Town of Oriental – Board of Commissioners Meeting

November 6, 2007

The Oriental Town Board of Commissioners met on Tuesday, November 6, 2007 at 7:00 pm at the Oriental Town Hall. Present were Mayor Styron and Commissioners Bohmert, Herlands, Inger, Johnson and Venturi. Also present were Planning Board members Cox, Creighton and Olson. Thirty members of the public were in attendance.

Mayor Styron opened the meeting and led the Pledge of Allegiance.

MOTION: Commissioner Inger made a motion to approve the minutes. Second by Commissioner Bohmert. Vote 5-0.

PROFESSIONAL PLANNER ROB WILL’S PRESENTATION – Copy of power point presentation covering Conditional Zoning, PUD, etc. is in the minutes book.

SEA HARBOR’S SUP PERMIT EXTENSION – Attorney Ben Hollowell, speaking on behalf Mr. Steve Brice, requested an extension to the SUP Application No. 2006-13. He also stated the scope of the project had changed from building condominiums to townhomes.

MOTION: Commissioner Venturi made a motion to approve the extension. Second by Commissioner Inger. Vote 5-0.

205 HIGH STREET – LISANNE ERICKSON – Ms. Erickson read a statement concerning the issue surrounding her dwellings on her property on High Street. (A neighbor sent a letter to the Town Hall stating that in violation of the GMO, Ms. Erickson was renting both dwellings to non family members). Adjoining property owners Mr. Duffie and Mrs. Mayes read statements (copies of statements are in the minutes book). Commissioner Herlands suggested that the applicant could request a change in the zoning to R-2.

MOTION: Commissioner Bohmert made a motion to table the issue for 60 days, with no penalties, so that options may be explored to try to bring the situation into compliance with the GMO. Second by Commissioner Johnson. Vote 5-0.

TOWN ATTORNEY REPORT – Concerning the South Avenue litigation, Mr. Davis reported that there will be a pre-trial hearing in two weeks with Judge Crowe involving just the lawyers. Concerning the Bysheim law suit; an extension to respond until December 3, 2007 was granted. He also stated the new board will be sworn in at the beginning of the next meeting in December.

PLANNING BOARD REPORT – A copy of the report, given by Chairman Olson, is in the minutes book.

AMENDMENT TO THE TREE ORDINANCE – MOTION: Commissioner Johnson made a motion to adopt the amendment. Second by Commissioner Inger. Vote 5-0.

TOURISM BOARD REPORT – A copy of the report, given by Commissioner Bohmert, is in the minutes book.

Town Board Meeting – November 6, 2007 p 2 of 2

BAY RIVER REPORT – A copy of the report, given by Commissioner Inger, is in the minutes book.

POLICE REPORT – A copy of the report, given by Chief Casassa, is in the minutes book.

MANAGER’S REPORT – We will need to reconfigure the waste water discharge project

due to stormwater exiting through the same pipe. The building of the storage building at the water plant is moving along smoothly. After receiving a bid for the Town Hall renovations, the plans need to be revised to reduce the cost.

BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT – As some of the terms have expired, Mr. Davis recommends the Board reappoint some of the Board of Adjustment members.

MOTION: Commissioner Herlands made a motion to reappoint Mr.Valinoti, Mr. Griffin and Mr. Kraus to the Board of Adjustment. Second by Commissioner Johnson. Vote 5-0.

MOTION: Commissioner Herlands made a motion to appoint Mr. Carmichael to the Board of Adjustment and to make Mr. Bond the first alternate. Second by Commissioner Bohmert. Vote 5-0.

CAMA LUP PUBLIC HEARING – MOTION: Commissioner Herlands made a motion to schedule a public hearing on December 4, 2007 at 7:00 pm at the Town Board meeting to receive public comment on the CAMA LUP. Second by Commissioner Bohmert. Vote 5-0.

SPIRIT OF CHRISTMAS – Organizer Ms. Wagoner requested permission to allow parking along the waterfront during the flotilla on December 7 and to allow rafting at the Town Dock the weekend of December 7-9.

MOTION: Commissioner Venturi made a motion to allow parking along South Avenue during the flotilla and to allow rafting at the Town Dock. Second by Commissioner Johnson. Vote 5-0.

WATER SHORTAGE RESPONSE PLAN – MOTION: Commissioner Inger made a motion to approve the plan. Second by Commissioner Herlands. Vote 5-0.


COMMISSIONERS’ COMMENT PERIOD – Commissioner Inger asked if it is possible to paint the uneven cracks in the sidewalks to alert people.

MOTION: Commissioner Herlands made the motion to adjourn. Second by Commissioner Johnson. Vote 5-0.


Mayor Town Manager