6+1 Traits Writing Rubric

Short Story Rubric

Advanced (4) / Proficient (3) / Partially Proficient (2) / Unsatisfactory (1)
Ideas & Content x2 / Paper is consistently clear, focused & insightful. Unique anecdotes & details enrich the writing. Writing conveys info in a creative & original manner. / Writing is frequently clear & focused, supported by relevant anecdotes & details. Answers all parts of the prompt. / Writing begins to hint at a focus or purpose, even though development is basic or general. / Writing has no clear sense of purpose or focus. To extract meaning from the text, reader must make inferences based on sketchy or missing details.
Organization / Organization of paragraph structure, transitions & pacing enhances & showcases the central idea or focus. The order, structure or presentation of info is compelling & moves reader through the text. / Organization of paragraph structure, transitions & pacing is strong enough to move reader through the text w/out confusion. / Organization of paragraph structure, transitions & pacing is strong enough to move reader through the text w/out too much confusion. / Writing lacks a clear sense of direction. Ideas, details or events seem strung together in a loose or random fashion; there is no identifiable internal structure.
Voice / Writing is crafted w/ awareness & respect for the audience & purpose in a way that is individual, compelling & engaging. Tone is consistently appropriate. / Writing is crafted w/ awareness & respect for the audience & purpose. Tone is frequently appropriate. / Writing seems sincere but not fully engaged or involved. The language is functional, even if it lacks energy. Tone is occasionally appropriate. / Writing seems indifferent & lacks energy & engagement. Tone is rarely appropriate.
Word Choice x 2 / Consistently uses a wide variety of strong vocabulary, employs literary techniques, & paints a picture w/ words. Writing shows rather than tells. / Frequently uses a wide variety of strong vocabulary, employs literary techniques, & paints a picture w/ words. Writing shows rather than tells. / Occasionally uses a wide variety of strong vocabulary, employs literary techniques, & paints a picture w/ words. Writing tells rather than shows. / Rarely uses a wide variety of strong vocabulary, employs literary techniques, & paints a picture w/ words. Writing tells rather than shows.
Sentence Fluency x2 / Writing consistently flows smoothly due to a wide variety of sentence lengths, types & beginnings; it has cadence. Transition words are appropriate & sophisticated. / Writing frequently flows smoothly due to a moderate variety of sentence lengths, types & beginnings. Most transition words are appropriate & sophisticated. / Writing occasionally flows smoothly due to a limited variety of sentence lengths, types & beginnings. Some transition words are appropriate & sophisticated. / Writing rarely flows smoothly due to a lack of sentence lengths, types & beginnings. Transition words are inappropriate and/or unsophisticated.
Conventions / Writing shows consistent mastery of capitalization, punctuation, grammar, spelling, & complete sentences. Readability & meaning are enhanced. / Writing contains minor errors in capitalization, punctuation, grammar, spelling, & complete sentences. Errors do not interfere w/ readability & meaning. / Writing contains errors in capitalization, punctuation, grammar, spelling, & complete sentences. Errors interfere w/ readability or meaning. / Writing contains numerous errors in mechanics & grammar. Errors interfere w/ readability & meaning, making writing unreadable.
Presentation / Follows MLA format. Overall presentation enhances readability. / Contains most MLA formatting requirements. Minor oversights do not affect overall readability. / Contains some MLA formatting requirements. Missing piece(s) affect the overall readability somewhat. / Contains few MLA formatting requirements. Overall readability is significantly affected.

40 - TOTAL
