Rock County Public Schools

Board of Education Regular Meeting

June 9, 2014

The Rock County Public Schools Board of Education met in regular session on Monday, June 9, 2014 at the high school library. Members present were Tonya Larson, Leah Hagan, Tim Shaw, Teresa Wiiest and Les Hall. Board member Doug Stanton was absent. Superintendent Thomas Becker and Lynn Hickman were also present.

Les Hall called the meeting to order at 7:00pm.

Leah Hagan moved to approve the agenda. Teresa Wiiest seconded the motion. Wiiest, Larson, Hagan, Shaw and Hall voted yes. Motion carried.


a.  Approval of Minutes of May 12, 2014 Board of Education Meeting.

b.  Approval of June, 2014 Bills.

c.  Approval of June, 2014 Financial Report.

d.  Approve of 2014-15 Automated Clearing House (ACH) Agreement with Sandhills State Bank of Bassett, NE.

e.  Approve North Central Coaching Assignments-Ms. Brooke DeBolt as Asst. JH Girls’ Volleyball, Head JH Girls’ Basketball and Asst. HS Track Coach.

f.  Board Commendations:

·  State Golf Qualifier/Medalist-Jake Friedrich-11th Place.

·  State Track Qualifier/Class D State Champs-4X800 Relay-Cash Cosgrove, Colin Erickson and Chris Coulter.

·  State Track Qualifier/Medalist-Adrianna Shaw-Shot Put-4th Place.

·  State Track Qualifier/Medalist-Colin Erickson-1600M Run-7th Place.

·  State Track Qualifier/Medalist-Rachel Stewart-100M Hurdles-8th Place.

·  State Track Qualifiers-Adrianna Shaw-Discus; Amber Frerichs-800M Run; Rachel Stewart-High Jump; Justin Dearmont-Discus; Andrew Hollenbeck-110M Hurdles; Colin Erickson-3200M Run; 4X400 Relay-Cash Cosgrove, Sage Osborn and Tyler Knox.

Teresa Wiiest moved to approve the consent agenda. Tim Shaw seconded the motion. Wiiest, Larson, Hagan, Shaw and Hall voted yes. Motion carried.

Tim Shaw moved to approve a contract with Leonald Fangmeyer as North Central Head Boys’ Basketball coach. Teresa Wiiest seconded the motion. Wiiest, Larson, Hagan, Shaw and Hall voted yes. Motion carried.

Mr. Becker reviewed the 2013-14 Transportation Mileage Report.

Mr. Becker discussed the importance of frequent review of Board Policies.

Mr. Becker’s Summer Maintenance Updates: Bassett Grade School-boiler blower motor replacement, Red Cat speakers for classrooms; RCHS-sidewalk replacement in July, Distance Learning technology cart.

Mr. Becker reported that the 2014-15 class schedule is completed, a School Law Conference report will be finished up and sent to Board members shortly, uniform structuring of District Policy Manual, Concessions bldg and track information.

Next meeting date: July 14, 2014 at the Rock County High School Library.

Meeting was adjourned at 7:36 pm


Leah Hagan, Secretary