Local Groups Tipsheet: Organizing an Event Redux

Overview: [put the overview for this tipsheet here]

 Gather Redux speakers

Speakers can be people who attended, presented, showed posters, or a combination

Figure out who was at the Summit who lives in your area (or will be in your area)

– IA Summit directory of attendees

– Other IA conference/workshop schedules (for visiting speakers)

 Gather folks to help organize

Local IAs who weren't able to come to the Summit

Local IAs who were at the Summit

 Hold planning meeting and work out the details (in-person, phone call, or email interchange)

Date and Time

4-10 weeks after the Summit

Weekend or after work?

Length? (depends on format, but 2 hours, half-day, and all-day are options)


Central, easy-to-reach place where 10-30 people can present, take notes, and drink beverages

Inexpensive or free

Public libraries and community centers are great, particularly newly renovated ones

See if someone has ties with a university


Need a moderator to keep things going and ask questions if necessary

Panel discussion or individual presentations?

If panel of attendees, then assign panelists a theme or a couple of sessions to summarize

If local or guest speakers present again, then keep to 15 minute recap? Or a 45 minute session?

If posters are shown, dedicate a segment of time to their discussion

If playing podcasts, then can work those in with the panel discussion

Leave plenty of time for group discussion, of course!

Other Logistics

Coffee, tea, donuts, bagels?

Nametags and markers

sheet (to gather names for your mailing list)

Who will pick up the stuff?

How much to charge to offset nosh and room expenses?

 Market the event

Write a paragraph about the event and distribute to IA lists

Cross post to related lists (UPA, STC, etc)

Send the announcement to folks at work, too (particularly your boss)

Announcement example: The IA Summit Redux is this Saturday, April 9, from 10am- 1pm at the Bethesda Public Library. If you missed the IA Summit in Montreal, or were there and want to continue the discussion, please join us. Everyone is welcome, and coffee and bagels will be served ($5 requested). Space is limited, so please RSVP to . See for details and directions.

 Manage the Redux

Moderator kicks things off, throws in questions, gives all panelists and audience members a chance to speak, and makes sure the event ends on time

Prepare questions that get the discussion going

– How does this [presentation, theme, point...] related to the work we do with [government sites, intranets, university sites…]?

– Who disagrees with So-and-So's point? Who's experienced a similar situation? Can you elaborate?