JacksonvilleHATSCoalitionSchool Board Committee Meeting

October 18, 2011 2 to 3:30 pm

PRESENT:Drew Andrews, Duval County Public School; Michelle Babcock, JaxHATS; Laura Beyrle, FSS; Ieris Bookhard, Duval County Public Schools; Karlyn Carder, JaxHATS; Torri Clark-Amezena, Duval County Public Schools; Gail Cook, FSS; Elizabeth Cottrell, JaxHATS; Audrey Green, JaxHATS, Tammy Mays, Duval County Public Schools; Maria Quinones, Spina Bifida of Jax; Sherry Robinson(on phone), Children’s Medical Services.

1. Call to Order / Introduction / Carol Shutters called meeting to order and introductions were made. / None
Business of the Session
2. Identify relevant plan elements / Strategic Issue 2: Pediatric and adult health & mental health providers would benefit from additional training to address the special health care and other needs of youth & young adults with disabilities & special needs.
Objective 2.2: Educate individuals & their families about transition issues in culturally and linguistically appropriate ways.
2.2.1 Adapt a HCT curriculum and work to incorporate it into existing health programs within the school system.
During the Sept JacksonvilleHATS Coalition meeting participants concluded that we could help the public schools with communicating the importance of transition planning. Suggestions included developing a pilot program, adding a transition piece focusing on healthcare to the IEP process, approaching healthcare transition education as a necessary independent living skill, providing teacher in-services
The stated issue and objective was discussed. An overview of JacksonvilleHATS, JaxHATS, and FloridaHATS was given. The structure of the Duval County School System as it relates to health care transition was outlined.
There is no existing “curriculum” in place. Each school approaches the subject of transition uniquely, based on the needs of the students. The nature of the IEP process was outlined. The GLADD curriculum has been previewedby providers and youth in transition; however, it is not being implemented at this time. .
Available resources were discussed and distributed to attendees. / None
3. Where to start? / Discussion concluded that a constructive first step would be to target specific audiences within the school system. Gaining audience with them to deliver a brief explanation of what JaxHATSprovides how to access resources, and to answer any questions.
Target groups identified:
  1. District level employees
  2. Individual schools, quarterly support meetings
  3. High school support teams
  4. Hospital Homebound Program
There are other transition related activates taking place in the community that JacksonvilleHATS could coordinate with. One such activity is Project10 Connect. / The knowledgeable attendees will provide contact information and necessary introductions if effort to schedule JaxHATS visits. Audrey Green will be scheduling for JaxHATS and can be contacted at; 904-244-9204,
4. Next Meeting / The Public School Committee agreed that it was unnecessary to schedule a next meeting. In the process of these interactions other opportunities to strengthen communication and awareness will arise. / Committee will reconvene at an appropriate time in the future to take further action.