Elite Ohio Players Basketball LLC

Tournament Parental Player Waiver/Hold Harmless Agreement

1.I/We, the parent(s)/guardian(s) of hereby agree that our child is in good health and capable of safe participation in Elite Ohio Players LLC basketball tournament. Our child has had a physical exam in the last year. We assume all risk and hazards incidental to the conduct of this program, which includes transportation to and from the program during games, practices, and any team functions. We hereby authorize Elite Ohio Players Basketball LLC to obtain medical treatment for our son/daughter in the event the parent(s)/guardian(s) and the emergency contact person cannot be reached.

2.If there are any special health needs or requests for our son/daughter, we will inform Elite Ohio Players Basketball LLC, before our son participates in this basketball program.

3.We realize that Elite Ohio Players Basketball LLC organization or any of the people, persons or other affiliated organizations within the Elite Ohio Players Basketball LLC family, will not carry or supply any insurance to cover our son in case of injury.

4.We give our permission for the use of video, photographs, image, likeness and statistics of our son’s or daughter’sto be placed on the Elite Ohio Players Basketball LLC website and any affiliated organizations websites. As well as but not limited to any Facebook, Twitter, Instagrametc pages for Elite Ohio Players Basketball LLC or affiliated organizations.

5.Release of Liability: We, the undersigned parent(s)/guardian(s) of hereby acknowledge and agree to release and hold Elite Ohio Players Basketball LLC, all schools, all tournament facilities, all sponsors, employees, board members, coaches and volunteers associated with Elite Ohio Players Basketball LLCfully harmless from any and all injury, claim, legal fees or damages which may occur to my child as a participating member of Elite Ohio Players Basketball Tournaments. Further, we acknowledge that basketball is a contact sport and it involves traveling to, participation in and returning from games, practices or sessions. We agree to fully assume all risk, chance, hazard, and responsibility for my Son’s or Daughter’s participation with Elite Ohio Players Basketball LLC.

We acknowledge that we have read this Parent Agreement including #5 which is the hold harmless/release of liability and we fully understand the contents. We give our childs permission to participate in playing basketball tournament with Elite Ohio Players Basketball LLC.

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Signature: Date:

Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Signature: Date:

Team Name______Grade______