LYVS Belarus

Official Address (for all correspondence):

P.O. Box 213

Minsk 220013


The address of the LYVS office:

B. Hmelnitskogo Str., 4

Minsk 220013


Tel.: +375-172-840881

Fax: +375-172-840784


The Republican youth public organization “League of youth voluntary service” was officially registered by the Ministry of Justice on February 16, 1994.

LYVS is a non-governmental, non-profit organization. It is a member of the National Council of non-governmental youth organizations and associated member of the Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organizations.

LYVS is based on the principle of free membership. It assists young people in accomplishing initiatives based on volunteer work.

CampCode / Location / Dates / Type / No./Vols
LYVS - 01 / “Radzivil’s Heritage / 14 days in July / Reno/Envi / 5/5
LYVS - 02 / “Belorussian Castles” / 14 days in July / Reno/Envi / 5/5
LYVS - 03 / “Belorussian reserved places” / 14 days in July / Reno/Envi
LYVS - 04 / Zabrodie / 30.06 – 15.07.11 / Kids / 5/5
LYVS - 05 / Zabrodie / 14.07 – 29.07.11 / Kids / 5/5
LYVS - 06 / Zabrodie / 28.07 – 12.08.11 / Kids / 5/5
LYVS - 07 / Zabrodie / 11.08 – 26.08.11 / Kids / 5/5

Volunteers aged 18 and older are welcome.

Please, accept our apologies, but due to current policies of our country we can not supply insurance for international participants. All the volunteers will have to buy Belarusian insurance at the boarder.

Terminal: The initial destination and final point of departure for all international participants will be the city of Minsk. Volunteers will be met at the railway station, international airport or bus station by local volunteers. All travel expenses are paid by volunteers. Further travel details will be provided on receipt of your letter of interest.

Please, contact us within any questions you may have. Our mailing address, telephone and fax information is located above.

LYVS 01Radzivil’s HeritageJuly (dates to be confirmed)

Vols/5 foreign & 5 local

Work:This camp is organized in cooperation with Belarusian Association of UNESCO CLUBS.Volunteers will be busy with conservation and renovation works on the territory of one of the most famous historical place in Belarus. Volunteers will work 4-5 hours per day.

Location:the territory of Radzivil’s palace and park, Nesvizh town, Minsk region.As part of the project there will be workshops on History of guiding, fundamental principles and methods of guiding.

Accomm.:accommodation, meals, and cultural programs - at the expense of the organizers.Meals arethree times a day.Volunteers will be accommodated in the building of urban schools.Beds, linen and hot water are available.

Free time:Saturdays, Sundays are free, so be ready to enjoy local nature.

Languages:English, Russian

Please bring: Working clothes, creative ideas.

Membership fee: 30 Euros

LYVS 02“Belorussian CastlesJuly (dates to be confirmed)

Vols/5 foreign & 5 local

Work:This camp is organized in cooperation with Belarusian Association of UNESCO CLUBS.Volunteers will be busy with conservation and renovation works on the territory of one of the most famous historical place in Belarus. Volunteers will work 4-5 hours per day.

Location:the territory of Oginskii palace and park, village Zales’e, Smorgon district, Grodno region.

Accomm.:accommodation, meals, and cultural programs - at the expense of the organizers.Meals arethree times a day.Volunteers will be accommodated in the building of a local school.

Free time:Saturdays, Sunday are free, so be ready to enjoy local nature.

Languages:English, Russian

Please bring: Working clothes, creative ideas.Please bring sleeping bags and bedding.

Membership fee: 30 Euros

LYVS 03"Belovezhskaya pushcha”July (dates to be confirmed)

Vols/5 foreign & 5 local TEENS

Work:This camp is organized in cooperation with Belarusian Association of UNESCO CLUBS.Volunteers will be busy with ecological work on the territory of one of the most beautiful and picturesque places in Belarus. Volunteers will work 4-5 hours per day.

Location:the territory of National Park Belavezhskaya Pushcha, Kamenetsky district, Brest region.

Accomm.:accommodation, meals, cultural programs - at the expense of the organizers.Meals arethree times a day.Volunteers will be accommodated in the building of a local school.

Free time:Saturday, Sunday - closed.

Languages:English, Russian

Please bring: Working clothes, creative ideas.Please bring sleeping bags and bedding.

Membership fee: 30 Euros

LYVS 04ZABRODIE 30.06 – 15.07.11

LYVS 0514.07 – 29.07.11

LYVS 0628.07 – 12.08.11

LYVS 0711.08 – 26.08.11

Vols/5 foreign & 5 localKIDS

Work: This camp isorganized in cooperation with Belarusian Children’s Hospice. Volunteers will work with groups of up to 12 children, who stay for 2 weeks in a holiday environment, giving them the opportunity to have fun in the fresh air and to socialize with other children. Activities are run by trained professionals with the assistance of volunteers.

Location: The summer holiday hospice complex is situated in Zabrodie, a village in the countryside about 100 km from Minsk.

Accomm.: Volunteers will be accommodated in the building. Meals will be served in the canteen.

Free time:Volunteers will have a lot of possibilities to enjoy nature. There are a lot of beautiful lakes in this region, so do not forget your swimming suites.

Languages:English, Russian

Please bring:Working clothes, creative ideas working in group.