Nomination form

Purpose of the programme

The programme aims and seeks to:

  • recognise desired behaviours aligned to the institutional values on the part of employees
  • recognise employee efforts, encourage employee engagement, performance excellence and most importantly, foster workplace happiness

NB: Before casting your vote, please familiarise yourself with the nomination criteria, enclose hereto.Only admin staff from job grade 7 to job grade 16 and academic staff from Tutor level to Snr Lecturer level are eligible for nomination. Please DO NOT submit the nomination criteria page as part of your submission.

Name / Faculty/ Department / Job title / Relationship with nominee e.g. colleague, supervisor, client / Name & position of Supervisor
Reason for nomination?Include as much specific information as possible.
______ / How does your nominee’s behaviour align with the nomination criteria?

How do I submit my nomination?

-Please cast your vote by sending an e-mail with your completed nomination form to the BAM account - or

-Place your nomination in one of the BAM nomination boxes placed at various points across the campus.

Date/ Month: ______

Nomination criteria

Criteria for the Brand Ambassador of the Month (BAM)

Staff displaying behaviours in line with the following criteria is eligible for nomination:

  • Introducing a new system/s that has improved the way we do things or that has brought about a reduction in costs or wastage;
  • Introducing innovative measures that have resulted in or brought about a reduction in costs or wastage (electricity, water, paper etc.);
  • Introducing a new procedure/s and concept/s that have brought about a positive change in individual roles, teams, departments, or the institution at large;
  • Incorporating innovative thinking that has brought about an improvement/s or enhancement of existing systems, procedures and concepts;
  • Contributing significantly towards job satisfaction for individuals or the team or;
  • Initiatives that have brought about an improved customer experience.

Important note: Only admin staff from job grade 7 to job grade 16 and academic staff from Tutor level to Snr Lecturer level are eligible for nomination.

Nomination and voting

  • A BAM committee has been appointed to coordinate the programme.
  • Nominations received will be assessed and validated against the set criteria.


The Brand Ambassador of the Month will receive a:

-designated parking spot in front of E-House with BAM sign for that particular month

-chance to do short course of their choosing, at no cost, with the Harold Pupkewitz Graduate School of Business;

-Floating trophy;

-Cash prize;

-Monthly feature on campus light boxes;

-Hamper; and

-Feature on the BAM web page and in the various NUST communication platforms.

There’s more

  • Monthly BAM winners will become automatic nominees for the Grand prize, the Ultimate Brand Ambassador of the Year for the Ultimate Brand Ambassador of the Month Award (UBAMA).
  • This UBAMA will be handed over at the University’s end-of-year function.
  • Our UBAMA will be the deserving recipient of amazing prizes and a luxurious get away.

For more information regarding the BAM programme, please contact Mr Shiwana Ndeunyema 061207 2833 or e-mail us at