Dear Sister Hibernians:

The State of Ohio and the Our Lady of the Rosary, Cleveland are proud to endorse Marilyn Madigan for the Office of National Treasurer. Marilyn served as National Fundraiser 2012-2014. She is very proud and honored to be serving as National Irish Historian. Marilyn has been very diligent and enthusiastic in promoting the Women of 1916 in the cause of Irish Freedom as we commemorate the centenary of the Rising.

Marilyn has been an active member for 38 years serving in many offices including Division County and State President. She was a founding member of the Ohio State Degree Team, and has served as Treasurer and Guardian. In 1988 when Cleveland hosted the National Convention Marilyn served on the local committee.

In addition to the LAOH Marilyn is an active member of Cleveland's Irish Community with memberships in Cleveland Comhaltas, Irish Northern Aid, United Irish Societies, East and West Side Irish American Clubs. Marilyn has served in many leadership positions: Registrar with the North American Camogie Board, Vice-President of the Irish Music Academy, and Board Trustee of the West Side Irish American Club. She is currently a Deputy Director of the United Irish Societies and Treasurer of Cleveland Comhaltas.

Marilyn’s most celebrated accomplishment has the been the successful Hierarchical Recourse to the Congregation of the Clergy-Marilyn Madigan for the Parish of St Patrick-West Park. She continues to be a lifelong parishioner and serves as a Eucharistic Minister, Collection Counter, and Parish Council President.

In her professional career, Marilyn received a Bachelor of Science in Nursing from St. John College and has been employed as a Registered Nurse at University Hospitals Case Medical Center since 1977

One of Marilyn’s heroes is President John F. Kennedy, and to paraphrase Marilyn will ask “Ask not what the Hibernians can do for you- Ask what Marilyn Madigan can do for the Hibernians”. Marilyn has shown her dedication as a hard worker and good communicator as Fundraiser and Irish Historian, and is a credit to the important work that our order does. Ohio is proud to support Marilyn Madigan on the National Board and ask for your support.

Yours in Friendship, Unity, and Christian Charity,

Maire Manning

LAOH Ohio State President