18th. Todd made a motion to allow the Millstadt’s Lions Club to hold their candy drive at the 4 way intersection. Ralph Bowley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Jennifer Drennan requested permission to hold a customer appreciation day for Happy Days with an Elvis concert by Steve Davis on Sunday, October 5th from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. She requested permission to block off part of Monroe Street from W. Washington to the end of the garage on the west side of Happy Day’s. Ms. Drennan will acquire permission from the neighbors. Todd made a motion to grant the street closure from Monroe St. from W. Washington to the end of Happy Day’s garage from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m. Linda Lehr seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Mike Todd asked Don Traiteur to report on problems with some street lights at the Briars. Traiteur stated that there are seven lights total at the Briars. He met with a lady that is taking care of their homeowner’s association. They are concerned that one of the lights will fall over on the corner of Wall Street. Traiteur stated that the lights were poured with no fittings. The concrete base was put in the ground. The property was landscaped and the dirt was removed from around the pole. The rest of the poles have dirt around them and they are solid. Traiteur stated that he pushed on the pole and it was solid but if it was hit it could fall over. Todd asked if there is anything in writing that it is the Village’s responsibility for the decorative street lights in the Briars. Tracy Holmes stated she does not know of anything in writing. Todd thought that most of the lights in town are Ameren’s responsibility but charged to us. Traiteur is investigating who is responsible. Ralph Bowley stated that Ameren came out and reinstalled the light at his corner. Traiteur stated that he believes the contractor installed the lights. Todd stated they will wait until they get more information. Traiteur stated that when the lady bought her property she was told by the contractor that it would be the Village’s responsibility when they were annexed.
The 60/40 project is done. The last day was September 5th. There was some money left over. Todd stated that he wanted to take $7,000 to redo the curb and entrance project for the handicap ramp by 1st National Bank that was discussed at the last meeting. The bank was contacted to contribute to the project. The 60/40 contractor is getting ready to end the project. No one on the Board opposed the project.
CABLE SERVICES AND CELL TOWERS: Linda Lehr stated she has a call into Neil Gilb, the Government Relations Manager for Charter Communications. The franchise agreement has not been finalized. Part of the agreement will include the new Charter phone service. Steve Muskopf stated that since carriers are merging, we probably won’t get more requests for the cell tower.
ORDINANCES: Mike French on the following:
Resolution 08-17 Resolution approving a capital improvement project in the Village of Millstadt TIF District. French stated that the storm sewer on E. Laurel needs to be replaced. The cost will be $16,963.00. French made a motion to accept the Resolution. Ralph Bowley seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Ordinance No. 1011 an Ordinance to amend Chapter 34 (purchasing and finance) of the revised Ordinances of the Village of Millstadt, IL was tabled.
ANNEXATIONS: Linda Lehr reported the committee met last week with a family that is interested in annexing. Some others are interested but the Village is not at their property line yet. The next annexation meeting is set for October 14th at the Community Center at 7:00 p.m.
PARKS, POOL AND RECREATION: Laura Schaefer reported the following:
- The Biathlon took place a week ago and it was a success. They ran out of volunteer and riders t-shirts.
- Saturday, 9-20, there was a dedication to the Crusader’s Memorial on the corner of Main and Gooding.
- The Park Board will meet 7:00p.m. on 9-18 at the pool pavilion.
- Laura and Don Traiteur met with Jim Clossen with Risk Management. The baby pool and the park equipment were reviewed and overall there was generally good news. There were no requirements just guidelines. Mr. Clossen did make some suggestions for the rocket ship slide. He also suggested putting up a sign that states no jumping in the baby pool, violators will be removed, no warnings.
COMMUNITY CENTER: Linda Lehr stated that the Senior Police Academy started last Monday night, the first of six sessions. It is headed up by Lt. Alan Hucke. The Community Center will be cooking apple butter for extra funds starting on Thursday, September 25th. If anyone is interested in helping they can contact Charolotte Mertens. The next Community Center Executive Board meeting will be September 22nd at 7:30 p.m.
PLANNING COMMISSION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Mike French reported that the regular scheduled Planning Commission meeting is scheduled for September 16th. Dan Duncan, the Planning Commission Chairman, suggested October 23rd for the comprehensive planning group to review the individual plans from each committee. The Chamber of Commerce committee is moving forward with the non-for-profit filing with the Secretary of State’s Office. They are creating by-laws and articles. The third Wednesday in October is the proposed date for the first meeting. They are establishing a dues structure and a Board of Directors.
Police Department: Ed Wilkerson reported that the police department received two diesel 4 wheel drive vehicles through the Law Enforcement Support Organization (LESO) federal program. Chief Wilkerson stated that they are in their 80’s and have about 50K miles; they are in pretty good shape. They were no cost to the Village. In total the Village has received over $100K worth of equipment through the program. The Village pays an annual fee of $300 to be in the program. The program is for military surplus property.
BUILDING COMMISSIONER: Steve Muskopf presented the following building permits:
Rule 412 Bardswell Dr Single Family Residence
Davenport 619 W. Harrison St. Detached Garage
Sager 737 Admiral Wendt Pkwy. Single Family Residence
Laing 6158 Floraville Rd. Room Addition
Muskopf stated that he received a call from the principal at St. James School concerning people that drive through the alley when the kids are at recess. They want a gate installed to use when the children are present. Muskopf will get back to the principal on what kind of gate they want.
OLD BUSINESS: Mike French stated that based on Mike Flynn’s recommendation, the Village is not going to pursue a change in the sign ordinance.
Tracy Holmes stated that she and the Mayor met with Mr. Kreisler from Kreisler Insurance for a bid on the Workman’s Comp and Liability insurance. He was recommended by the Mayor from some other Mayors. Holmes will have a follow-up meeting. Holmes stated that this is the first time that she knows of that the Village has considered an outside company for this insurance. The Village has always used the IML for insurance. Mr. Kreilser holds about 80 municipalities south of Springfield. Our current policy is for a calendar year. Holmes stated that the Village receives a 2% discount if the premium is paid by November 1st and for $70K that is a lot of money. We need to give a 30 day notice to cancel. Holmes stated that there are concerns with the current insurance with the sewer backups.
Laura Schaefer asked for the status of Waste Management handling the recycling. Tracy Holmes stated she has not heard back yet. Schaefer stated that the paper recycling was full when she arrived at 9:30 and they were sending people to the school bins but they do not take cardboard.
Linda Lehr stated that a sticker went up on the bins in town that stated no cardboard. Other municipalities do not have that sign. Schaefer stated that we were OK on the co-mingle bins. We will need more paper bins. Al Lehr stated that he was told they do not want cardboard because there is no weight, there is a lot more weight with paper. Linda Lehr stated we as a Village need to go forward with our recycling. Schaefer stated that we did ask for options and did talk about mandatory recycling, residents do not have to use it but they will pay for it.
NEW BUSINESS: Laura Schaefer stated that MCS and St. James have asked for pool pass donations for their dinner auctions. Linda Lehr stated that the Village has donated pool passes to the schools for years. Laura Schaefer made a motion to approve the family passes for MCS and St. James. Al Lehr seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
Ralph Bowley stated that the auditors came in at 7:00 before the meeting and we are doing a great job. Tracy Holmes and the staff are doing a great job. The report is for public view.
TREASURER’S REPORT: Tracy Holmes reported that the Treasurer’s Report has been submitted for review. A motion was made by Laura Schaefer and was seconded by Mike Todd to approve the Treasurer’s Report as presented. The motion carried unanimously.
CLERK’S REPORT: Tracy Holmes reported that the Clerk’s Report has been submitted for review. A motion was made by Al Lehr to accept the Clerk’s Report as presented and was seconded by Linda Lehr. The motion carried unanimously.
Ralph Bowley made a motion to adjourn the Village Board meeting and was seconded by Mike Todd. The motion carried unanimously.
Janice Dreyer, Clerk Bruce Nowak, President