Studies for 2018

Hi Everyone

It’s good to be back with you all. During the break, I spent time thinking through the year’s activities with regard to group studies. A new factor in play is the Australian-Korean community’s group work as well, which I expect to be part of. That said, all the studies that we pursue this year are open to everyone.

Lenten Studies

To begin the year, I want to use the Lenten Studies of UnitingWorld, the development agency of the Uniting Church, which you will find in hard-copy at the rear of the Church today and over the next couple of Sundays. Additionally, you can access the studies from our own web-site in PDF form, as well as downloading direct from UnitingWorld’s website. The studies are focused upon a series of sequential themes.

My intention is to have these studies twice each week: once during the day and once in the evening or Sunday afternoon. The day-time slot will be on Wednesday at 11am at my home, 5 Kelvin Rd, St Ives. The evening or Sunday afternoon slot is flexible, however, my suggestion at this stage is Sunday afternoon at 3pm until 4pm, at the Minister’s Office, leaving open the possibility for people to attend who may find the evening difficult.

Study 1: Justice: Sunday, February 18th and Wednesday, February 21st.

Study 2: Hope in a Complex World: Sunday, February 25th and Wednesday, February 28th.

Study 3: Love and Consequences: Sunday, March, 4th and Wednesday, March 7th.

Study 4: Self-Awareness: Sunday, March 11th and Wednesday, March 14th.

Study 5: Hospitality and Care: Sunday, March 18th and Wednesday, March 21st.

Study 6: Sacrifice: Holy Week: Sunday, March, 25th and Wednesday, March 28th.

“The Ark”: Like Noah – Getting It Right – Fun with Current Affairs

Afterthe season of Lent, I would like to re-commence our monthly studies of “The Ark” which is a flexible series looking at current affairs’ issues. During 2017, some of you nominated areas for discussion, and located particular articles from the press which focused our attention. I am happy to continue that method. My suggestion is that we have that group on the firstFriday of the month at 11am, at the Minister’s Residence, 5 Kelvin Rd, St Ives, beginning after the Lenten Series ends. Accordingly, we begin on Friday, April 6th.

“Ethics: Why We Think the Way We Think”

Last year many of you asked that we continue in 2018 the series on ethics. In 2017 we looked at particular areas, to get a taste of how Christian thought has shaped Western ethical thinking. So, I am happy to continue that series, continuing to dig. My suggestion is that we meet on the 3rd Friday of the month at 11am at the Minister’s Residence, 5 Kelvin Rd, St Ives. Accordingly, we begin on Friday, April 20th. I shall construct a plan for the year’s studies in the next couple of weeks. If you have suggestions, please let me know.

“Western Ideas and The Influence of the Christian Church”

Finally, I would like to do something new during 2018. In other contexts, I have referred to the rise of tension between secular and Christian thought over the last few years: not just in Australia, but beyond as well. In this country and others,the trigger has been the issue of marriage equality and protections for particular organizations, including the Church and its agencies. Much of the debate and conflict reflects an ignorance of the relationship between Christian and secular thinking. While the two traditions are not the same, nor are they entirely separate. In fact, secularism only exists where Christianity has preceded it. This in large part is the case, because of Christianity itself: its thinking and world view. Lamentably, secularists and Christians appear to know very little about the connection as they fight it out, in an ideological war of sorts.

In these studies, I want to respond to the deficit of knowledge reflected on both sides of the conflict. These will take a little time to write, but I expect to have them ready for the latter part of the year: a series of 6 studies.

So, I hope there is something here for everyone in this smorgasbord of studies, where we can articulate our thinking and learn from others.

