Request for New and Replacement Staff Positions
Department Contact (if different) and phone number:
Name and Title of person being replaced (leave blank if a new position):
Proposed title:
Proposed salary range:
Regular: / Term Limited: / Temporary: / Research Fellow:
Number of hours worked per week:
Source of Funding:
General Funds %:
-Shortcode: / Research Funds %:
-Shortcode: / Graduate Funding %:
Student Fees %:
-Shortcode: / DFA %:
-Shortcode / Gifts %:
Position Rationalization:
- How does this position align with the School’s and department’s mission?
- Why does the department need this position filled at this time and at this current level? What would be the impact to the School if the position was left unfilled?
- Please discuss anypotential opportunities for job sharing with another department or unit. If there aren’t any, please explain why?
- Have you considered redistributing the work among existing staff? Please explain why this is or isn’t possible?
- If applicable, please provide justification for any change in effort or term limitation for this position.
- Is funding for this position based on a corresponding increase in revenue? If so, please provide a brief business case.
Additional Posting Infomation
- Has this job title been posted within the last 12 months in your department?
- Job Title of Previous Posting:
- Previous Post Job ID # (if known):
- Work Address and Phone Number:
- Posting Duration (must be a minimum of 7 days):
- Department eRecruit Resume Viewers:
Please complete and submit a Position Description Form for both new and modified positions. For all School of Dentistry postings, please include the following language in the requirements section: excellent communication skills, excellent attention to detail, excellent ability to multitask, excellent organizational skills, and excellent attendance record. HRSC will notify hiring supervisor of goals and/or RIF candidates, if applicable. - If there is a goal, the position will be posted for a minimum of 2 weeks. - HRSC will recruit for a diverse candidate pool. Please be aware that as of January 1, 2016 temporary employees that work 30 or more hours per week for 3 or more consecutive months are now eligible for health insurance under the Employer Shared Responsibility provision in the Affordable Care Act.