Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

5-E Model Lesson – Monday, October 19, 2009

Objectives: TEKS G.1A: The student is expected to develop an awareness of the structure of a mathematical system, connecting definitions, postulates, logical reasoning, and theorems

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson.

Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12


SWBAT classify triangles by their angle measures and their side lengths and use triangle classification to find angle measures and side lengths.

TEKS: G.1.A TAKS: 6, 7 and 8


The student will use graphic organizers to describe and classify acute, obtuse, equiangular, scalene, isosceles and equilateral triangles.

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson.

Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

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Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

Content Specific Vocabular

acute triangle, equiangular triangle, right triangle, obtuse triangle, equilateral triangle, isosceles triangle, scalene triangle

Related Vocabulary

polygon, acute angle, obtuse angle, right angle, congruent

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Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12


HOLT Reteach 4.1, Laptops, Classifying Triangles Gizmo, Exploration Guide for Classifying Triangles, Holt 4.1 Practice B


Warm-Up SW answer warm up problems on Blackboard – 1 TAKS and 2 review questions

ENGAGE TW ask students to identify different types of triangles in classroom, real world.

SW identify triangles and make conjectures as to why triangles are used in such cases.

EXPLORE SW explore the Classifying Triangles Gizmo and complete accompanying worksheet

EXPLAIN TW question students about discoveries made during Gizmo investigation

TW present notes on Triangle Classifications by side lengths and angle measures

SW will complete graphic organizer tree map for triangle classification

TW work example problems from Holt Reteach 41

Guiding Questions:

How do angle classifications compare with triangle classifications?

ELABORATE SW work guided practice problems from Holt Reteach 4.1

SW work in pairs and take turns drawing various triangles based on classification given by partner


SW complete Holt 4.1 Practice B for homework

TW check for understanding and view student work

5-E Model Lesson – Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Objectives: G.02.B - The student is expected to make conjectures about angles, lines, polygons, circles, and three-dimensional figures and determine the validity of the conjectures , choosing from a variety of approaches such as coordinate, transformational, or axiomatic

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson.

Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12


SWBAT find the measures of interior and exterior angles of triangles and apply theorems about interior and exterior angles of triangles

TEKS: G.2.B, G.1.A TAKS: 6,7 and 8


SWBAT describe verbally and in writing the Triangle Sum Theorem, the Exterior Angle Theorem and the Third Angle Theorem first by using Think, Pair, Share with a partner and then writing the theorems in their own words with diagrams in their notes.

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson.

Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

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Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

Content Specific Vocabulary

auxiliary line, corollary, interior, exterior, interior angle, exterior angle, remote interior angle

Related Vocabulary

sum, triangulation, equiangular, supplement

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Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12


HOLT Reteach 4.2, Laptops, Geometer's Sketchpad software, Holt 4.2 Exploration, Holt 4.2 Practice B


Warm-Up SW answer warm up problems on Blackboard – 1 TAKS and 2 review questions

Review Homework: Post and Discuss Selected Homework Problems


EXPLORE SW use Geometer's Sketchpad and complete HOLT 4.2 Exploration of Triangle Sum Theorem

SW use Geometer's Sketchpad to investigate the Exterior Angle Theorem

EXPLAIN TW question students about findings from Exploration Activities

TW present notes and Example problems with HOLT 4.2 PowerPoint

SW take notes using Cornell notes

Guiding Questions:

What corollary to the Triangle Sum theorem is used to find the acute angles of a right triangle? Does this apply to every right triangle?

What is the relationship between the angle formed by extending one side of the triangle and each interior angle?

ELABORATE SW Think, Pair, Share with a partner to verbally describe in their own words, Triangle Sum, Exterior

Angle and Third Angle Theorems.

SW work guided practice problems using Reteach 4.2


SW complete Holt 4.2 Practice B for homework

TW view student work and check for understanding

5-E Model Lesson – Wednesday October 21, 2009

Objectives: G.10.B - The student is expected to justify and apply triangle congruence relationships.

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson.

Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12


SWBAT use properties of congruent triangles and prove triangles congruent by using the definition of congruence.

G.10.B, G.2.B TAKS 6, 7 & 8


SWBAT to identify and name corresponding parts of congruent triangles and record findings in a graphic organizer

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson.

Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

Content Specific Vocabulary

corresponding angles, corresponding sides, congruent polygons

Related Vocabulary

corresponding parts, consecutive vertices, congruent

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Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12


Cut out Congruent Triangles, Congruent Triangle Worksheet, Holt Reteach 4.3, Colored Pencils, Holt 4.3 Practice B



SW answer Warm Up questions on Blackboard - 1 TAKS question and 2 homework questions

Review Homework: Post and Discuss Selected Homework Problems


TW place various large cut out congruent triangles on white board and have students come to board and match up congruent triangles.


TW model how to name congruent triangles and point out corresponding side and corresponding angles using different colored pencils to identify corresponding parts.

Guiding Questions:

How does a congruence statement indicate corresponding parts?

TW work example 2 to show using corresponding parts to find angle measure.

Guiding Question:

What properties do you use to find the measure of an angle?


SW work with a partner to complete worksheet for their notes, in which they practice identifying corresponding sides, corresponding angles and naming congruent triangles


SW work on problems using Reteach 4.3


SW complete Holt 4.3 Practice B for homework

TW check for understanding and view student work

5-E Model Lesson – Thursday October 22, 2009

Objectives: G.10.B - The student is expected to justify and apply triangle congruence relationships.

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson.

Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12


SWBAT apply SSS and SAS to construct triangles and solve problems.

SWBAT prove triangles congruent by SSS and SAS

TEKS: G.10.B TAKS: 6,7 & 8

G.2.A, G.3.B & G.3.E


The student will use Think, Pair, Share with a partner to describe, compare and contrast the SSS and SAS postulates and then record their findings in a graphic organizer.

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson.

Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

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Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

Content Specific Vocabulary

triangle rigidity, included angle, Side-Side-Side (SSS) Congruence, Side-Angle-Side (SAS) Congruence

Related Vocabulary

corresponding parts, corresponding sides, corresponding angles, congruent

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Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12


Laptops, Geometer's Sketchpad, Triangle Congruence.gsp file, Triangle Congruence Labsheet, Reteach 4.4, Holt 4.4 PowerPoint, Holt 4.4 Practice B



SW answer Warm Up questions on Blackboard - 1 TAKS question and 2 homework questions

Review Homework: Post Discuss Selected Homework Problems


TW use pictures from web or magazines to show triangle congruence is important in designing and building structures. Explain to students that this lesson will show them how to prove triangles congruent using only 3 pairs of corresponding parts.


SW use Geometer's Sketchpad and the Triangle Congruence.gsp file to investigate SSS and SAS. They will complete the lab investigation sheet to go along with the file.


TW question students about their findings from the exploration activity and present notes and examples for SSS and SAS using Holt 4.4 PowerPoint.

SW complete graphic organizer for SSS and SAS and take Cornell notes.

Guiding Questions:

What do the tick marks on the triangles show?

What additional information do you need to prove the triangles congruent by SSS?


SW use think, pair, share with a partner to describe, compare and contrast SSS and SAS .

SW work problems from Reteach 4.4


SW complete Holt 4.4 Practice B for Homework

TW check for understanding and view student work

5-E Model Lesson – Friday October 23, 2009

Objectives: G.10.B - The student is expected to justify and apply triangle congruence relationships.

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson.

Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12


SWBAT apply ASA, AAS and HL to construct triangles and solve problems.

SWBAT prove triangles congruent using ASA, AAS and HL.

TEKS: G.10.B TAKS: 6,7 & 8

also G.1.A, G.1.B, G.2.A, G.3.B, G.3.C, G.3.E & G.9.B


The student will use Think, Pair, Share with a partner to describe, compare and contrast the ASA, AAS and HL and record their findings in their graphic organizer.

WICR Strategies are used throughout the lesson.

Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

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Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12

Content Specific Vocabulary

included side, Angle-Side-Angle (ASA) Congruence, Angle-Angle-Side (AAS) Congruence, Hypotenuse-Leg (HL) Congruence

Related Vocabulary

Hypotenuse, leg

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Teacher: D. Luce Subject: Geometry Grade Level: 9-12


Laptops, Geometer's Sketchpad, Triangle Congruence.gsp file, Triangle Congruence Labsheet, Reteach 4.5, Holt 4.5 PowerPoint, Holt 4.5 Practice B



SW answer Warm Up questions on Blackboard - 1 TAKS question and 2 homework questions

Review Homework: Post Discuss Selected Homework Problems




SW use Geometer's Sketchpad and the Triangle Congruence.gsp file to investigate ASA , AAS and HL. They will complete the lab investigation sheet to go along with the file.


TW question students about their findings from the exploration activity and present notes and examples for ASA, AAS and HL using Holt 4.5 PowerPoint.

SW complete graphic organizer for ASA, AAS and HL and take Cornell notes.

Guiding Questions:

What type of triangle must be given to prove triangles congruent using HL?

The arrangement of the letters in ASA matches the arrangement of what parts of congruent triangles?


SW use think, pair, share with a partner to describe, compare and contrast ASA, AAS and HL.

SW work problems from Reteach 4.5


SW complete Holt 4.4 Practice B for Homework

TW check for understanding and view student work

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