Environments & Interactions that Support Each Young Child
Presenter: Camille Catlett ()
Message for Today: High quality early childhood environments and interactions support positive outcomes for each and every child
Universal Design for Learning
Building Inclusive Childcare Universal Design for Learning
The Universal Design of Early Education: Moving Forward for all Children
Questions to Consider in UDL Observations in Early Childhood Environments
Environments and Behavior
Center on the Social and Emotional Foundations for Early Learning http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/
Practice Implementation Checklist: High Quality Environments http://challengingbehavior.fmhi.usf.edu/communities/trainers_docs/practice_environment.pdf
Technical Assistance Center on Social Emotional Development for Young Children http://www.challengingbehavior.org/
Using Choice and Preference to Promote Improved Behavior http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/briefs/handout15.pdf
Using Environmental Strategies to Promote Positive Social Interactions http://csefel.vanderbilt.edu/briefs/handout6.pdf
Environments that Support Play
Play: The Heart of Development
Use Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
· Multiple Means of Representation
o Kinesthetic
o Visual
o Auditory
· Multiple Means of Engagement
o Attention
o Curiosity
o Motivation
o Interests
o Preferences
· Multiple Means of Expression
o Gestures
o Speaking
o Singing
o Pointing
o Signing
o Typing/texting
o Drawing
o Assistive technology
Do Your Environments Reflect Each Child?
To what extent do my environments and materials reflect each child, family, and community? / How much is thiscurrently happening?
Not yet / Somewhat / Consistently
I have learned about the unique characteristics of each child and family and work to authentically reflect them in ways that are genuine and positive
I use songs, games, music, and materials that reflect the cultures and languages of the children and families with whom I work
I ensure that each child can see authentic and positive images of people like him or herself and his/her family
What we eat and how we eat reflects knowledge of the dietary priorities the children and families (e.g., religious, cultural, and health considerations)
I provide materials in a variety of formats (from concrete to abstract) so I can adjust the level of difficulty up or down for each child