Approved Minutes - April 21, 2014
FOX 105
- Membership Present Present
Cheryl Miller, Chair, Student Services / / Brian Tramontana, Social Science /
Leslie Hotta, Applied Arts/Sciences / / Kuni Hay, VP Instruction / A
Robert Anthony, Business / / Herlisa Hamp, Admissions & Records / A
Brad Weisberg, Fine Arts / A / Stephanie Kashima,
Dean of Instruction and Student Support /
Paulette Boudreaux, LanguageArts / / Freba Cognetta, Articulation /
Betsy Sandford, Library / / Thuy Tran, Office of Instruction /
Chris Dyer, Math/Science / / Lisa Kaaz, Distance Education /
Heidi Davis, PE / / Beverly Harp, Student Success & Support /
Guest: Tom DeDen, Sociology / / Joe Cetani, ASO Representative / A
Guest: Jennifer Ho, Soc. Science / / Guest: Benjamin Mendelsohn, PhysicalScience /
Guest: Chris Cruz, Park Management / / Guest: John Vlahos, P.E. /
Guest: Steve McCann, P.E. /
1)Call to Order2:31 PM
2)Approval of Order of the Agenda M/S/P: Bob Anthony/Leslie Hotta______
3)Approval of Minutes: 3.17.14 M/S/P: Bob Anthony/Chris Dyer______
4) Oral Communication from the Public (5 minutes)
Any member of the public may speak on matters not on this agenda. No action will be taken.
Tom DeDen:Social Science: (Soc. 028, Sociology of Gender - 3 units)
Tom reported that Leigh Burrill and Julie Mia from Women’s Studies have both given verbal approval for this course to move forward. Paulette Boudreaux reported that the Women and Gender studies department appreciated the collegial conversation with the Sociology department.
- CID number has been given for this course.
Heidi Davis, P.E.: Follow-up from Mar. 17, 2014 presentation.
Presented the “big picture” for the P.E. dept. and how it is in line with the college mission and Student Success Act. Three new certificates are being put forward; Dance Specialist, Sports Medicine and Personal Trainer. Heidi will email Labor Market for Dance Specialist. Heidi Davis also presented a list of PE courses that have been deactivated.Steve McCann:P.E. (Personal Trainer Cert.;;Sports Medicine Cert; Dance Specialist Cert.) Follow-up from Mar. 17, 2014 presentation.
Steve presented a proposal for a Personal Trainer certificate and new courses that would be included.
John Vlahos - PE: 3-Year Student Athlete: Follow-up from Mar. 17, 2014 presentation.
The dept. is proposing two new PE courses open to all but intended to meet the needs of. athletes that are on a three year program. Students build academic skills while participating in college level sports. Student must maintain a 2.0 GPA or higher and at least 12 units per semester to compete in a sport.
Student does not begin competition until second year of training.
Benjamin Mendelsohn:Physical Science – Astronomy: Astronomy will be deactivating five courses and would like to add a “Cosmology” course to keep current with other schools in the area. Cosmology is the study of the origin, evolution, and eventual fate of the universe. Deactivated courses are Astro 1, 1H, 10L, 11L and 12. Astronomy 20H and 21H have been added to take the place of Astro 1 and 1H. Cosmology will be offered with the new facility. The course is planned to fulfill GE for transfer.
5)Consent Agenda:
Course Revisions
- Recency M/S/P: Leslie Hotta/Chris Dyer____
Course / Comments / Approved
CIS 4A Comp Prog I C++ / X
CIS 4A1 Comp Prog I Java / X
CIS 4B Comp Prog II C++ / X
CIS 4B1 Comp Prog II Java / X
CIS 37 Programming / X
CIS 39 Microcomp Assembler / X
PKMNT 10 Intro to Park Management / X
PKMNT 11 Park Communications / X
PKMNT 12A Basic Outdoor Skills / X
PKMNT 12BIntermediate Outdoor Skills / X
PKMNT 12C Adv Outdoor Skills / X
PKMNT 13 Wildland Fire Supp / X
PKMNT 14 Cons of Nat Res / X
PKMNT 15A Duties of Professional / X
PKMNT 15B Nat & Cult Res Interp / X
PKMNT 015C Intro to Park Maintenance / X
PKMNT 16A Intro to GIS & GPS / X
PKMNT 16B Interm Desktop GIS / X
PKMNT 16C Spatial Analysis for GIS / X
PKMNT16D Cartographic Design for GPS / X
PKMNT 16E Database Des & Mngmt in GIS / X
PKMNT 16G Intro to Remote Sensing / X
PKMNT 17 Basic Horticulture for Parks / X
PKMNT 18 Park Planning & Design / X
PKMNT 19 Wilderness First Responder / X
PKMNT 20AInternship, Lecture(1 Unit) / X
PKMNT20B Internship, Work Experience / X
PKMNT 21 Park Operations Lab / X
PKMNT 23 Powersaws / X
PKMNT 24 Wilderness Navigation / X
PE.ATH 9.08 Women’s Soccer / Naming realignment; correction of units/hours / X
PE.ATH 9.18 Men’s Water Polo / Naming realignment; correction of units/hours / X
PE 11.09 Intermediate Pilates / Recency revision, will be in to-be-developed Personal Training Cert. / X
6)Action Items
- Distance EducationM/S/P: Bob Anthony/Leslie Hotta___
Course / Comments / Approved
PKMNT 14 Cons of Nat Res / Distance Ed approved by Lisa Kaaz, 3/10/14 / X
PKMNT 16C Spatial Analysis for GIS / Distance Ed approved by Lisa Kaaz, 3/10/14 / X
PKMNT16D Cartographic Design for GPS / Distance Ed approved by Lisa Kaaz, 3/10/14 / X
PKMNT 16E Database Des & Mgmt. in GIS / Distance Ed approved by Lisa Kaaz, 3/10/14 / X
PKMNT 16G Intro to Remote Sensing / Distance Ed approved by Lisa Kaaz, 3/10/14 / X
- Program Revisions
PROGRAM / Comments / Approved
CIS Computer Option, Certificate / M/S/P: Bob Anthony/Leslie Hotta___
Check list has been added.
Labor market has been added. / X
Sociology, AA / M/S/P: Brian Tramontana/Leslie Hotta___
Attachments updated / X
7)Information and Announcements:
- April 28, 2014Tech Review; Submission due to President’s Office for May 20, 2014,
Board meeting. - May 5, 2014Tech Review
- May 12, 2014All College Curriculum Committee mtg.; Approval deadline for July 15, 2014
Board meeting. - June 20, 2014Submission due to President’s Office for July 15, 2014 Board Mtg.
- Curriculum Institute - July 10-12, 2014
Dolce Hayes Mansion/Conf.Center
200 Edenvale Ave.
San Jose, CA 95136
8)New Business
Course Recency List—Stephanie Kashima:
Ideas from committee on how to prioritize for recency:
- CTE Courses: CTE courses are due for review every two years.
- Review courses that have been submitted and are in queue for review.
Committee approved PE division’s proposals for new pre- and post-conditioning courses for the three-year athlete, new courses for revised Dance Specialist certificate. The Committee requested that the division submit a chart that would show how the new conditioning courses would fit in a typical three-year athlete schedule. In addition, the Committee approved the development of a Personal Trainer certificate recommending that the divisionlook at units in Sports Medicine vs. Personal Trainer and consider stacking: students start with Personal Trainer certificate and with a few more units, student will earn additional Sports Medicine cert.
The Committee approved the Astronomy Program’s development of the cosmology course in conjunction with the deactivation of Astro 1, 1H, 10L, 11L and 12.
The Committee approved the development of the Sociology of Gender course.
9)Adjournment: 4:50 PM M/S/P: Chris Dyer/Bryan Tramontana
Respectfully submitted by:
Beverly Harp
Student Success & Support
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, individuals needing special accommodations should contact Cheryl Miller at (408) 741-2620 one week prior to the meeting date.
Harp: CurriculumPage 1 of 3
4.21.14 All College CC Minutes