Hwa Chong Institution

Secondary 1 Integrated Humanities

Chapter 9 - Structured Essay Preparation Exercise

Name:______( ) Class: _____ Date:______

Answer all the questions:

1. Reasons for Merger:

(a) How would the merger free Singapore from British rule? (3 marks)

- The British were willing to grant S’pore independence if it was part of Malaysia

- The Malaysian Federation was against Communism and would remove the Communists.

- S’pore would survive economically without the help of the British by joining Malaysia.

(b) Which were the other colonies that were liberated from British rule when they joined the Federation of Malaysia? (2 marks)

- Sabah

- Sarawak

(c) Why did the Singapore government think that the best way to solve the problem of unemployment was to merge with Malaya? (6 marks)

- S’pore lacked natural resources, declining entrepot trade.

- Malayan government introduced import and export tariffs on goods traded between S’pore and Malaya. This would reduce S’pore’s profits.

- Merger will bring about rapid economic growth because of a common market would support S’pore’s new industries.

- Increase in trade, expand industries and create jobs.

- Best option for complete freedom from British control (Indirect economic reason).

- Reluctance of British to grant independence to S’pore because of the fear of communism (Indirect economic reason).

(d) Why did Tunku Abdul Rahman think that it was important to include Singapore in the Federation of Malaysia? (5 marks)

- Tunku was concerned that the PAP split would weaken the moderates within the PAP and allow the radicals (Communists) to gain control of the party. (2m)

- If the radicals captured power from the PAP, they would form a Communist government in S’pore and use S’pore as a base to spread Communism in Malaya. (2m)

- S’pore would be an economic asset to Malaysia. (1m)