Unit 2 Theme 2 Governing Canada
Building-Block Assessment Rubric: Newspaper Headlines
Name Class
Your five newspaper headlines
Category / Level 480–100% / Level 3
70–79% / Level 2
60–69% / Level 1
Knowledge & Understanding / include many relevant and accurate historical details that show thorough knowledge and understanding of the actions chosen / include relevant and accurate historical details that show considerable knowledge and understanding of the actions chosen / include some relevant and accurate historical details that show some knowledge and understanding of the actions chosen / include few relevant and accurate historical details that show limited knowledge and understanding of the actions chosen
Thinking / show a high degree of effectiveness in using criteria to select, analyze, and evaluate the actions chosen / show considerable effectiveness in using criteria to select, analyze, and evaluate the actions chosen / show some effectiveness in using criteria to select, analyze, and evaluate the actions chosen / show limited effectiveness in using criteria to select, analyze, and evaluate the actions chosen
Communication / show a high degree of effectiveness in using spelling, grammar, and punctuation to express ideas and information
show a high degree of effectiveness in selecting key words and phrases to communicate information about the actions chosen / show considerable effectiveness in using spelling, grammar, and punctuation to express ideas and information
show considerable effectiveness in selecting key words and phrases / show some effectiveness in using spelling, grammar, and punctuation to express ideas and information
show some effectiveness in selecting key words and phrases to communicate information about the actions chosen / show limited effectiveness in using spelling, grammar, and punctuation to express ideas and information
show limited effectiveness in selecting key words and phrases to communicate information about the actions chosen
Application / use language, references, and the newspaper headline format to convey a sense of the events and issues of the period with a high degree of effectiveness / use language, references, and the newspaper headline format to convey a sense of the events and issues of the period with considerable effectiveness / use language, references, and the newspaper headline format to convey a sense of the events and issues of the period with some effectiveness / use language, references, and the newspaper headline format to convey a sense of the events and issues of the period with limited effectiveness
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