Reading Cycling Club: Guidance for Junior Members

Version number / Date / Author
Ver 1.0 / Nov 2003 / Roy Booth
Ver 1.1 / Jan 2004 / Roy Booth
Ver 2.0 / Aug 2013 / Greg Woodford
Ver 2.2 / 01/11/14 / Greg Woodford


This version of the Reading Cycling Club’s (RCC) Junior Member guidelines is updated in line with RCC’s policy. This policy has been reviewed by RCC Committee in 2013.

RCC regards riders aged below 18 as important to the future of the sport, and it is the club’s collective wish that young riders should be able to join RCC rides and events.

  1. Terminology

Juniors = 16 and 17

Juveniles = under 16

Parents = include guardian or nearest adult relative

Juniors and juveniles are treated separately.


Although RCC wishes to welcome Junior riders it is not a cycling club aimed at developing Juniors. RCC does not have the infrastructure to support Junior riders. None of the members, ride leaders or event organisers have undergone specific training or gone through the vetting and barring process[1]. The new Vetting and Barring guidelines issued by the Government in 2013 highlight that only a few roles, primarily teaching and coaching, are required to go through the vetting and barring process.

RCC is a racing club and therefore all events run by RCC are likely to have a physically demanding aspect. It is the parent’s responsibility to inform themselves of the type of event and decide whether the junior is capable of achieving that.


4.1 Juniors.

A Junior rider who is a member of the club must have a parental consent form signed as part of the joining process, and delivered to the Club’s membership Secretary. This will give general consent [greg.wood1]to the named Junior rider undertaking rides with R.CC. This consent form is on RCC’s website.

The parent will have in return received a copy of our general set of guidelines for child participation.

If a junior rider is a non-member but wishes to participate in an RCC event, they must have the appropriate consent form[greg.wood2]signed by a parent.

If a non-member Junior rider turns up to an RCC event without the appropriate consent form signed the young rider should NOT be allowed to join the ride.

On a club event; the ride leader or organiser will as far as possible assess whether the Junior rider is properly equipped to undertake and sufficiently able to complete the ride and will make it his or her best endeavour to ensure that:

  1. The Junior rider is never left behind or otherwise allowed to get lost.
  2. The Junior rider should not be left to ride in the company of just one rider,
  3. The Junior rider is returned to Reading Town Centre or a dropping off place from which he or she is happy to make his or her way back home. Parents will have received in our general guidelines an explanation of how club rides re-entering the town break up into ones and twos going home.

All senior riders should understand that they have a duty of care to Junior riders and support the ride leader. Senior riders should attempt to avoid being on their own with the Junior rider however it is understood that this might happen on occasion, for example accompanying the Junior home. It is noted that RCC club events are run in a public environment.

Clearly inappropriate relationships with a Junior Rider of either sex must not be formed, and any inappropriate sexual behaviour towards a Junior must immediately be reported to the Club Welfare Officer. All club members have a duty of care towards each other and the Junior Rider.


  1. Any Junior who turns up on a bicycle that is unsuitable to the purpose or in an unroadworthy condition, then the Junior should not be allowed to participate in the ride. It is not recommended that the ride leader attempt to repair the cycle prior to the event unless they are a competent to do so. Time spent is also a consideration. Note that although the onus is on the ride leader to make the appropriate decision if issues arise the Club does not expect the ride leader to make anything else other than a visual inspection of the junior and his / her cycle. As above it is expected that all riders support the ride leader in this.
  2. Helmets are compulsory for Junior riders whilst riding their bicycle on any RCC event.

4.2 Juveniles

Juvenile riders should be accompanied on club rides by a parent, or coach recognised by the parents or other responsible adult known to and approved by the parents and by RCC. The appropriate signed consent form should also be provided to the event organiser. This adult is to act in loco parentis. The club would expect this adult to show reasonable control over the Juvenile rider under his or her care. This superintending adult may at any time opt to leave the club ride and ride alone with the Juvenile (for instance, to take a shorter route home).


The superintending adult should be responsible for the bicycle ridden by the Juvenile; however the mandatory helmet rule does still apply.



Juniors should have joined the club before attempting a time trial therefore will have filled in the annual consent form. In order to compete in the time trial the Junior should fill in the Cycling Time Trails (CTT) and provide to the event organiser. The Junior rider’s parent must contact the Time Trial Secretary beforehand. RCC would prefer the parent to be present at the event. The Time Trial Secretary should inform the event timekeeper that a Junior will be riding. All our club courses are open to Junior riders’ participation.

5.2 Juveniles

Riders under the age of 16 may only participate in time trials when a parent is present to allow the ride in whatever conditions of light, traffic or weather are then prevailing. The Juvenile must fill in both the RCC consent form and the CTT consent form.

  1. Summary

To summarise, although RCC wishes to encourage young riders it does not have the infrastructure to support them. The onus of support therefore must fall onto the parent or designated adult. For further information contact one of the club officials listed here.

  1. Contacts

For an up to date contact list see Reading Cycling Club's website:

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Previously known as CRB

[greg.wood1]Insert hyperlink

[greg.wood2]Insert hyperlink