
Monitoring quality andworking to improvecare servicesin Stockport

Who we are

Stockport Council’s Adult Social CareQuality Team has been established tomonitor, maintain and improve the qualityof social care commissioned in Stockport.We do this by working closely witheveryone involved including:

  • People who use care services;
  • Their families and friends;
  • Members of the public;
  • Organisations that arrange orprovide care services;
  • Staff who work in health andsocial care;
  • Healthwatch Stockport;
  • The Care Quality Commission(CQC), the organisation thatregulates care in England.

Working with customers

We are always happy to receive feedbackfrom people who use services, theirfamilies or their representatives and alsofrom staff who work in health and socialcare. We will use what you tell us to buildup a detailed picture of the quality of carein Stockport.

We welcome comments and complimentsand where we find that something isworking really well, we will tell other careproviders about it. We also tell localproviders about national best practice, andnew standards and guidelines forimproving the quality of care.

If you have a concern or complaint aboutthe quality of care we always recommendthat you speak to the care provider first. Inthe majority of cases they will be able to

resolve the matter. If you are still nothappy, the Quality Team will respondpromptly and advise you. More

information about how to complain isavailable on our website at

Working with professionals

Professionals who work in health and socialcare can get in touch for advice, guidanceand support when there is a concern aboutthe quality of care.

Each of our Quality Assurance Officersworks with a number of care providersand will:

  • Proactively monitor the quality ofcare services;
  • Collect feedback about careservices from professionals;
  • Respond to concerns aboutcontracts with organisations thatprovide care services;
  • Work with people who act as PeerAssessors to help services improve;
  • Support staff who are dealing withcomplaints about quality issues;
  • Help with complaints that arereferred to the Local GovernmentOmbudsman.

Keeping people safe

The Quality Team works closely with theSafeguarding Adults and Mental CapacityAct Service (SAMCAS) to ensure that wehelp keep vulnerable adults safe by

following Stockport’s All AgencySafeguarding Adult Policy at all times.

If you are worried about your own safety,or the safety of someone you know thenplease contact us for information andadvice about what to do.

How to get in touch

There are a number of ways that you canget in touch:

Phone:0161 217 6029

Fax:0161 217 6022

Minicom:0161 217 6024



Alternative Formats

A free interpreting service is available if you need help with this information.

Stockport Interpreting Unit


Telephone: 0161 477 9000

Fax: 0161 480 1848

If you would like this leaflet in Braille or audio format, please contact the Adult Social Care Communications Team:

Telephone: 0161 474 4614

Minicom: 0161 217 6024

Fax: 0161 474 4666


A020 | April 2013