14th May 2018

Present / Distribution List
Ian Barbeary
Judy Colwell
Melissa Colwell
Elspeth Ringrose
Nigel Vosper / All leaders & certificated helpers.
Members of the Executive Committee.
The Quartermaster
The Rector and Assistant Ministers.
Young Leaders within group.

Note: Just for clarity actions have been highlighted. It’s just to highlight – noting we are all volunteers.

Item 1 Apologies.


Item 2 Matters arising from previous minutes.

None not covered in following sections.

Item 3 Review of past events.

Authors Note: Ticks (Ö) indicate that the event took place. Crosses (X) indicate that they did not.

Ö Mar 12 Exec

Ö Mar 17 Guide AGM

Ö Mar 24 Duck Race

Ö Mar 25 Palm Sunday

Followed by a trip to Air Arena Chichester Trampoline.

Ö Apr 06-08 Scout Easter Hike

Ö Apr 16 Youth Forum

Ö Apr 23 St Georges Day

Ö Apr 25 New Rector collation.

Ö Apr 27/28 Cub Submarine Sleepover

Ö Apr 30 Youth Celebration Planning Meeting

Ö May 12/13 DofE Assessed Hike

Changed from Apr 28/29

Item 4 Forthcoming events.

May 21 Exec

Jun 9/10 Beaver Camp

At Ferny Crofts

Jun 13 Scout Group AGM

Timing to confirm at Exec but last years timing was:

6.15pm: Doors Open. Tea/Coffee served,

6.45pm: AGM starts,

7.15pm: Awards

7.45 pm: Small (Hotdog/Burger) BBQ

Jun15-17 Gunnell

Jun 26 District AGM

Jun 27 Youth Celebration Service

See item 5

Jul 02 Group Scouters

At Judys House

Jul 07 Summer Show

Jul 09 Exec

Jul 13-15 Harvest Camp and DofE Assessed Hike

At Ruperts

29 Jul -04 Aug H0018 Scout Summer Camp

At Buddens Campsite

Aug 11-18 Cub Summer Camp

At Ferny Crofts

Sep 17 Youth Forum

Sep 21-23 Cub Autumn Camp

Oct 01 Group Scouters including review of Awards

At Judys House

Oct 08 Exec

Dec 14-16 Scout Christmas Camp

At Sandy Acres

Lesson Learnt: Don’t forget the Church Reports.

Item 5 Garages, Church & Youth Forum

For reference the services the Sections will be attending as sections are:

·  Palm Sunday(flags) 09 Apr 2017

·  Youth Celebration (Flags) Jul 2017 (TBC)

·  Harvest (flags) Sep 2017

·  Christingle (no flags) Dec 2017

Permission has been given for some repair work to be done on the garages. This includes protecting the tent garage from flooding by guttering at the back and sealing the brickwork. The work done so far appears to be successful. There is more guttering work to be done at the back. The back of the tent store is next to be rendered. The side of the resource garage has been sealed, there is just a small amount between garages to be sealed. Thank you to Alec, Tony and the rest of the team.

Details on the Summer Show and Youth Celebration were discussed.

Item 6 DBS Forms.

The meeting took its usual role of checking all on the DBS status following item 7.

Item 7 Group Leaders & Helpers

Link to the appointment forms section of Scoutbase.

Link to the Group role section of Scoutbase including guidance on Occasional Helpers.

The Beavers and Cubs sections are struggling for leaders at present particularly when there is illness or other reasons for leaders not being able to attend. A number of things are planned to help rectify including revival of the Beaver Parent Help rota.

One of the Scouts has volunteered to help at Cubs as part of the DofE award.

Scouts/Explorers are currently ok with Leaders. However this will be kept under review in order for the Explorer Unit to develop fully.

There are a number of people who are outstanding a role review. Action Ian to continue with these reviews.

Item 7a: Development Plan

Due to time constraints the development plan was not done at the meeting. It will be updated offline and the results sent round.

Item 8 Training & Courses:

Link to the Hampshire training calendar.

Link to the district training website.

Melissa has completed the final modules of her full training and is awaiting award of woodbadge.

Nigel took an Action to review everyones first aid, safeguarding and Health and Safety training as a result of the District and County encouragment to make sure these are up to date. Part of the issue is the way Compass records this information.

Mel and Judy are overdue safeguarding training which they will do this coming weekend.

Elspeth mentioned that there was a St Johns mental health course which would be useful for her to attend. She will find out details.

There is a Scouting GDPR Online Training course available here. In addition, a 1st Bedhampton Data Control Policy has been written. There were no comments on this policy at this meeting and it will be submitted to the Executive for approval and publication on our website.

The meeting reviewed the adventurous activities situation. The aim is to get to a position where we have at least two instructors for each activity.

·  Rifle Shooting (Andy Leading). Approval was given in 2014 for £260 to be spent on 2 courses. So far only one course has been done (Andy in Sep 2014).

·  Kayaking (Nigel Leading). Since Richard has gone to the states, Nigel is the only permit holder. Approval has been given for £75 spend on courses.

·  Climbing (Leader TBC). Currently only Andy Hayward has qualifications. Nick Palmer also has experience in climbing but is not qualified. Although the aim is to have 2 of each leader the leaders felt that closing this gap was not a priority.

·  Hillwalking (Nigel Leading). Approval has been given by the Executive for £190 of funding (2 * £60 learning weekends + 1 £70 WGL assessment) to gain a WGL (Walking Group Leader) award plus transport costs.

·  Archery (Leader not required). Currently there are 3 instructors (Nigel, Judy and Alan) and no more are seen as needed.

8a) Items already approved by the Executive and still need to be paid.

·  None

8b) Items already approved by the Executive and still need to be completed.

·  £140 for Rifle shooting training.

·  £75 for Kayaking training. Approved at Jan 14 Exec.

·  £190, plus 25p per mile travel expenses to Snowdonia for Hillwalking was approved at the Mar 14 Exec.

8c) Items ready for submission to the next Executive.

·  None.

8d) Items that are still under discussion at the leader meeting and are not yet ready to be taken to the Executive.

·  St Johns Mental Health Course (see above).

Item 9 Group Equipment

Please see section 5 regarding garage repairs.

9a) Items already approved by the Executive and still need to be paid.

·  £50 to buy 3 Big Tarpaulins. We need to check at the Exec whether this money is still owed to Nick

·  Request for additional spend up to £64 for 8 quick fit connections for the gas splitters. Money owed to Nick.

·  The Axes and saws Up to £100 approved. Money owed to Nick.

·  Adults Scarfs. Ian is owed this money he will bring the receipt along to the Executive.

9b) Items already approved by the Executive and still need to be finished.

·  £100 for poles for the Vango 200 and 300s (2 and 3-man hiking tents) Wayne kindly sorted out 6 tents. He has recently spent another £61 (bringing the total to £87) and will bring the receipts along to the Executive.

9c) Items ready for submission to the next Executive.

·  Scouts wish approval to use £250 from their transport budget for Van hire for Summer Camp. This may not be needed as the district might provide however approval is requested to spend the money if required. There will also be a transport fee for Van hire for the Cubs later in the summer.

·  As per previous years request the Executive fund the Gunnell £6 per person entry fee (£24 total)

9d) Items that are still under discussion at the leader meeting and are not yet ready to be taken to the Executive.

·  Rolling programme of replacement hike tents.

·  Bulldog patrol (4th set of equipment) was taken out this year. It was found that the fly sheet is missing. Also the eating shelter has a large grease stain and needs cleaning.

Item 10 Fundraising

The leaders think that applying to be a charity in the Havant Lottery would be a good idea. It is understood that Lesley Thomas may be willing to help set this up for us.

The leaders suggest we politely decline Morissons offer and explain why we don’t think a 50/50 split is worth our while and we are very busy at Christmas with other events. We are pursuing other Supermarket bagpack options including Sainsburys at Farlington.

The international team are looking at fundraising options.

Ian took an action to look at other Token schemes beside Waitrose (Waitrose can only be applied for once every 3 years)..

Item 11 Young Leaders/DofE

Young leader training is being support by the sections and the district. training. This section will be combined with item 7 in the future.

Item 12 Linking

Details were discussed between the Beaver, Cub and Scout sections. A change to the Beaver > Cub linking is being trialled.

Items 13/14 AOB/ Round the table

It was suggested we push further for leaders, helpers and supporters to receive awards for good service.

Appendix A: Notes of items to raise at the next Executive Meeting

·  Item 4 Confirm AGM Timing

·  Item 7 GDPR Policy

·  Items 9a Monies owed

·  Item 9c New equipment items for the Executive Consideration

·  Item 10 Fundraising including Havant Lottery Request

Equipment register

Note 1: This is just to ensure we know what has been borrowed and when. It is not to curtail our good work in the community.

Note 2: Please ensure Nigel Vosper is emailed on all requests to borrow equipment () so this register is kept up to date.

·  28/04/18 The Church borrowed and returned some tables

Appendix B: Notes of items to raise at the next Youth Forum

·  None

Minutes of Group Scouters Meeting held 14th May Produced By Nigel Vosper

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