Appendix 8.3: Chair’s Checklist for Management of Outbreaks

To be used by the Chair at every meeting as appropriate and completed by his/her nominee

Initial Assessment

1. Is an Outbreak Control Group or Major Outbreak Control group
necessary Yes/No
2. Is there any involvement with an Acute Trust Yes/No
3. Has the CCDC (in PHE) been notified or otherwise involved Yes/No
4. Is the OCG or MOCG appropriately constituted Yes/No


1. Senior management of Trust informed Yes/No
2. Health & Safety informed Yes/No
3. Catering manager informed Yes/No
4. Occupational Health Services informed Yes/No
5. Communications Officer informed Yes/No
6. Appropriate information provided to staff Yes/No
7. Appropriate information provided to patients, visitors and relatives Yes/No
8. Communication with relevant personnel and departments considered Yes/No
9. Microbiologist informed Yes/No
10.PHE contacted Yes/No
11. Other Healthcare facilities informed Yes/No
12. Other relevant bodies contacted Yes/No

Managerial / Organisational aspects

1. Need for increased clinical care considered eg extra staff Yes/No
2. Need for extra cleaning resources considered Yes/No
3. Need for increased laundry, ancillary staff considered Yes/No
4. Need for increased clerical staff considered Yes/No
5. Isolation facilities defined Yes/No
6. Isolation ward considered (if applicable) Yes/No
7. Isolation and nursing procedures defined Yes/No
8. Nursing, medical and para medical staff informed of procedures Yes/No
9. Domestic / housekeeping procedures defined Yes/No
10. Availability of supplies assessed Yes/No


1. Case definition established on clinical epidemiology and microbiology Yes/No
2. Need for microbiological screening of staff and patients considered Yes/No
3. Need for serological screening of staff and patients considered Yes/No
4. Engineers involved Yes/No
5. Need for environmental samples considered Yes/No
6. Need for food samples considered Yes/No
7. Epidemiological investigation started Yes/No


1. Need for active and passive immunisation considered Yes/No
2. Need for antibiotic prophylaxis considered Yes/No
3. Isolation / ward closure policies implemented (if applicable) Yes/No
4. Policy on patient transfer, discharge and admissions defined Yes/No
5. Policy on movement of patients and staff within the hospital defined Yes/No
6. Visiting arrangements defined Yes/No

End of Outbreak

1. Preliminary report compiled Yes/No
2. Meeting of OCG / MOCG held to consider long term implications Yes/No
3. Final report compiled and circulated Yes/No

Outbreak of Infection/Major Outbreak (Infection Prevention and Control Policy: Appendix 8)

Author: Jacky Hunt, Infection Prevention & Control Nurse

Version: 2

June 2017