P.O.BOX 70, 10836 COUNTY ROAD # 2


Phone: 905-349-2822 Fax: 905-349-3259




The Corporation of the Township of Alnwick/Haldimand continues to implement the delivery of municipal services more effectively for the residents of our municipality. This report outlines improvements in respect to service delivery in the following areas, those being Public Works Department, Municipal Volunteer Fire Department, Municipal Library System, Planning and Recreation Departments.


In respect to the Municipal Administration Department, the following expenditures were incurred in order to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the work schedule including the purchase of a Xerox photocopier, with many features that allows collation, separation of numerous copies into packages such as agendas, front/back copying that reduces a phenomenal amount of paper particularly in the preparation of agendas and planning applications. The replacement and upgrades at workstations and computer hardware including monitors further added to the efficiency and effectiveness of the work schedule and reduced the downtime created from equipment not capable of handling the workload being processed. The upgrade from dial-up to high-speed internet increased both the efficiency and effectiveness of staff time management and reduced the time staff were unable to access information due to information overloads causing system lock-ups. To address health and safety issues identified in the Administration offices, the installation of an air quality system at the Grafton Administration Office was completed and the installation of new carpet at the Roseneath Administration Satellite office and an overall inspection inspection of municipal buildings under the Occupation Health and Safety Act.


The Municipal Library System offers three (3) branches in Grafton, Centreton and Roseneath. The Municipal Library Board identified the need for a more efficient and effective facility at the Centreton site and initiated a reserve for a capital project to upgrade or replace the Centreton Branch to be more efficient and effective for the users of this facility and address the issue of public health, safety and accessibility.


In order to continue to reduce vehicle repair costs, Council continues to upgrade the municipality’s fleet. In 2005, a 4 x 4 ½ ton truck was purchased. New road construction was undertaken for two roads including Shearer Point Road and Academy Hill Road. The municipality was successful in receiving funding through the Canada-Ontario Municipal Rural Infrastructure Fund (COMRIF Intake 1) – maximum funding approved was $191,666 (being one-third funding from the Federal Government, one-third funding from the Provincial Government and one-third funding raised by the municipality) for the installation of a new structure (Radcliffe Bridge) on King Road in 2005. The Public Works also resurfaced approximately 28.2 kilometers of municipal roads as part of the Township’s goals to improve efficiency and effectiveness as to road maintenance in to eliminating the necessity of reconstructing municipal gravel roads. All road upgrades reduce the need for ongoing summer maintenance; address the issue of public safety and vehicle usage of primary municipal roads within the Township’s road system.


The Municipal Volunteer Fire Department maintained their enrollment of fire and rescue personnel and maintained a continuous instructive training program which provide health and safety education to our fire and rescue personnel. A new Fire Rescue van was purchased for the Roseneath Fire Station # 3. The Volunteer Fire Department Association initiated a fund-raising program for the purchase of a new fire rescue boat to be utilized on Rice Lake through public and corporate donations and events and was successful in obtaining the funds required to complete the transaction.


As part of the Municipality’s ongoing program to meet the Emergency Measures requirements and provide services to assist with an emergency within the Township. Council, with funding assistance of $10,000.00, by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services, through the Joint Emergency Preparedness Program (JEPP) were able to purchase one (1) portable generator and complete the necessary hydro and wiring upgrades at four (4) sites, Grafton Municipal Building, Centreton Public Works Building, Fenella Community Centre and the Roseneath Public Works Building.


The Municipality introduced a “Tourism Gateway Signage” program to identify each hamlet throughout the rural township. This project included the collection and recording of all hamlet areas covering 398 square kilometers of land area and a population of 5,846 and the development of signage that would compliment the rural with the hamlet areas identify individual areas and provide continuity throughout the township. The signage will become part of the integrated networking of the promotion of tourism throughout the County be easily recognized as is the Waterfront Trail and the Apple Route that have become recognized symbols through the County and beyond.

The Municipality, in conjunction with the County of Northumberland, initiated the relocation of the Cairn, located on the corner of Station Road and County Road #2. The reconstruction of this corner is to eliminate traffic congestion caused during peak traffic times during school bus times and when traffic is re-routed off Highway 401 for emergency purposes.

In order to provide continued recreational usage of the Shuffleboard Facility, upgrades to the floor and windows, carpet replacement and interior painting was completed.

The gravel parking lot area, situated at the back of the Grafton Administration Building, and used extensively as an entrance way by customers, delivery personnel, staff and Council members, was identified as an area that needed upgrading in order to provide a safe egress/ingress for both pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The parking lot abuts a neighbouring property owner that operates and restaurant and Bed & Breakfast establishment. Council was able to negotiate an agreement that provided a cost-effective solution for both parties and allowed the entire parking surface to be completed as one unit. The installation of railing and the elimination of a step at this entrance brought this entrance into conformity with the Accessibility requirements.

A public picnic area complete with a gazebo was constructed at the Roseneath Fairground site, which hosts the unique and distinct Roseneath Carousel.

The Smart Serve Program was implemented and training sessions were provided to all interested parties. Approximately __ individuals completed the training successfully and are available when special occasions are held at any of the municipal recreation and community facilities.

In order to meet the Ontario Water regulations and to provide the communities within the municipality continued services, Council approved the installation of two (2) newly drilled wells at the Centreton Community Centre and the Vernonville Community Centre.


The Municipality proceeded with the completion of the Official Plan Consolidation. Other planning issues included the Zoning By-law Amendments to address the policies of the Oak Ridges Moraine Conservation Plan (ORMCP) and researching the feasibility of the completion of an “Alternate Energy Source” study.

Report Date: November 16, 2006

Fiscal Year Covered: 2005

Contact Information: Terry Korotki, Clerk/Administrator

Municipal Administration Office (Grafton) (905)-349-2822 Fax: (905)-349-3259

e-mail –

Mayor – William Finley (905)-349-2747

Clerk/Administrator (905-349-2822 (Ext. 23)