Aleph Cataloguing/Authorities Conversion Work Group

Conversion of the NOTIS/McGill copy holdings record to Aleph (I.3)

The copy holdings record consists of the control fields (STATUS, DT, AD), title level notes, copy statements (repeatable), and copy level notes. The conversion of the 2 note fields is discussed in a separate document.

Copy holdings control fields:

Title STATUSno equivalent on Aleph, is there any need for this?

Values used:

aon order, in process

dstanding order classed sep.

hcompleted record


(currently being converted to 598$$a in ADM)

DT??? if retained, where should it go?

ADAction dates: need to create a trigger record.

Conversion of NOTIS/McGill copy statements to Aleph (I.3.b)

Elements of a copy statement (A22 field) are:

Copy statement number:??? is there any need for this in the long term?

Copy status:no equivalent on Aleph, does not need to be retained

Classification type:convert into: Call number type on Item record, and 852 ind.1, following Table 1 below.

Location,sublocation ($a):convert into: Sub-library and Collection codes

following (Jane's spreadsheet)

Call number prefix ($k):retain as $$k in 852 and Item record call number

This is either "folio" or "elf", rarely "folded" for maps

Call number ($b):convert into: 852 subfields $$h, $$i, $$j, $$m, $$2 following directions below for punctuation and subfielding.

Date ($d):??? do we need? if so, where to store?

Punctuation in the call number:

On NOTIS the semicolon (;) is used to supply a line feed for spine label printing. On Aleph a blank is used instead. Convert all NOTIS semicolons into blanks. In addition, in Aleph a blank is required between the LC/NLM class letters and class numbers to provide for integer sorting of the classification number. Thus, the conversion needs to insert a blank after the class letters, unless a semicolon is already present there on NOTIS (eg. LW and MN processing unit records). In some cases, there are blanks on NOTIS in the call number field, retain these as they are. (Eg. "ptie 3", "1st ser.", "reel 4" as numbering in a series classed together. [NB. This will mean that such call numbers always need to be edited when producing spine labels.])

NOTE: In CODOC call numbers there is a blank before the province code for provincial jurisdiction numbers (eg. CA2 PQ;AC1;1968;C58); substitute a period (.) for this blank space so that this segment of the call number will remain on one line in the spine label. (result: CA2.PQ AC1 1968 C58)

On NOTIS the period (.) has been used in call numbers for: the decimal in certain LC class numbers, series numbering (v.3), in MN processing unit records and certain LC class G call numbers between the class number and the first cutter (eg. WZ;80.5.H6;K92s;1991 for NLM; G1148.C3;B4;1879 an LC atlas).

[What should we do with this?]

Do not adjust spacing around periods in captions.

(eg. G161;H2;1st ser.;no. 58 should be: G 161 H2 1st ser. no. 58, NOT "ser . " )

Division of NOTIS $b into subfields:

As McGill has stored the classification part, the item part and the suffix in a single $b subfield on NOTIS (NOTIS $c was not used), call numbers need to be divided into the appropriate subfields.

The $$h is the default destination for any part of $b that doesn't get assigned to a more specific subfield below.

Identification of $$m information:

If the very last element of the call number is one of the following, then insert subfield $$m: (This is a closed list.)





















NB: This does not apply if the Class code is U, and there is nothing else in $b.

Rules for breaking $$i from $$h:

How the item part of the call number is identified and distinguished from the classification part depends on the classification scheme used.

The $$i needs to act as a single blank for call number sorting and spine label printing. Adjacent cutter segments not separated by $$i still need to be separated by a space.

Types 0 and 2 (LC and NLM):

The general rule is that the item part ($$i) begins with the last cutter segment, and includes any date or volume number following the last cutter.

A cutter segment is defined as a segment after the first, which consists of a capital letter with one or more numbers immediately following it. Cutters are sorted decimally. (A23, B5, O414, A74738 are cutters; no.5, T.3, Suppl.2, ptie 4 are not cutters, they are volume numbers for series classed together.)

Note: the cutter might have a "work mark", this is another letter (or letters) immediately after the numbers eg. in the cutter K92s the little "s" is the work mark.

In the most common cases, if there is one cutter, the $$i should precede it. If there are 2 cutters, $$i should be inserted before the 2nd one.

Typical examples:

PN1993.5;I48A117;1985$$hPN 1993.5 I48 $$i A117 1985

QA1;F48;1990$$hQA 1 $$i F48 1990

BF173;F85H318;1971;v.2$$hBF 173 F85 $$i H318 1971 v.2

PR1119;E5;no. 31;1987$$hPR 1119 $$i E5 no. 31 1987

PR1119;E5;no.53;etc.$$hPR 1119 $$i E5 no.53 etc.

JX1977;A2;E;CN.6;474;rev.1$$hJX 1977 $$i A2 E CN.6 474 rev.1

JX1977;A2;E/CN.11;SER.Ax$$hJX 1977 $$i A2 E/CN.11 SER.Ax

There are some cases that look implausible but still follow this rule.

Ex. of work marks:

WB;5;V655v;1909$$hWB 5 $$i V655v 1909

WB;9;J13L;1856$$hWB 9 $$i J13L 1856

Ex. where the classification part is split over 2 lines:

HD9696;.63;A2T67;1998$$hHD 9696 .63 A2 $$i T67 1998

PQ7798;.29;T36C83;1992$$hPQ 7798 .29 T36 $$i C83 1992

(This presents a problem in sort order in the call number index, as these call numbers file before those that fit on one line. Will we need to compress this blank in conversion and then edit spine labels? Insuring a call number index usable for call number assignment is a priority.)

Ex. in maps with author cutter after a date:

G3512;Q4C5;1968;S8$$hG 3512 Q4 C5 1968 $$i S8

(Note that the classification part contains 2 cutter segments. A space needs to be inserted here to regularize filing.) (Jerry: please advise if this is too much work)

Ex. in maps with scale notation (which is lower case):

G3400;s126;C3$$hG 3400 s126 $$i C3

Ex. in class K with a date as part of the classification part:

KJV;444.2;1804;A7D46;1845$$hKJV 444.2 1804 A7 $$i D46 1845

Ex. in class K where there are no numbers in the classification part:

KBG;N68;1919$$hKBG $$i N68 1919

An exception to the rule is where there is no cutter part at all in the call number:

E457.92;1903$hE457.92 $$i 1903

This should split over 90% of the LC and NLM call numbers in the right places. There will remain a small number of classes (which have few entries) that LC identifies as being exceptions to the exceptions (eg. CS71 and Z696.U5).

The PZ class is a larger exception because works are usually only identified by work marks, not cutters:

PZ5;C58;1980z$$hPZ 5 $$i C58 1980z

PZ7;A496Su;1971$$hPZ 7 A496 $$i Su 1971

PZ7;A3774;Il;1990$$hPZ 7 A3774 $$i Il 1990

PZ7;A335Li68$$hPZ 7 A335 $$i Li68

PZ7;A153;Fr10$$hPZ 7 A153 $$i Fr10

But the occasional work mark looks just like a cutter:

PZ8;G882F72x$$hPZ 8 G882 $$i F72x

PZ8;B974S4;1982;St-guide$$hPZ 8 B974 $$i S4 1982 St-guide

Creating the 852:

Ind. 1 is from the class type

Ind. 2 is always set to blank - no information provided about shelving order

$$aCaQMM is always supplied.

$$b and $$cthe Sub-library and Collection

$$k $$h $$i $$m $$2all but $$h are optional


$$jwhen Ind.1=4 only

$$xif present in NOTIS MHLD and non-public copy level notes?

$$zif present in NOTIS MHLD and public copy level notes (um= or coded notes)?

Completed 852 examples:

852:0 :$$aCaQMM $$bMCL $$cREF $$kfolio $$hE457.92 $$i 1903

852:0 :$$aCaQMM $$bLAW $$cREF $$hKJV 444.2 1804 A7 $$i D46 1845

852:0 :$$aCaQMM $$bEDUC $$cCRLAB $$hPZ 8.2 $$i R5 $$m Film strip

Table 1

NOTIS Classification type / Identifying features / Call number type
(852 ind.1) / Subfields
L, M, N / 0 / $$h $$i
B, C / 2 / $$h $$i
(D, E, F) / (will not be present)
T, O, Y / location: gdoc / 7 / $$h $$i $$2cacodoc
as a suffix / 7 / $$h $$i $$2cutter
as prefixes / 4 / $$j
location: bldr,vert and $b a number / 4 / $$j
All others: / 8 / $$h only
eg. Blake
Redpath Tracts
as prefixes
Children's Cutter
Osler author cutters
U / blank / $$h only
eg. Journal
A, I, X, Z / blank / $$h only

Notes to Table 1:

Type 4:

In MARC21 this is for "shelving control number". The schemes we have selected as type 4 are accession number type schemes. They all require that the numeric part of the call number sort as an integer rather than a decimal. The call number goes in $$j.

[Jerry: Please advise if using this subfield is a problem for indexing or input.]

The candidates for type 4 can either be recognized by a text at the beginning of the $b; or for location bldr,vert where the $b begins with the number, and there is no identifying text.

Type 7 - CODOC:

In MARC21 type 7 is for a classification scheme lacking its own indicator, identified by a source code in $$2. The codes are drawn from the MARC21 list of source codes. The CODOC government documents scheme is assigned code "cacodoc" in the list.

The CODOC call numbers do not have any identifiable initial or final text in the call number itself. Any call number in location gdoc (and any of its sublocations), with class type T, O, or Y is a CODOC call number.

Classification schemes of government documents reflect the organizational structure of the government and keep the publications of a country, department or international agency together. The CODOC classification scheme is based on the same principle and may be applied to the publications of any country or organization.

Its alpha-numeric document code allows the arrangement of government publications according to country/organization and level of government. The codes reflect the country or agency of origin, level of government and within each department or agency further identify titles as monographs, series or serials.

The numeric portions of CODOC call numbers are to be sorted as integers, not as decimals, they are not "cutters".

Ex. of CODOC:

CA1;EC;A57"EC" denotes serial record (i.e. no number following letter, or increments of 10 - number ends in "zero")

CA1;EC3;W16"CA" = Country (i.e. Canada)

"1" = Level of government (i.e. federal)

"EC" = Department/agency (i.e. Economic Council of Canada)

CA1;EC1;1991;E17"EC1" denotes monograph

"1991" year of publication (for monograph)

"E17" Cutter for title

CA1;EC2;D351"EC2" denotes first established series of corporate body.

"D351" denotes Initial of series title and series number (if series is numbered).

CA1;EC3;W16"EC3" denotes second established series of corporate body.

CA2 PQ;SSY10;R11"CA2"Provincial level


As noted in the section on Punctuation above, the province code is to appear on the same spine label line as the "CA2".

Division into $$h and $$i: the $$i should be inserted before the date (monograph) or the last alpha element (serial).

Type 7 - Cutter:

Although no longer assigned, we still have a substantial number of Cutter call numbers, particularly in McLennan and Law. These can be distinguished from other call number types using class codes T, O, Y by the text "Cutter" as the last element of $b.

The ideal situation would be to have a specific call number index just for Cutter, as their format is such that they tend to intermingle with the myriad "other" types. Sorting Cutter in proper shelf order is quite complex, and we do not propose to attempt it.

We have suggested using type 7 with $$2cutter to achieve this. This source code is not found in the MARC21 list. This suggestion depends on whether different $$2 values can be used to separate the call number index into sections. If this is not possible, we will assign Cutter to type 8.

Ex. of Cutter:

102;B665;Cutter$$h 102 $$i B665 $$2cutter

160;D745;Yk;Cutter$$h 160 $$i D745 Yk $$2cutter

1899;M17;3;Cutter$$h 1899 $$i M17 3 $$2cutter

280BEA;C16;Cutter$$h 280BEA $$i C16 $$2cutter

ZA;A716;Cutter$$h ZA $$i A716 $$2cutter

ZP11;Uh6;Cutter$$h ZP11 $$i Uh6 $$2cutter

ZP.5;J61g2;Cutter$$h ZP.5 $$i J61g2 $$2cutter

ZP;Am3h;Cutter$$h ZP $$i Am3h $$2cutter

ZPAC;R15p2;Cutter$$h ZPAC $$i R15p2 $$2cutter

Type 8:

This will result in an "Other" call number index for all indexable call number types that do not belong in a more specific index.

Type "Blank":

In MARC21 "blank" is for information not provided. We have co-opted this value for use as the equivalent to NOTIS U (non-unique) call numbers, which we would not have in any call number index.

Also for any call numbers that happen to be on copy statements coded A, I, X or Z.

More needs to be done with codes A and I to carry over the "on order" and "in process" status into Aleph so that appropriate end user messages are generated.

Copy statements with status Z: are either deleted, or correspond to staff tools locations (ts,cat; ts,acq; ts,col) (law,cat; hlth,cat?). These are locations that should be suppressed from the public logical base.

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