RSSRail Conference 2017

14-16 November 2017 – Pistoia, Italy

This form should be completed and then sent, by e-mail, post or fax, to this address:

Joan Atkinson, School of Computing Science, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 7RU, UK

Email: Fax: +44 (0) 191 208 7995 Tel: +44 (0) 191 221 2222

Title: First Name: Surname



VAT registration No.: Telephone:

Email: Special dietary needs:

Please select your registration options below.

Full conference registration (includes tutorials and banquet dinner):

Advance (by 2nd October 2017) Late (after 2nd October 2017)

 Regular rate 600 Euros  Regular rate 700 Euros

 Student rate 450 Euros  Student rate 550 Euros


Additional tickets for Banquet Dinner (15th November, 2017) @ 70 Euros Number required:

Tutorial only registration:

 Fixed rate 75 Euros

Tutorial selection – all delegates please specify which tutorials (if any) you wish to attend.

 No tutorials  Tutorial 1  Tutorial 2  Tutorial 3  Tutorial 4

Total Payment:

All payments should be made in Euros.

Please choose one of the following payment options.

 Go to the secure payments page for the conference and make your payment there. [Not available yet.]

 Please invoice my company.

[You will need to provide invoicing details, including a Purchase Order number if your company requires this.]

 I will pay by Direct Transfer in Euros [please quote on the payment: Dee Carr, Ext. 87997]:

Barclays Bank Plc, Percy Street, Newcastle upon Tyne, NE1 4QL

Sort Code: 20-59-42 Account number: 20177776

Swift Code: BARCGB22 20-59-42 IBAN: GB57 BARC2059 4220 1777 76

 I enclose (or will send) a cheque in Euros [cheques should be made payable to: Newcastle University].

 I wish to pay by credit card. Note that we cannot accept credit card details via e-mail.

Please use the Credit Card payment form, which must be submitted either by post or to our secure fax machine

+44 (0) 191 208 7995. Alternatively we can take the credit card details by telephone +44 (0) 191 221 2222.