Request for New and Replacement Staff Positions

Department Contact (if different) and phone number:
Name and Title of person being replaced (leave blank if a new position):
Proposed title:
Proposed salary range:
Regular: / Term Limited: / Temporary: / Research Fellow:
Number of hours worked per week:
Source of Funding:
General Funds %:
-Shortcode: / Research Funds %:
-Shortcode: / Graduate Funding %:
Student Fees %:
-Shortcode: / DFA %:
-Shortcode / Gifts %:
Position Rationalization:
  1. How does this position align with the School’s and department’s mission?

  1. Why does the department need this position filled at this time and at this current level? What would be the impact to the School if the position was left unfilled?

  1. Please discuss anypotential opportunities for job sharing with another department or unit. If there aren’t any, please explain why?

  1. Have you considered redistributing the work among existing staff? Please explain why this is or isn’t possible?

  1. If applicable, please provide justification for any change in effort or term limitation for this position.

  1. Is funding for this position based on a corresponding increase in revenue? If so, please provide a brief business case.

Additional Posting Infomation
  1. Has this job title been posted within the last 12 months in your department?



  1. Job Title of Previous Posting:
  2. Previous Post Job ID # (if known):
  3. Work Address and Phone Number:
  4. Posting Duration (must be a minimum of 7 days):
  5. Department eRecruit Resume Viewers:

Please complete and submit a Position Description Form for both new and modified positions. For all School of Dentistry postings, please include the following language in the requirements section: excellent communication skills, excellent attention to detail, excellent ability to multitask, excellent organizational skills, and excellent attendance record. HRSC will notify hiring supervisor of goals and/or RIF candidates, if applicable. - If there is a goal, the position will be posted for a minimum of 2 weeks. - HRSC will recruit for a diverse candidate pool. Please be aware that as of January 1, 2016 temporary employees that work 30 or more hours per week for 3 or more consecutive months are now eligible for health insurance under the Employer Shared Responsibility provision in the Affordable Care Act.
