East West University
Course Syllabus:
Introduction to END
BL-162( Winter 2015)
Time: Friday 2-5 pm
Classroom: E 409
Instructor: Alex Bautista CCT, RPSGT, REEG/EP T
Email Address
Course Description
Co-requisite: BL161 Introduction to Laboratory Technology: II
In BL-161 , the student will further their education in electroneurodiagnostic technology
through a hands on, practical laboratory class. Using the information taught in BL-161,
the student will work their way towards doing a complete EEG without help.
The goals of this course are for the student to develop professionalism, as well as self
confidence, while practicing techniques of electroencephalography. In addition, the
course will endeavor to ready the student for clinical practicum.
Materials and handouts may be used and given by the instructor
Text Book: Practical Guide for Clinical Neurophysiologic Testing By Thoru Yamada and
Elizabeth Meng ISBN-10: 0781778611 | ISBN-13: 978-0781778619
1 Intro to the 10 -20 System, Use of the Metric System
2 10-20 System Measuring/Electrode Nomenclature and Location (Quiz 1)
3 10-20 System Measuring/Electrode Nomenclature and Location (Quiz 2)
4 Instrumentation and Calibration of EEG Equipment (Quiz 3)
5 Midterm (Calibration and Calibration of EEG Equipment)
6 Electrode Application/Running EEG (Quiz 4)
7 Electrode Application/Running EEG (Quiz 5)
8 Electrode Application/Running EEG (Quiz 6)
9 Electrode Application/Running EEG(Quiz 7)
10 Electrode Application/Running EEG (Quiz 8)
11 Final
Evaluation of Student:
Quizzes: 20%
Attendance: 20%
Mid-Term 20 %
Final 40 %
Final Grades: Final grades are based on the accumulations of points earned compared to the maximum number of possible points. The following grading scale will be used.
Percent Grade
90 – 100 A
80 - 89 B
70 - 79 C
60 - 69 D
59 and below F
Classroom Conduct
- Absolutely NO FOOD allowed in class. Bottled beverages are acceptable.
- Listen carefully and respect other people’s opinion.
- Please turn off all cellular phones and pagers before class begin
- Rude or distracting behavior will not be tolerated.
- Scrubs are a MUST. Stuudents that fail in wearing scrubs will have points deducted off
their attendance.
Email Policy
Email is an off official means for communication within EastWest University. Students are expected to check their official EWU email account on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with University communications. Students are also expected to use their EQU account for communication with instructors in their courses: the use of an outside email account for assignment submissions and faculty correspondence is discouraged as a University policy.