Public campaign in Ukraine “Climate is changing. Time to Act!”

A group of 10 Ukrainian environmental NGOs is organizing Climate Change Tour through the cities of Ukraine: “Climate is changing. Time to act!” during 5-19th October 2007

During Climate tour in each of participating city we plan to install climate exhibition in the central part of the city. The exhibition will contain photo and information on climate change science, global and local impacts, main sources of pollution, solutions in different sectors of economy, antinuclear information and environmental public movement.

With climate change exhibition we plan to attract attention of both general public and local media, initiating TV and radio programs. We also will start collection of signatures on postcards with requests to local authorities in each city. Local organizations will also arrange show of movies on climate change for local high schools before and after climate tour.

Apart from public work we aim to have meetings with local authorities: raise climate change issue, call for actions of local authorities on emission reductions and inform about opportunities on flexible mechanisms of Kyoto Protocol. We believe it will initiate inclusion of climate change issue into decision making on the regional level, development of instructions and seminars for local authorities on how to set up regional climate change mitigation plans by Ukrainian Ministry of environmental protection and initiate regional seminars on Joint Implementation mechanism. Local organizations will continue this lobbying work afterwards.

The climate tour is supported by Swedish NGO Secretariat on Acid Rain and British Council in Ukraine.

Climate tour will take place in:

Ø Dniprodzerzhinsk 5-6 October

Ø Dnipropetrovsk 7-8 October

Ø Marganets 9 October

Ø Nikopol 10 October

Ø Cherkassy 11 October

Ø Hmelnitsk 12 October

Ø Kamenets-Podilskij 14 October

Ø Ternopil 15 October

Ø Lviv 16 October

Ø Rivne 18 October

If you need more information on our Climate Tour please contact Iryna Stavchuk, or +38(095)273 2673

Information about tour coordinators:

Yevgen Kolishevskiy, executive director of the Dniprodzerzhinsk public environmental organization “Voice of the Nature”,

Natalia Vishnevskaya, project coordinator at Dniprodzerzhinsk public environmental organization “Voice of the Nature”

Iryna Stavchuk, climate change campaigner at National ecological centre of Ukraine

Information about partner organizations and regional coordinators:

Dniprodzerzhinsk public environmental organization “Voice of the Nature”

Posting address: PO box 341, Dniprodzerzhinsk, Dnipropetrovska oblast, Ukraine, 51940

Telephone/fax: 380 56 92 67439



National ecological centre of Ukraine

Iryna Stavchuk, climate change program coordinator
P.O. box 89
Kiev, 01025
Tel: (+380 44) 494 0354
Fax: (+380 44) 494 0355
e-mail: ,

Bureau of environmental investigations

Anatolij Pavelko
O.Besarab str. 9/6
Lviv, 79017

Ecoclub – Youth public environmental organization

Lyashchuk Olga
PO box №73
Rivne, 33023
tel/fax (+380 362) 237024

Hmelnystk regional organization of the “Nature protection group”

Reznikov Yuri
PO box 111
Hmelnitsk, 29000
tel. (+380 382) 792416
mob. 8 066 200-7500
email: ,

Cherkassy regional organization “Green World”

Pleskach Alla
Khreschatyk190, apt. 9
Cherkassy, 18000
tel/fax: (+380 472) 47-48-91

Environmental and humanitarian regional organization “Green World” in Chortkiv

Stepanenko Oleksandr
PO box № 12
Chrtkiv, Ternopilska obl., 48500
tel. (+38 097) 752-4122

Regional environmental organization “Green World”, Marganets

Mykola Vitko

Tel +38(0566)551154
