English Program Plan
1. / AimsThe program aims to
1.1 / heighten students’ awareness of English as an international language of communication;
1.2 / sharpen students’ competence in the four language skills i.e. listening, speaking, reading and writing, which enables them to learn English and use English effectively through effective lesson content design;
1.3 / train students’ Life-long language development strategies i.e. working with others, working independently, developing reference skills, library skills, note-taking skills, thinking skills, and enquiry skills.
1.4 / prepare S.5 and S.7 students for the public examination and attain a passing rate in English Language on par with the norm standard or above.
1.5 / through formal and informal curriculum, students’ sense of belonging will be strengthened.
2. / Issues to be Addressed
2.1 / Strengths
2.1.1 / The facilities like the multi-media language room, the English Wonderland, Campus TV and the classrooms equipped with audio-visual aids can all help to provide students with a physical environment that is conducive to English learning.
2.1.2 / Teachers are caring and willing to seek improvement
2.1.3 / High amount of input funding from School and EMB to conduct various programmes for students.
2.1.4 / All English teachers are qualified with English major degree and teacher training.
2.1.5 / All English Teachers are provided with different kinds of staff development training.
2.1.6 / The English Wonderland is a desirable physical setting that can provide students with monolingual second language stimulation, separating them from a mother tongue dominated environment.
2.1.7 / The implementation of the Language Passport Scheme and other various activities help enhance students’ learning in an informal way outside the classroom setting.
2.2 / Weaknesses
2.2.1 / Form one intakes are weak in English
2.2.2 / Some students do not have a serious attitude towards English learning and assignments.
2.2.3 / Most students lack the language proficiency in English & they may find it difficult to handle both the internal and external tests and examinations: / Vocabulary
/ Students have limited vocabulary and they are reluctant to memorize the vocabulary which would not appear in the examination.
/ Students mix up the seemingly alike words. / Spelling
/ Students have difficulty in spelling new words. / Speaking
/ Most students are not confident enough in speaking English.
/ Students are not willing to communicate with their peers in English in English classes.
/ Students do not have enough opportunities to do group discussion and experience sharing. / Reading
/ Most students are weak in reading comprehension passages. / Listening
/ Some students are weak in listening.
3. / Objective
3.1 / To build up the extensive reading habits of students through class library and reading programs conducted together with the library and professional trainers.
3.2 / To intensify classroom-learning effectiveness, placing emphasis on oral practices, spelling and writing effectiveness.
4. / Implementation Plan
4.1 / Areas of Concern
4.1.1 / To improve students’ attitude towards English learning, their English language proficiency and their language development strategies through the enhancement of the second language teaching and learning effectiveness.
4.2 / Specific Targets
4.2.1 / To increase students’ learning effectiveness through the improvement of the second language environment and the curriculum ranging from the syllabus, teaching methodologies to assessment.
4.2.2 / To improve teachers’ teaching effectiveness through the enrichment of teachers.
4.2.3 / To facilitate learning motivation through various language learning activities.
4.2.4 / To enhance the learning outcome and better cater for learning diversities by grouping students into smaller groups according to their abilities.
4.3 / Initiatives
4.3.1 / Improving Learning Effectiveness / Students are to be told the target class performance and the quality of the assignments expected from them through activities right at the beginning of the school year. / Students MUST use English in communicating with English teachers both inside and outside the classrooms. / Students are to be engaged in some external and internal English activities. / Students’ English language proficiency is to be improved:
² / Vocabulary-building & dictionary skills
/ Students will be taught the determination strategies such as guessing the meaning from textual context and using a dictionary to discover the meaning of a new word.
/ Students are to be encouraged to use cognitive strategies like keeping a vocabulary notebook, doing written repetition and labeling physical objects.
/ Word games that incorporate semantic maps, words group and physical actions will be brought into the language classrooms to development students’ memory strategies.
² / Spelling, Speaking and Listening
/ A uniform form-based year-round phonics syllabus will be integrated into the curriculum of S.1 to S.3 to teach spelling and pronunciation systematically.
/ The English Passport Scheme, the Morning Speech Session, the Campus English TV and the Language Week serve as a whole-school approach to promote learning and speaking English.
/ Project learning will be implemented to facilitate peer learning and activate peer discussion.
² / Reading
/ S 1-4: Class libraries are set up with an annual reading target of 20-books/ student.
/ A regular reading session will be incorporated into the school oral curriculum of junior forms to foster the habit of reading through cooperation with the Chinese University expertise.
/ Students across all levels have to keep Newspaper Clippings. Each student has to complete one news review per cycle week.
/ SRA Reading kits are to be used in the reading periods for Form 1 – 3 as supplementary reading materials when required.
² / Writing
/ Free and creative writing tasks will be done to improve students’ expression of ideas and to develop their imaginations.
/ Authentic writing tasks like writing to the newspaper will be encouraged in senior class as to increase students’ interest in writing. / The language items included in the HKCEE will be covered in the S.4-5 regular curriculum. Besides, students are to be enrolled in some after-school, Saturday mornings and long-holiday language remedial or enhancement courses which help consolidate the knowledge and skills required for tests and examinations. / Students are to be taught how to learn in English. Thematic and topic based resources will be arranged to train students’ language development strategies and quality software will be arranged for students to have individual online learning.
4.3.2 / Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness / Teachers must use English to communicate with student and incorporate task-based activities in class to induce students to use English. / Teachers will embody video clips, film clips, games-like activities and or group learning elements into the curriculum to enable students of different learning styles to learn in an active, exciting and purposeful way. / Teachers will be further empowered to face the challenges in teaching by the following means
/ Form coordinators to act as effective link for all form teaching staff.
/ Teachers are to increase collaboration with members of the panel through the design of the scheme of work, lesson plans and teaching materials.
/ Teachers will conduct form-based evaluation meetings regularly to share the strategies adopted to remedy students learning problems. *
* Assessment at the end of each month through student surveys on learning effectiveness
/ Teachers will conduct peer lesson observation or co-teaching at least twice a year for experience sharing and self-reflection.
/ Departmental sharing sessions and or workshops will be conducted to enrich teachers, knowledge on teaching methodologies, instructional materials, and language activities. Cross curriculum lesson observation is encouraged.
/ Teachers are encouraged to attend workshops, seminars and in-service courses outside school to enhance teachers’ self- development in teaching.
/ Form coordinators to submit monthly report on teaching progress/ problems.
4.4 / Schedule
4.4.1 / The English Day, the English Passport Scheme and the Morning Speech Sessions are going to be run according to school calendar.
4.4.2 / Monthly-based evaluation meetings per each form will be held to identify students’ weaknesses and to decide on the remedial actions.
4.4.3 / Departmental sharing sessions and workshops will be spread throughout the year.
4.4.4 / All departmental meetings and level meetings must have written records for follow-up evaluation
4.5 / Resources (Human Resources/ Materials)
4.5.1 / Level coordinators will serve to coordinate all English teachers in the same form in syllabus planning, examination paper setting and evaluation. The level coordinators of various forms are as follows:
Form 1 –Man So Shan, Susan
Form 2 –Lam Yuk Yee, Joey
Form 3 –Cheng Chi Hong, Tang Yuet Ngor
Form 4 –Ng Lily, Natalie
Form 5 –Fong Ka Ki, Felicity
Form 6 –Yu Tan Heung, Flora
Form 7 – Yu Tan Heung, Flora
4.5.2 / Enhancement and remedial programmes will be run after school to facilitate better learning on the part of students. Informal language activities will be organized after school for S.1 – 3, S.4 and S. 6 students. Also, the school will hire services from external education organizations to run special programmes after school.
4.5.3 / The English Club will help promote and organize English activities throughout the year.
4.5.4 / Teachers’ reference books and materials will be stored in the library for safekeeping and easy borrowings.
4.6 / Expected Outcome
4.6.1 / Improving Learning Effectiveness
Students of all forms are expected to have a pass in English.
4.6.2 / Enhancing Teaching Effectiveness
By the end of the school year, the panel members should be able to / impart on students a proper attitude towards English learning and assignments; / create an atmosphere for students to use English in class and if possible, outside the classrooms; / cultivate students’ interest in learning English through reading; / reflect upon their own teaching practice and disseminate useful teaching ideas to each other to enhance the teaching effectiveness.
4.7 / Success Indicators
4.7.1 / Learning Effectiveness Improved / Students behave well in English lessons and submit neat and tidy assignments on time. / Students speak English in English lessons and use English more frequently outside the classrooms. / Students perform more actively in the English lessons and the school-based English functions. / Students show higher English proficiency i.e. they are able to improve on the following:
² / Vocabulary
/ expand their vocabulary
/ distinguish the confusing words and phrases
² / Spelling
/ learn spelling at ease
² / Speaking
/ speak English more confidently
/ communicate with their peers in English in class
/ do group discussion and experience sharing in English classes
² / Reading
/ develop effective reading strategies to tackle the comprehension passages of various text types
² / Listening
/ develop a set of listening skills appropriate to their level of studies
² / Writing
/ write more confidently and creatively / Students obtain better academic results in both the internal and external English tests and examinations. / Students are able to learn through English. They can apply the reading and writing skills, brainstorming skills, mind-mapping, thinking, communication skills, project learning skills, analytical and presentation skills in doing project work.
4.7.2 / Teaching Effectiveness Enhanced / Teachers can focus on teaching instead of wasting time on coping with the students’ problems exhibited in the English lessons and in their late submission of homework. / Teachers can motivate students to use English in class and outside the classrooms / Teachers can use various teaching methodologies, instructional materials and language activities in class to develop and sustain students’ interest in English learning. / Panel members demonstrate a high level of team spirit and work in collaboration with each other in curriculum development and can develop a rich teaching resources.
5. / Budget
Items / ($)Amount
5.1 / School Grant / $50,000
5.2 / EDB Grant / $32,996
- / Recurrent English Language GRT / $17,430
- / ASL Use of English / $2,472
- / Extensive Reading Scheme Grant / $13,094
5.3 / Others / $0
Total / $82,996
* / Remarks: / TPPG / CEG
- / Chunky Onion Performance / $20,000
- / English Drama Performance / $200,000
- / Oral Practices / $38,400
- / S3 English Reinforcement Training TSA preparation / $120,000
- / S4 English Enhancement Program— School Based Assessment Preparation / $180,000
6. / Evaluation
6.1 / Criteria
6.1.1 / Evaluate students’ language behaviour and homework performance.
6.1.2 / Evaluate students’ language proficiency level.
6.1.3 / Evaluate students’ mastery of the language development strategies.
6.1.4 / Evaluate students’ initiative to use self-access learning skills.
6.1.5 / Evaluate the curriculum including the teaching methodologies, instructional materials, language activities as well as homework frequency and analyze students’ strengths and weaknesses.
6.1.6 / Evaluate the effectiveness of the form-based or school-based activities.
6.1.7 / Evaluate the development of the subject panel.
6.1.8 / Evaluate the progress of staff development.
6.2 / Methodologies
6.2.1 / Lesson observation and exercise book inspection.
6.2.2 / Result analysis based on the statistics gathered from tests and examinations.
6.2.3 / Assess the students’ performance in the Extensive Reading Scheme.
6.2.4 / Making use of the various reading log books for students to write book reports, news reviews and weekly dairies.
6.2.5 / Setting English language learning criteria for students to fulfill with the implementation of the English Passport and learning English through multi-media scheme.
6.2.6 / Collect panel members’ qualitative feedback on the curriculum through the form-based evaluation meetings conducted throughout the year.
6.2.7 / Collect data about the number, level of interest, variety, and effectiveness of the form-based or school-based activities.
6.2.8 / Use the self-evaluation form
/ Record the number, variety and the effectiveness of the sharing sessions and or workshops the department organizes throughout the year.
/ Record the number of peer lesson observation, the amount of collaborative teaching and curriculum planning done this year.
/ Record the amount of IT used in teaching and learning this year.
6.2.9 / Record the number of peer lesson observation or co-teaching sessions
/ conducted inside school, together with the number and variety of seminars,
/ workshops and in-service courses the panel members attended outside school throughout the year.
6.3 / Success Indicators
6.3.1 / Students show satisfactory class performance and homework performance.
6.3.1 / Students have satisfactory result in tests and examinations.
6.3.3 / Students obtain satisfactory grades in the Extensive Reading Book Reports.
6.3.4 / A great number of students use the Language Laboratory.
6.3.5 / Teachers give on-going feedback on the improvement of the curriculum.
6.3.6 / Both teachers and students are positive towards the form-based or school-based English activities.
6.3.7 / Both teachers and students have a high rating of the subject.
/ The panel members organize sharing sessions and or workshops.
/ The panel members prepare some scheme of work, lesson plans, and teaching materials together.
/ The panel members use a reasonable amount (30%) of I.T in teaching.
6.3.8 / Teachers conduct a reasonable number of peer lesson observations or co-teaching sessions inside school and attend a wide range of seminars, workshops and in-service courses outside school.
7. Operation Details