Art Making and Personal Meaning

Year 10

Visual Arts

Me Myself and I

Barbara Kruger

‘Your Body is a Battleground’

Photographic silkscreen on vinyl


Unit Outline

This subject is designed for students who wish to further their techniques and skills in the Visual Arts area at a senior school standard. Visual Art will help guide students to apply elements and principles of design to communicate their intentions through their personal expression.

Students will be studying other specific artist from different art movements and explore the aesthetic values and meanings. Student will then apply their knowledge and understanding to their own artwork.

Students will use the design process to plan and create their artwork in the Visual Arts area (see below).

Demonstration of the design process must be clearly shown

Investigate Þ Design Þ Produce Þ Evaluate

Skills development and enhancement will be shown via the following processes.

Ø  Investigation

Ø  Drawing and Sketching

Ø  Planning

Ø  Measurement

Ø  Time Management

Ø  Presentation

Ø  Evaluation

Design Brief

You are to create a series of Artworks


·  The design must be a representation of a self portrait

·  The self-portrait must have interesting movement and texture

·  The final art piece


·  Creativity/ imagination

·  Colour

·  Style

·  Research and development

·  Presentation

·  Medium

Project Requirements:

Each student will need to create a piece of work that demonstrates an understanding of each of the steps in the design process. The information may be presented in a poster, Power Point, written report or may be negotiated with your teacher.

All projects must contain evidence of

Ø  Investigation

Ø  Written theory

Ø  Conceptual sketches

Ø  Construction steps

Ø  Picture of finished product

Ø  Evaluation

Students’ Progress Check List

Task / Description / Due date / Checked / Teacher Initials
Term 3 Self Portrait
Investigation tasks
1. / Exploring Me Myself and I / Monday 14/07/14
2. / Elements & Principles of Design / Wednesday
3. / Formal Framework / TBA
4. / Facial Features
5. / Experimenting mediums
6. / Design Self Portrait
7. / Refine Sketches and begin Final
8. / Complete and refine final
9. / Self Evaluation
Notes :

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Art Making and Personal Meaning

Term 3: Self Portrait

Task 1: Exploring Me Myself and I A3 Cartridge
Brainstorm at least 6 following themes.
You may write or draw 10 things for each theme.
Write 1 sentence for your top 3 things.
** If there are other themes you would like to explore please speak with your teacher about your ideas**
Family Friends Hobbies Holidays
Foods Music Movies
Places Cartoons Comics Memories
Dreams Seasons Future
Subjects School Pets Goals
Feelings World Issues
Eg: Kitchen
1) Lasagne (It is my favourite meal and mum always makes it for us when it’s our birthday)
2) cookies (best snack to ever eat when I’m studying or just watching tv)
3) lunch ( I make my own lunch, it shows I’m independent and I can put whatever I want in it. If I’m prepared I would sometimes have a fried egg)
banana, mum’s cooking, recess, pantry, oven, eggs and spoons
Task 2: Elements and Principles of Design
Refer to the laminated “Elements and Principles of Design”
You are to find 1 image that best illustrates each new term, then describe in the image based on the definitions.
Contrast : A way of creating tension within a visual communication
Examples: large and small, dark and light, solid and opaque, shiny and matte, soft and hard, narrow and wide, thick and thin
Contrast helps leads the viewer to information in a planned manner
It can also convey a message (for example, an old person and a newborn)

In this image, the orange and the apple are not only contrasting in the warm colours, but the shading and tones on the apple appear darker than it does on the orange. Though the two figures are both fruit, the are two different contrasting fruits.
Task 3: Formal Framework Analysis
Formal Framework is used to analyse how an artwork’s formal elements contribute to its meanings and messages.
Your task is to complete the following worksheets and submit your work at the end of the lesson.
1.  Visual Analysis
2.  Techniques
3.  Style
Extension tasks 1 & 2
Task 4: Facial Features
Please refer to print out of facial features and sketch one of each facial feature twice. Please annotate and label each sketch.
·  I have drawn…
·  I think it looks…
·  I could improve on…
Task 5: Design Self Portrait A3 Cartridge
You need to have least 6 photos people that you personally know as reference and thumbnail sketch each photo (referring to facial feature handout for guidance). You are also encouraged to create a unique background that reflects that individual (brainstorm)

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Art Making and Personal Meaning

Self Evaluation

Student’s name ______Class______

Task ______Date______

1.  Rate how much you enjoyed this activity

Very High High Medium Low Very Low

2.  What new skills or techniques did you learn to use (theory/practical)?




3.  What do you think worked best in your finished art work?




4.  What problems did you face in creating this work and how did you solve them?




5.  How do you rate the quality of your finished work?

Very High High Medium Low Very Low

Rubric for Evaluation of Project

Name______Project ______

Attribute / 1 – Well Below Expectations / 2 - Below Expectations / 3 - Meets Expectations / 4 - Above Expectations / 5 – Well Above Expectations / Score
Exploring and Responding
Brainstorm / I was able to brainstorm 6 themes and write/draw 10 things for each theme. I found it challenging to write sentences. / I was able to brainstorm 6 themes and write/draw 10 things and write a couple of sentence for each theme. / I was able to brainstorm 6 themes, write/draw 10 things and write 3 sentences for my top 3. / I was able to brainstorm 15 themes, write/draw 10 things and write three sentences for my top 3. / I was able to brainstorm all 20 themes, write/draw 10 things and write 10 sentences for each.
Elements and Principles / I found 15 images of Elements and Principles of design and found it challenging to describe the image / I found 15 images for Elements and Principles of design and tried to describe the terms I understood / I was able to find 15 images for each Element and Principle of design and describe the image / I was able to find 2 images for each element and principle of design and describe the image
(30 images in total) / I was able to find 2 images for each element and principle of design, describe the image and sketch them.
(30 images in total)
Formal Framework / I was able to complete 1 worksheets on Formal Framework / I was able to complete 2 worksheets on Formal Framework / I was able to complete all 3 worksheets on Formal Framework / I was able to complete all 3 worksheets and extension task 1 on Formal Framework / I was able to complete all 4 worksheets and extension task 1 and 2 on Formal Framework
Self-Evaluation 1 / Not attempted / Attempted but incomplete / Completed with clear explanation / Completed with clear explanation with reference to personal artwork / Completed with very clear and concise explanation with strong reference to personal artwork
Creating and making
Design / I drew 4 initial sketches for my portrait with no annotations / I drew 5 initial sketches for my portrait with annotations for all / I drew 6 initial sketches for my portrait with annotations for all / I drew 7 initial sketches for all my sketches with annotations and in depth reflection / I drew 8 initial sketches for all my sketches with annotations and in depth reflection I
Performance of work / Requires constant supervision while performing work / Requires substantial supervision while performing work / Performs work with limited teacher assistance / Performs work with minimal teacher assistance / Performs work without teacher assistance
Responsible management of class time / Project incomplete or attempted with very little effort / Project completed or attempted with very little effort meeting minimum requirement / Project completed with good effort meeting required standard / Project completed with very good effort meeting the above required standard / Project completed with extremely good effort meeting beyond the above required standard
Contribution to the classroom community / Showed no effort in contribution to classroom discussion nor responsibility / Showed some effort in contribution to classroom discussion nor responsibility / Contributed to classroom discussion and helpful in general classroom responsibility / Contributed well in classroom discussion with positive comments and helpful in most classroom responsibilities / Contributed well in classroom discussion with good etiquette and helpful in most classroom responsibilities and peer support
Manage personal learning
Ability to complete set tasks to the required standard / Needs attention / Acceptable / Good / Very Good / Excellent
Ability to try your best and learn new skills and ideas / Needs attention / Acceptable / Good / Very Good / Excellent
Ability to work within the classroom and with others / Needs attention / Acceptable / Good / Very Good / Excellent
Extension Task 1 / Meets Expectations / Above Expectations / Well Above Expectations
Extension Task 2 / Meets Expectations / Above Expectations / Well Above Expectations

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