Scientific and Professional Liaison Council Conference Call

Date:Monday, March 3, 2014

Time:3 pm ET, 2 pm CT, 1 pm MT and 12 pm PT

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Scientific and Professional Liaison Council Conference Call

In Attendance

Sherri Sheinfeld Gorin, PhD, (Chair)

David Goodrich, EdD

Paul B. Jacobsen, PhD

Erika A. Waters, PhD, MPH


Holland LaFave

Unable to Attend:

Jennifer K. Carroll, MD, MPH

Martin Cheatle, PhD

Mary Driscoll

Sara Knight, PhD

Suzanne O’Neill, PhD

Julie A. Wright, PhD

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Scientific and Professional Liaison Council Conference Call


1. 01.24.14 Minutes Approval

There were no objections to the minutes and the Council approves the minutes.

2. SPLC Dinner at Annual Meeting

In addition to the late Friday dinner tentatively planned, the council would like to schedule a Friday lunch to accommodate the liaison organizational members/leaders who will be attending the meeting but cannot attend an evening event.

The Council members reviewed the tentative list of organizations to invite, generated by Council Chair, Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin and suggested adding the American Cancer Society to the list. The Council was asked to forward Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin email addresses for anyone involved with the liaison organizations that will be attending the SBM Annual Meeting. It was also requested to pick a location in which the volume of restaurant noise can be controlled and/or is guaranteed to be low.

Action Item: Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin will send out a poll to the Council for preference of a dinner or lunch meet up as well as to ask for restaurant ideas. Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin to resend the tentative organizational dinner invite list to the Council and ask for names and emails.

3. President’s Letter to Liaison Groups

SBM President, Dr. Dawn Wilson, has drafted a letter to potential collaborative partner organization to work on policy initiatives. Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin has requested that SPLC liaison groups get added to the recipient list of the letter. More information will follow as the letter is finalized.

Action Item: Send the Council Members the Presidential Invitation Letter once it has been finalized.

4. Update on Current Liaison Activities

a. North American Primary Care Research Group (NAPCRG)/Primary Care

No updates.

b. Physical Activity and VA

No new updates from the physical activity liaison end. Dr. Goodrich stated that VA members wanting to attend the SBM Annual Meeting are currently awaiting approval for travel funds.

c. Decision Making

Dr. Waters verified that a member of Society of Medical Decision Making (Dr. Valerie Reyna) would be attending the SBM Annual Meeting and presenting in one of the Health Decision Making SIG’s symposia.

She also updated the Council on the status of the preliminary discussions with members of SMDM and SBM on establishing a cross-talk program between the two organizations. There are 5 individuals between both groups that are interested in helping move the initiative along. More information will be distributed to the Council once the “cross talk” group has met.

d. Pain

No updates

e. Informatics

No updates

f. Evidence Based Behavioral Medicine (EBBM)

Dr. Jacobsen will be meeting with members of the American Psychosocial Oncology Society at the 2014 Annual Meeting, after they present at the Cancer SIG preconference Course. The goal of the discussion is to establish plans to incorporate SBM into the upcoming International Psychosocial Oncology Society’s meeting in Washington DC.

g. VA and Public Health Law Research (PHLR)

Members of the Public Health Law Research group will be presenting a Symposium at the upcoming SBM meeting.

h. Other

No updates.

5. Proposed SPLC Manual

The Council would like to propose revising the section of the Manual that restricts the Council from writing policy briefs and statements.

Action Item: Dr. Sheinfeld Gorin will propose new language for the Manual in regards to writing policy statements/briefs and bring it to the Board of Directors at the upcoming SBM Annual Meeting/Board of Directors Meeting for approval. Council Members are asked to send in any additional feedback on the Manual to SBM Staff in the meantime.

6. New Business:

No additional business

Next meeting:

Monday, March 24, 2014

Time: 3 pm ET, 2 pm CT, 1 pm MT and 12 pm PT

Please RSVP

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