Act4Change Application Form
Name:Organisation/Group name:
Social media page(s):
Please select the locations in which you are interested in creating an Act4Change project:
Nottinghamshire Area £ Leicestershire £ Nottinghamshire £ Derbyshire £ Northamptonshire £ Lincolnshire £ Rutland and surrounding areas £
Other (please list)
Specify district(s) here: ______
Will you offer Arts Award as part of your Act4Change Event? (Please highlight)
Yes No Unsure
Would you be willing to host a workshop at your venue? (Please highlight)
Yes No
Tell us how you feel you will be able to deliver the 6-steps of an Act4Change project explained in the Act4Change Application Pack.
Provide relevant examples of previous work or organisational expertise where appropriate. Across the 6 stages attempt to clearly demonstrate the 5 ‘key criteria’ within your explanations (not necessarily all 5 in each stage). Aim for no more than 200 words for each step (the boxes will automatically expand as you type).
Questions have been put as prompts to the left of each box but please feel free to go beyond these in your answers to the steps.
Describe the group of young people you can/will work with and how you will help them identify a social issue that affects them and their community
How will children and young people, as well as other community partners, be able to research the issue and create a project to tackle an aspect of it?
How you will engage other children and young people in the community to get involved in the
Act4Change project? Include the names of any potential partners in the area that will help you to do this.
Describe the existing and/or planned infrastructure you will access to ensure the successful delivery of the Act4Change project. Include examples of your in responding to change and to ongoing needs.
Show your understanding and approaches to evaluating the impact of your work, describing some techniques you might use to measure the outcomes for young people involved in Act4Change.
Briefly explain how you envisage the Act4Change ethos and vision continuing beyond the life of this project, describing the outcomes you see as long-lasting and transformative.
Successful applicants, once a final project plan has been written and agreed, will receive £1,000 in seed funding to be spent on delivering the Act4Change project.
Outline any additional funding / income that will be used to support the funding of any Act4Change project (if known):
Source / Amount
Total: / £
Deadline: All entries must be in by 5pm on Wednesday 28th September 2016
Appendix A: Evidencing Your Capacity and Understanding
In the table below is provided some examples of the kind of experience and understanding we are looking for when marking assessing applications. This is merely to provide some guidance for when completing your application form, you may have other examples you feel are better suited based upon your own organisation’s experiences.
Note that these are just examples and are not meant to be viewed as instructive or exhaustive.
Tell us how you feel you will be able to deliver the ‘6-step Programme’ highlighted in the diagram on page 4 of this document.Provide relevant examples of previous work or organisational expertise where appropriate. Across the 6 stages attempt to clearly demonstrate the 5 ‘key criteria’ within your explanations (not necessarily all 5 in each stage). Aim for no more than 150 words for each step (the boxes will automatically expand as you type).
INFORM / · Focus groups will be held with local youth setting/college/training provider
· Young People already engaged have already identified social needs to address through previous meetings/projects
· Social Media campaign will be held targeting young people to ascertain what they are passionate about changing in their communities
· Will hold an open event to which young people in the local area will be invited to provide their input
· Nominate local young people already worked with to act as project leaders and charge them to engage with other local young people to interview and capture their thoughts on social needs to be addressed
Describe how local children and young people will inform the social need that the Act4Change will seek to address
IDEATE / · Young Leaders will canvas local community groups on potential ideas to help address the social need selected, as well as identify resources they will need
· Established group of young people/volunteers will hold an idea generation session and then poll local people and businesses to help select the best idea
· Young people will conduct research to identify how other social action projects (in the UK and beyond) have tried to tackle the social need selected in their areas. They will then select their favourite and adapt it to reflect their local community and its resources
Once the need has been identified, how will children and young people, as well as other community partners, be able to generate ideas on how they might respond?
ENGAGE / · Name the group of young people that are already engaged with you as a community partner, as well as how you intend to grow and diversify the opportunities available to them and others
· How you will engage with other settings and services in which other young people are involved e.g. an F.E. college will engage with a community centre/youth club to provide new opportunities
· The work you can and will do to identify individual or groups of young people in the local area who are not engaged with social action currently (e.g. flyers, liaising with youth workers or probation services, promoting on youth radio stations etc.)
Explain how you will engage with children and young people in the community to get involved in delivering your Act4Change project. Include the names of any potential partners in the area that will help you to do this
ACT / · Projects that you as a community partner have in the past, clearly stating the impact on both the young people involved AND the wider community, demonstrating improvements brought about as a result of these projects
· Key workers will help to develop the young people on an ongoing basis within the community partner organisation (mentors, coaches, volunteers, teachers etc.)
· You will engage and embed with creative approaches and practices to help the Young ChangeMakers to develop these skills. For example, your commitment to work with TMC in identifying local artists to hold sessions with the ChangeMakers, or each ChangeMaker will undertake a Bronze Arts Award, or a dedicated weekly vlog/blog will be produced by the ChangeMakers and hosted online etc.)
· Young ChangeMakers will schedule and conduct their own progress reviews and amend actions and activities based upon their own reflections
Describe the existing and/or planned infrastructure you can/will access to ensure delivery of the Act4Change project, using examples of your adaptability and strength-in-depth to respond to change and to ongoing needs
EVALUATE / · Baselining will be conducted at the start of the Act4Change project against the ChangeMakers’ views on their own skills (creativity, teamwork, self-esteem, leadership etc.) and assessments done at the end of project to measure ‘distance travelled’ in these areas
· Online surveys (e.g. survey monkey, social media polls or feedback) will be conducted with the local community and the ChangeMakers to provide their own feelings on the success/impact of the Act4Change project
· A full evaluation session will be held with all the ChangeMakers involved and conversations will be recorded/filmed explaining their thoughts on how the project went
· All ChangeMakers will complete a weekly diary which will capture their journey and will be used in 1-2-1 meetings at the end of the project to help individuals identify their contributions and their own development
Show your understanding and approaches to evaluating impact of your work, describing some techniques you might use to measure the outcomes for young people involved in Act4Change
SUSTAIN / · Funding will be raised during the Act4Change project to create a ‘legacy fund’ which will allow continuance of activity in addressing the social need identified
· Young ChangeMakers will be given the opportunity to progress onto Silver or Gold Arts Award (or another qualification)
· The aim is to create a social venture that will provide dedicated service to young people and/or address the social need identified by the ChangeMakers
· A commitment to growing the number of ChangeMakers/young volunteers in the community by X% in the following 12 months (describe how this would be done)
Briefly explain how you envisage the Act4Change ethos and vision can be continued beyond the life of this project, describing the outcomes you see as long-lasting and transformative