FEBRUARY 21, 2003

ATTENDEES: Renee Korrey, Dale Rothenberger, Bill Charon, James Fyvie, Ron MacDonald, David Lee, Jack Messer, Andrea Hine, Gary Brozewski, John Bawol, Christina Russell, Thomas Altland, Harriet Miller-Brown, Suzan Henzel, Craig AL Swenson, Charles Nystrom

  1. Call to order at 10:00 a.m.

B. Certification of 150 Dispatcher Training Distribution applications forms

ETSC 101/101W

  1. Overview of Instructions

a)6C – be fair yet audit

b)8,9,10 – pay attention to detail

c)emphases -for dispatcher training

  1. Receipt of Training Distribution handout and instructions

a)Make sure to “x” and initial each PSAP reviewed

b)Compare FTEs and Regular Paid Hours between handout and form

c)Do not review or certify your own counties application


C. New Business

  1. Discussion of Allowable Expenditures of Training Money by PSAPs

a)Backfill for dispatchers in training

1) Motion: Allow expenditures for the straight time base salary,

not to include benefits, for eligible PSAP personnel to attend

MCOLES approved training, including the hours to travel to

and from training and the hours of the approved course.


b)Training Materials and Conferences

1)Lengthy discussion with no motion brought forward

2. Enhancement of form ETSC 510 Documentation of In-Service Training

a) Motion: Effective January, 2004, it will be the responsibility of

all PSAP managers to provide complete documentation including

social security numbers ofall personnel who attend any

MCOLES approved training courses. MOTION PASSED


b) Although there is a tracking page to the distribution form, it is not

being used at this time.

c)Who Can Audit – This question will be researched and reported

back at our next meeting.

  1. Vendors

a)All Vendor must submit there application and receive approval from MCOLES prior to any initial training. PSAPs will not be allowed to spend Dispatcher Training funds for any course that has not been approved by MCOLES and the ETSC Training subcommittee.

b)All ETSC forms are on the ETSC and MCDA web-sites

D. ADJOURNED at 3:45 pm