PTO Minutes

November 14, 2013

The meeting was called to order by Laura at 6:03 pm.

In attendance

Joanne Littman, Jeff Littman, George Schaffer, Julie Schaffer, Limor Ness, Ed Peisner, Yoohee Howard, Karina Park, Athena Hyett, Irene Lopez, Laura Arana, Mrrs. Barbara Meade, Mrs. Silverberg

Approval of Minutes

Pass out minutes. Motion made by George to approve. Second by Limor. Approved.


President report – Wrapping up the food drive. Getting ready for the toy drive and the Holiday Boutique.

Vice President report – Poker Night at the Woodland Hills Country Club. Tentative date set for 3/24/14.

Secretary report – none

Room Parent Liason – Looking at how to best distribute information to room parents. Will have another meeting with them after the break.

Parlimentarian - none

Treasurer’s Report

Yoohee Howard submitted attached report – Discussion on Halloween money. Treasurer to review $120 pizza sales monies used as start up money for dance. Motion to approve made by Joanne noting to amend report and remove $120. Second by Julie

Principal’s Report – Mrs. Barbara Meade

Charter update is that Bob Bloomingfield put in assembly bill that we get funded for charter. YMCA enrollment is up and running well. PE Program is up and running. PE is every Wednesday. Breakfast in the Classrooms has been postponed until 2015. Hired 2 security aides.

Teacher’s Report – Mrs. Shaymala Karra

Not in attendance

School Governance Council – Laura Arana

Updating backpacks and emergency kits. Porta potties are in the classrooms. Working on updating safety kits.

Old Business

•  YMCA update – Currently 35 kids enrolled, the goal is 40 kids. Working on Bungalow. Campaigning part of the program starts March 5, 2014 and hoping for the school's support. Curriculum is posted on the website.

New Business

•  5th Grade – Beth Hall - Ice cream sales are every Wednesday and Friday after school. Next Spirit Night is at Sharkey's on Topanga. Currently 55 kids going to AstroCamp, not sure how many will need financial help. Dec. 10th is Holiday Spirit Night at Island's in Calabasas. Working on ice skating Spirit Night, possibly during winter break or in January if unable to book before. Dec. 20th coffee and breakfast will be sold at the winter program. Feb. 21st is Bingo night.

•  Holiday Boutique – Beth Hall – Dec. 2nd – 6th. Flyer being sent home asking for volunteers with a tear off sheet to list family members to shop for. Not sure they can commit to under $5 an item. Donation request for items to be sold going out via web blast. Motion made for $1500 budget for Boutique by Joanne. 2nd by Julie. Motion to pass – approved.

•  Halloween Dance – Joanne stated dance made over $3000 profit.

•  Food Drive – Laura Arana – Goal is 20 families. Food drive is going well.

•  Toy Drive – Dec. 2nd – 17th Erin Oppenheimer and Bob Thompson running toy drive. Bob has a charity to give toys to but we will give to school families in need first.

•  Kiss and Drop off – Laura Arana – Program is needing help. There will be some type of incentive for parents to sign up.

•  Hula – the program donated $400 to the school.

•  Must Have Music Program – 74 students enrolled. 17 of them on scholarship. Performance scheduled for January 30th

•  Sign Language Program – Performing at the Commons in Calabasas Candle lighting event Dec. 4th



Next Meeting

December 12th – time of meeting to be announced

Motion to adjourn the meeting at 7pm by Joanne. Second by Athena – motion passed

Respectfully submitted,

Athena Hyett, Secretary