Held on Tuesday 11th December 2012 at 2 p.m.
In Meeting room 1&2
Alexandra Park, Business Park
Present:Mr R. SwainsonChair
Mr N. DarvillDirector of Informatics
Mrs S. SiwiakAssistant Director of Informatics
Mr D. McKeeAssistant Director of Informatics
Ms J. NicholsonAssistant Director of Informatics
Mr N. KhashuDeputy Director of Finance-STHK
Mr J. MorrisHead of Finance- Bridgewater - Halton & St Helens
Mr D. Smith Assistant Director of Informatics- Bridgewater
Mrs J. Ellis Programme Manager, KIPS
Mr D. KelsallAssistant Director of Informatics, 5BP
Paul Brickwood, Simon Twite, Ian Davies, Phil Corrin, Ian Brown, Dean Marsh, Adrian Hackney.
2.Minutes from the previous meeting
The minutes from the previous HIS Board meeting held on Tuesday 2nd October 2012 were agreed as a correct record.
3.Matters arising not on the agenda
Mr R. Swainson informed the board that Mr N.Darvill, Director of Informatics, has been awarded the prestigious Healthcare IT Champion of the year award at the E- Health Insider awards evening held at the Connaught Banqueting Suite in London.
The board congratulated Mr N. Darvill on receiving this award.
3.1 Mr N. Darvill informed the board that there has been no further update from the Alder Hey Hospital ICT tender.
3.2 Mr D. Smith confirmed that Mr P. Corrin provided information regarding the potential costs if Bridgewater were to stop using the PARIS meeting.
3.3 Mr D. McKee confirmed that he had forwarded the Mobile Device Policy to Mr D. Marsh as agreed at the last meeting.
4.LIS Board Finance Report
Mr N. Khashu took the board through the Finance report highlighting key points.
Mr N. Khashu informed the board that 5BP and Bridgewater currently have outstanding invoices for large amounts. He asked that this issue is raised with the Directors of finance and that payment is received urgently.
Mr R. Swainson added that it is vital that these invoices are paid as a matter of urgency.
Action: Mr J. Morris & Mr D. Kelsall
A discussion took place with regards to funding from partners for the next financial year and Mr N. Darvill explained that currently he has no indication that the I.T footprint or funding will change and if so this will be dealt with appropriately.
He added that the exact funding which will be lost from the PCT’s/CCG’s is not yet known. A meeting has taken place with Mr P. Brickwood and a verbal agreement was made to honour any contractual over heads.
A further update on this issue will be provided at the next meeting.
Action: Mr N. Darvill
Mr R. Swainson thanked board members for raising their concerns regarding these issues.
5. Health Informatics Programme Board Report
Mr D. McKee and Ms J. Nicholson took the board through the Informatics Programme report, highlighting the following key points:
Informatics Service Performance
The total number of calls received by the IT Service desk and closed within this reporting period is= 5,444.
The category one and two call fix times have slightly dropped in this reporting period which is due to extra staff resource dealing with the transition to Windows 7. This is expected to return to normal over the coming weeks.
Mr D. McKee took the group through KPI targets highlighting key points.
A discussion took place regarding the rise in call fix time. Mr N. Darvill explained that this is due engineers resolving faults while the user remains on the call.
He added that staff have now been recruited who will work on a shift pattern and the Helpdesk will be operational 24/7.
Programme Highlights
SSO- A&E, On-call doctors and 27 ward areas all now have access to red screen SSO Technology.
Outpatient Letters- Training and re-training plan has been deployed and the electronic letters to St Helens and Knowsley GP practices will commence in December.
E-Discharge- The plan is now in place to deploy e-discharge via ICE in line with CQUIN targets. This is scheduled to go live on Monday 17th December 2012.
Ms J. Nicholson added that good clinical engagement has helped to take this project forward and the project is on scheduled to hit the 95% CQUINN target.
Mr R. Swainson informed the board that Dr S. Twite is delighted with the progress made on this project.
Maternity Medway- This system went live on the 4th December 2012 and no major issues have been reported.
5BP PC replacement- This project is underway and currently on target.
Windows 7- This project is currently showing as amber. Mr D. McKee informed that board that 1500 devices have now been converted to Windows 7. Issues remain with software compatibility of core clinical systems.
Mr N. Khashu asked that that the finance is not migrated until the compatibility issues are resolved.
It was agreed that Mr D. McKee would circulate the updates compatibility matrix to the group.
Action: Mr D.McKee
A&E Correspondence- This project is currently showing as amber. Testing is currently underway and the project is on schedule to hit the CQUINN target.
Ward Order Communications- This project is currently showing as amber. The software modification has been delivered and has been signed off by all members of the Clinical Senate and deployment is planned for December 2012.
PARIS- This project is currently showing as amber. The system is now live in 5BP/KIPS Family Nurse Partnership and Breastfeeding Support Services.
Mrs S. Siwiak informed the group that a meeting had taken place with Civica where it was agreed that the briefcase specification would be piloted in Phlebotomy and no further feedback has been received. Mrs S. Siwiak assured the board that a formal complaint has been made with CIVICA regarding the lack of engagement with the HIS.
A meeting has been scheduled with CfH which will take place on 4th December 2012 to discuss PDS compliance.
VOIP Video Conferencing/message announcements- Mr D. Kelsall asked for an update on this project and it was agreed that Mr D. McKee would provide this update via e-mail.
Action: Mr D. McKee
6. Shared Service Update
There was no further update on this issue.
7.Mobile Device Demonstration
Stephen Brooks (Network Manager) provided a brief Mobile Device Demonstration to the board.
8.Any Other Business
7.1 A discussion took place regarding the best practice in technology and cost savings. Mr N. Khashu and Mr N. Darvill agreed that they would like to explore these options further and regularly update the board.
9.Date & Time of Next Meeting- Tuesday 8th January 2013 from 2.00pm-3.30pm in the Scotland & Wales room, Alexandra Business Park.