Sanctuary in Parliament, 29th November 2016
Eligibility and Terms for financial assistance to attend
Purpose of the fund
Travel and Accommodation costs can pose a significant barrier for people wishing to attend national events. To maximise attendance, a limited allocation of funds is available to support the financial costs of travel.
Eligibility Criteria
Preference will be given to:-
1. Asylum seekers and refugees;
2. People who have been invited to speak at the event;
3. Members of City of Sanctuary groups who have not previously attended a Sanctuary in Parliament event.
In addition to be eligible for the fund, the following criteria must apply:
· You must be a member of City of Sanctuary group and the City of Sanctuary group must be unfunded (or have very limited funds)
· The fund will only subsidise travel by Public Transport (or alternatively group travel if public transport can be shown to be unfeasible). Travel by a single individual in a car will not be eligible for financial assistance, unless the use of public transport is impractical due to a disability.
Terms and Conditions (Important - Please Read)
1. Applicants must fulfil all of the eligibility criteria above to be considered for the fund.
2. Applications will be processed on a first come first served basis.
The fund will close once all funds have been assigned or by 20th November 2016 (whichever occurs first).
3. There is no limit to the number of delegates that can be registered for the Sanctuary in Parliament event (although to ensure we have widespread representation from across the City of Sanctuary network we will initially limit the number of delegates per organisation/group to 5 people).
4. Applications for funding are not the same as booking to reserve your place. You must ensure you have completed and submitted a booking.
5. The fund will only be paid for individuals who actually attend the conference and have a formally approved application. The named individuals in your application must therefore ensure they sign in at the conference reception as proof of attendance. Failure to do so will invalidate any potential offer of funding.
6. Approved applications for travel funding will be paid retrospectively (evidence of expenditure must be submitted before payment will be approved). However if you are an asylum seeker or refugee we will be able to book travel if your group is unable to do so for you (please specify below).
7. Maximum funding level is anticipated to be no more than £150 per person and we request that you travel ‘off peak’ (super off peak, advanced single – whichever is the cheapest option) if possible.
Application for financial assistance to attend
Sanctuary in Parliament, 29th November 2016
To apply, please complete the application form below and return it to Emma Finlinson – :
1. Details:
Name of CoS groupPrimary contact person
Post Code
Telephone Number
2. Delegate details:
Please include details of the delegates for whom you are seeking financial support.
N.B. Please ensure these people have also booked to reserve their place.
Delegate 1 / Delegate 2 / Delegate 3 / Delegate 4 / Delegate 5Name
Are they an asylum seeker or refugee?
Home Address (if known)
Home Post Code
Telephone No.
3. Travel Plans
Please complete this section if you are seeking financial assistance with travel.
3.1 What form of transport do you intend to use?
☐ Bus/Coach
☐ Train
☐ Other (please specify and state departure point):
3.2 If you are not using public transport, please explain why?
3.3 If not using public transport, please describe the form of transport you plan to use:
How many people will be sharing the journey?
3.4 What is the approximate mileage for your outward journey (one way from departure point to the venue)?
3.5 What is the estimated cost of travel for your full journey (i.e. the cost of a return journey)?
5. Declaration
I declare that all of the information contained in this application is correct. I accept by signing this declaration that any subsequent discovery of intentionally falsified or misleading information provided in this application may invalidate the offer of financial assistance under this fund.
Signed:Print Name:
Position within the group: