January 19, 2018 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America – Release 9.2 – Update Image 25 – Tax Update 18-A

PeopleSoft Payroll for North AmericaRelease 9.2 – PeopleSoft Update Image 25Tax Update18-A Notes

This document describes the product modifications for PeopleSoft Payroll for North America Release 9.2 which are included in PeopleSoft Update Image 25for Tax Update 18-A.

Change Assistant will create an installation document. Follow the instructions in the installation document to apply this update.

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For Tax Update 18-A, PeopleSoft Update Image 25includes the documentation files listed below, which may be found on My Oracle Support:

PeopleSoft Update Manager Home Page (Document ID 1641843.2)
PeopleSoft Update Image Home Pages
HCM Update Image Home Page

Legislative, Regulatory, and Tax Updates
PeopleSoft HCM 9.2: Update Image Documentation (Document ID1917096.2)
Payroll for North America

File Name /
Document Title
R92 Update Image 25Tax Update 18-A Notes.doc
PeopleSoft Payroll for North America Release 9.2 –
PeopleSoft Update Image 25Tax Update 18-A Notes(this document)
PA32EIT18A.doc /
Word document listing of changes to Pennsylvania Act 32 Local Earned Income Tax entries in the Local Tax Table
PA32EIT18A.xls /
Excel spreadsheet listing of changes to Pennsylvania Act 32 Local Earned Income Tax entries in the Local Tax Table
PA18ALST.doc /
Word document listing of changes to Pennsylvania Local Services Tax
entries in the Local Tax Table
PA18ALST.xls /
Excel spreadsheet listing of changes to Pennsylvania Local Services Tax
entries in the Local Tax Table
US1042S18A.doc /
Year End Processing 2017: Form 1042-S
2017 1042-S Year End Object Change List.xlsx /
Excel Workbook spreadsheet listing object changes delivered for updated
Form 1042-S functionality

Special Note – Canada

Changes to the Nova Scotia Basic Personal Exemption calculation

Employees in Nova Scotia claiming an additional tax exemption require an entry on the Provincial Tax Data tab of the Employee Tax Data page as shown below:

If the employee is claiming the basic provincial tax exemption, then no entry is required on this page.

It was discovered that the payroll calculation is failing to include the exemption claimed on this page when determining an employee’s Nova Scotia taxes.

A fix for this issue will be posted to My Oracle Support as Patch 27299695 after Tax Update 18-A is posted, as well as delivered in Tax Update 18-B.

Special Note – U.S.

2018 U.S. Federal Withholding Tax Changes

The U.S. Internal Revenue Service published 2018 Federal withholding tax changes on January 11, 2018, whichwas too late for these changes to be included in Tax Update 18-A.
The 2018 Federal withholding tax changes will be delivered in Patch 27377851, which will be posted toMy OracleSupport as soon as possible after Tax Update 18-A has posted. The changes will also bedelivered in Tax Update 18-B.
For those customers with payrolls in progress who wish to apply the 2018 U.S. Federal withholding taxcalculationchanges prior to receiving the delivered script, Knowledge Document ID 2348297.1 is currentlyavailable on My Oracle Support. This document provides step by step instructions for entering the tax table changes manually.

Special Note - U.S.

Form 1042-S Processing (E&G)

Tax Update 18-A delivers product modifications which provide enhanced functionality to support new IRS requirements for Form 1042-S reporting, which are effective beginning with reporting for tax year 2017.
With the application of the product modifications delivered in Tax Update 18-A, the following menus will now appear under the folder labeled 1042-S Reporting:

1042-S Year End Control / (new)
Load 1042-S Year End Data / (new)
1042-S Year End Data / (new)
1042-S Employee Information / (new)
Create 1042-S Records / (existing)
Reset 1042-S File Status / (new)

Two separate documents delivered as part of Tax Update 18-A provide additional information on the updated Form 1042-S functionality:

Filename / Description
US1042S18A.doc / Year End Processing 2017: Form 1042-S
This document contains end-user instructions for creating and reporting Form 1042-S data for tax year 2017 using the updated functionality delivered in Tax Update 18-A.
2017 1042-S Year End Object Changes List.xlsx / This document is an Excel Workbook spreadsheet listing the object changes delivered in Tax Update 18-A as part of the updated Form 1042-S functionality.

Patch Inventory for PeopleSoft Update Image 25(Tax Update 18-A) - Summary

E&G = PeopleSoft Payroll for North America for Education & Government

USF = PeopleSoft Payroll for North America for U.S. Federal Government

Line /
Patch Number /
Tracking Group – Tax Update /
Country /
Product /
COBOL Programs
Store Statements
SQR/SQC Programs /
Database Objects /
Scripts /
1 / 25269451 / 18-A / CAN / X
2 / 25641003 / 18-A / E&G / X / X / X
3 / 25884348 / 18-A / US / X / X
4 / 26038374 / 18-A / US / X
5 / 26241632 / 18-A / US / X
6 / 26277257 / 18-A / CAN / X
7 / 26360251 / 18-A / US / X
8 / 26371412 / 18-A / CAN / X
9 / 26371467 / 18-A / CAN / X
10 / 26395390 / 18-A / US / X
11 / 26560386 / 18-A / US / X / X / X
12 / 26713453 / 18-A / CAN / X
13 / 26983000 / 18-A / E&G / X
14 / 26983013 / 18-A / E&G / X / X
15 / 26983021 / 18-A / E&G / X / X
16 / 27036910 / 18-A / CAN / X
17 / 27043152 / 18-A / US / X
18 / 27078215 / 18-A / US / X
19 / 27098238 / 18-A / US / X / X
20 / 27098395 / 18-A / CAN / X / X
21 / 27099971 / 18-A / US / X
22 / 27134052 / 18-A / US / X
23 / 27138039 / 18-A / US / X
24 / 27161339 / 18-A / US / X
25 / 27170534 / 18-A / US / X
26 / 27206480 / 18-A / CAN / X
27 / 27206619 / 18-A / CAN / X
28 / 27215276 / 18-A / E&G / X
29 / 27233787 / 18-A / US / X / X
30 / 27240442 / 18-A / CAN / X
31 / 27248249 / 18-A / US / X
32 / 27260901 / 18-A / CAN / X
33 / 27261011 / 18-A / CAN / X
34 / 27268751 / 18-A / US / X / X
35 / 27268800 / 18-A / N/A / X
36 / 27275789 / 18-A / US / X
37 / 27284092 / 18-A / CAN / X / X
38 / 27334371 / 18-A / US / X / X
39 / 27338659 / 18-A / CAN / X / X
40 / 27339350 / 18-A / US / X / X

Patch Inventory for PeopleSoft Update Image 25(Tax Update 18-A) - Detail

Entries in this section are sequenced by Release 9.2 Patch Number.

Patch Number /
Update Tracking Group /
Country /
Product /
COBOL Programs
Store Statements
SQR/SQC Programs /
Database Objects /
Scripts /
25269451 / 18-A / CAN / X
Patch 25269451 modifies PSPCPCAL.CBL to correctly calculate the net earnings for a monthly-paid employee when gross earnings are not enough to cover a general deduction based on percent of net pay.
Prior to the modifications, a deduction refund was generated when a monthly-paid employee did not have enough earnings to cover a general deduction calculated as a percent of net pay, which resulted in an overstatement of net earnings.
Patch Number /
Update Tracking Group /
Country /
Product /
COBOL Programs
Store Statements
SQR/SQC Programs /
Database Objects /
Scripts /
25641003 / 18-A / E&G / X / X / X
Patch 25641003 delivers product modifications which provide enhanced functionality to support new IRS requirements for Form 1042-S reporting, which are effective beginning with reporting for tax year 2017.

The product modifications include the following:
TAX950.SQR / Redelivered program / This program creates both the Form 1042-S print file and a file to report 1042-S data electronically to the IRS.
TAX951LD.SQR / New program / This program loads Form 1042-S data to the following tables:
Two other separate documents delivered as part of Tax Update 18-A provide additional information on the updated Form 1042-S functionality:
Filename / Description
US1042S18A.doc / Year End Processing 2017: Form 1042-S
This document contains end-user instructions for creating and reporting Form 1042-S data for tax year 2017 using the updated functionality delivered in Tax Update 18-A.
2017 1042-S Year End Object Changes List.xlsx / This document is an Excel Workbook spreadsheet listing the object changes delivered in Tax Update 18-A as part of the updated Form 1042-S functionality.
See the earlier Special Notes – U.S. section of this document for additional information on the product modifications delivered in Tax Update 18-A related to the updated Form 1042-S processing functionality.
Patch Number /
Update Tracking Group /
Country /
Product /
COBOL Programs
Store Statements
SQR/SQC Programs /
Database Objects /
Scripts /
25884348 / 18-A / US / X / X
TAX960LC.SQR, in conjunction with TAXMMREF.SQC, reports W-2 wage and tax data to local tax agencies that accept submissions in the SSA EFW2 reporting format. Patch 25884348 modifies these programs to comply with specifications for reporting W-2 local wage and tax data for Whitehall, Ohio (Locality OH-84742).
Important: To create a file to submit W-2 data electronically to Whitehall, Ohio, you must use the version of TAX960LC.SQR delivered in Patch 27317290 that was posted to My Oracle Support on 16 JAN 2018. The version of program TAX960LC.SQR that is delivered in Patch 25884348 (18-A) contained an error which prevented the W-2 file for Whitehall, Ohio, from being created correctly.
Tax Update 18-A also updates Taxing Entity Code and W2 Reporting Agency fields with the value of “WHT” in the Local Tax Table entry for Locality OH-84742, as documented in the laterU.S. Changes - Local Tax Table section of this document.
Patch Number /
Update Tracking Group /
Country /
Product /
COBOL Programs
Store Statements
SQR/SQC Programs /
Database Objects /
Scripts /
26038374 / 18-A / US / X
TAX922US.SQR (in conjunction with TAXMREF2.SQC) and TAX923US.SQR (in conjunction with PRTMREFC.SQC) report W-2c data for the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. Territories to the Social Security Administration (SSA) in the EFW2C format.
These programs are redelivered to reflect changes made in the file format record specifications issued in the 2017 edition of SSA Publication Specifications for Filing Forms W-2c Electronically (EFW2C).

A new W-2 box 12 money field “Permitted Benefits Under a Qualified Small Employer Health Reimbursement Arrangement (Code FF)” is added to the following records:
RCW Employee Record in positions 838-848 and 849-859
RCT Total Record in positions 821-835 and 836-850
SSA Pub. EFW2c
2016 edition / SSA Pub. EFW2c
2017 edition
RCW Record:
positions 838-848
positions 849-859 /
Filler /
Originally reported Code “FF” amount
Correct Code “FF” amount
RCT Record:
positions 821-835
positions 836-850 /
Filler /
Total originally reported Code “FF” amount
Total correct Code “FF” amount
Patch Number /
Update Tracking Group /
Country /
Product /
COBOL Programs
Store Statements
SQR/SQC Programs /
Database Objects /
Scripts /
26241632 / 18-A / US / X
Patch 26241632 modifies PSPPYNET.CBL to calculate Pennsylvania Act 32 Local Earned Income Tax correctly for an employee who lives and works in the same Pennsylvania Act 32 tax jurisdiction and who elects to have an additional amount of tax withheld for that Pennsylvania Act 32 tax jurisdiction.
Prior to the modifications, only the additional amount of tax was withheld, as shown in the following example:
An employee who lives and works in a Pennsylvania Act 32 tax jurisdiction with a resident tax rate of 1.00 % is paid $2,000.
The employee requests that $10.00 in additional tax be withheld for the Pennsylvania Act 32 tax jurisdiction.
Before Tax Update 18-A modifications / After Tax Update 18-A modifications
Correct tax calculation:
$20.00 = $2,000 * 1.00%
$10.00 = additional tax requested
$30.00 = correct total tax to be withheld
/ Only $10.00 tax was withheld. / Correct tax amount of $30.00 is withheld.
Patch Number /
Update Tracking Group /
Country /
Product /
COBOL Programs
Store Statements
SQR/SQC Programs /
Database Objects /
Scripts /
26277257 / 18-A / CAN / X
Patch 26277257 modifies PSPCNTAX.CBL to correctly process a one-time before-tax pension override when calculating Quebec income tax.
Prior to the modifications, in some situations where there were only annualized earnings and a before-tax pension override, the Quebec income tax was overstated.
Patch Number /
Update Tracking Group /
Country /
Product /
COBOL Programs
Store Statements
SQR/SQC Programs /
Database Objects /
Scripts /
26360251 / 18-A / US / X
Patch 26360251 modifies PSPRPMSS.DMS to correctly create Mass Retroactive Pay requests.
Prior to the modifications, an employee with an existing Retro Pay request with status =”Manually Loaded to Paysheet” did not have the Retro Pay request correctly closed. As a result of this problem, when a Mass Retro Pay Request was subsequently processed, the employee’s DUPLICATE_FLAG field was incorrectly set to “Y” (YES) in the PS_RETROPAY_EARNS table, indicating that the employee had another Retro Pay request with an “open” status. After the modifications, the DUPLICATE_FIELD is correctly set to “N” (NO) in this situation.
Patch Number /
Update Tracking Group /
Country /
Product /
COBOL Programs
Store Statements
SQR/SQC Programs /
Database Objects /
Scripts /
26371412 / 18-A / CAN / X
CTX910RM.SQR produces a file in XML format for reporting of original, amended, and cancelled RL-1 information. Patch 26371412 modifies the program to include the certification number RQ-17-01-020for the 2017 RL-1 electronic file.
CTX910VM.SQR produces a file in XML format for reporting of original, amended, and cancelled RL-2 information. Patch 26371412 modifies the program to include the certification number RQ-17-02-007 for the 2017 RL-2 electronic file.
Patch Number /
Update Tracking Group /
Country /
Product /
COBOL Programs
Store Statements
SQR/SQC Programs /
Database Objects /
Scripts /
26371467 / 18-A / CAN / X
CTX910AA.SQR produces an audit register of amounts to be reported on amended, cancelled, and reissued year-end tax slips. The report produces employee detail information for each of these special types of slips, together with the information for the corresponding original slip. Patch 26371467 modifies the program to support the pre-printed T4A slip changes for tax year 2017. Box 026 (Eligible Retiring allowances) and Box 027 (Non-eligible retiring allowances) have been removed from the program since these boxes will not be required for 2017 year-end reporting.
CTX910AP.SQR produces formatted laser T4A slips with a variety of sort options and copy types. Processing type options provide for original, amended, cancelled and reissued slips, as well as the reprinting of duplicate slips. Patch 26371467 modifies the program to support the pre-printed T4A slip changes for tax year 2017. Box 026 (Eligible Retiring allowances) and Box 027 (Non-eligible retiring allowances) have been removed from the program since these boxes will not be required for 2017 year-end reporting.
CTX910AS.SQR produces a summary of amended and cancelled slips together with supporting employee details for year-end balancing purposes. The latest version of each amended/cancelled year-end slip is reported and compared with the corresponding original slip, to produce the net differences between the two versions. Patch 26371467 modifies the program to support the pre-printed T4A slip changes for tax year 2017. Box 026 (Eligible Retiring allowances) and Box 027 (Non-eligible retiring allowances) have been removed from the program since these boxes will not be required for 2017 year-end reporting.
CTX910AU.SQR produces an audit register of amounts to be reported on the original year-end tax slips for each employee, taken from the year-end slip records created by the load program CTX910LD. Patch 26371467 modifies the program to support the pre-printed T4A slip changes for tax year 2017. Box 026 (Eligible Retiring allowances) and Box 027 (Non-eligible retiring allowances) have been removed from the program since these boxes will not be required for 2017 year-end reporting.
Patch Number /
Update Tracking Group /
Country /
Product /
COBOL Programs
Store Statements
SQR/SQC Programs /
Database Objects /
Scripts /
26395390 / 18-A / US / X
TAX960ST.SQR is modified to support new unique Form W-2 reporting requirements mandated by the Wisconsin Department of Revenue, described in the document “W-2 Preparation Guidance for Employers Engaged In Business In Wisconsin,” which is published on the Wisconsin Department of Revenue website.