RSSRail Conference 2017
14-16 November 2017 – Pistoia, Italy
This form should be completed and then sent, by e-mail, post or fax, to this address:
Joan Atkinson, School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK
Email: Fax: +44 (0) 191 208 7995 Tel: +44 (0) 191 221 2222
Title: First Name: Surname
VAT registration No.: Telephone:
Email: Special dietary needs:
Please select your registration options below.
Full conference registration (includes tutorials and banquet dinner):
Advance (by 2nd October 2017) Late (after 2nd October 2017)
Regular rate 600 Euros Regular rate 700 Euros
Student rate 450 Euros Student rate 550 Euros
Additional tickets for Banquet Dinner (15th November, 2017) @ 70 Euros Number required:
Tutorial only registration:
Fixed rate 75 Euros
Tutorial selection – all delegates please specify which tutorials (if any) you wish to attend.
No tutorials Tutorial 1 Tutorial 2 Tutorial 3 Tutorial 4
Total Payment:
All payments should be made in Euros.
Please choose one of the following payment options.
Go to the secure payments page for the conference and make your payment there. [Not available yet.]
Please invoice my company.
[You will need to provide invoicing details, including a Purchase Order number if your company requires this.]
I will pay by Direct Transfer in Euros [please quote on the payment: Dee Carr, Ext. 87997]:
Barclays Bank Plc, Percy Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4QL
Sort Code: 20-59-42 Account number: 20177776
Swift Code: BARCGB22 20-59-42 IBAN: GB57 BARC2059 4220 1777 76
I enclose (or will send) a cheque in Euros [cheques should be made payable to: Newcastle University].
I wish to pay by credit card. Note that we cannot accept credit card details via e-mail.
Please use the Credit Card payment form, which must be submitted either by post or to our secure fax machine
+44 (0) 191 208 7995. Alternatively we can take the credit card details by telephone +44 (0) 191 221 2222.