Meeting Minutes
Metropolitan Utility Coordinating Council
August 27, 2008
ATTENDEES: See attached listing.
Treasurer’s Report for June 2008:
Payments / Purchases:
38 members have paid their dues this year. An audit committee of Christine, Ralph and Duffy will meet for about 30 minutes after the next MUCC meeting to do an audit. A vote was taken to donate $1500 to Ronald McDonald House from the proceeds of the golf tournament. This is $500 more than last year and $700 more than the year before! Jarrod will call and set up an appointment to tour the facility and deliver the check. We will send out a notice with the date to see who would like to participate.
Damage Report:
Shannon has asked that you please send your damage reports directly to her and she will input them into the website. Also, if your agency doesn’t care for the way your damages are reported, please contact Stephanie Baxter (website owner).
Please make sure to send your damage reports to Shannon by the 20th of each month! Only two companies sent in damage reports! It’s almost a month in arrears, so PLEASE GO BACK AND SUBMIT THEM WHEN YOU CAN.
Fax:(541) 388-5269
Phone:(541) 388-5296
OUNC continues to sponsor a program to encourage participation for local Councils to submit monthly damage reports. OUNC is offering cash incentives monthly and quarterly to those Councils who report their damages to them. The incentive is up to $1200. We must have a minimum of five reports in order to qualify for these incentives, and we only had three the last month. Please go back and enter for your company if you haven’t already done so.
These reports let us know how the damages are occurring and at what percentages. Please report your damages every month!
Each monthly report will now be attached to these minutes. Jamie went back and looked on the website and found out we have 7 agencies contributing: Bones Construction, Comcast, PGE, West Slope Water, Williams Pipeline, Qwest and NW Natural. We need to maintain at least 5 contributors to receive the seed money from OUNC. Next year we will be required to add one more damage contributor and one more MUCC member to continue to receive the money. Jarrod will contact the PGE landscape contractor for this.
Standards Manual:
The Standards Manual is completed. It can be ordered from the OUNC website as can any and all P & E material. Also, you can go to for supplies. The color for the cover is white, the manual is now printed in color and is easy to read. 811, and Dialer & Digby are on it. Each council should receive a box to start out, and Jamie will make sure we have a box at the next meeting. Contractors can also contact Gary Hyatt for copies, (, or 503-226-4211 ext. 4320). If large quantities of manuals are requested it will need to be approved by the OUNC board.
P&E Report (Publicity and Education):
CARD HOLDERS, CALENDARS AND COLOR CODE CARDS. Calendars are now available from Pacific Marketing. Please contact them in August for delivery on October. Jarrod has cards and card holders and will bring to the next meeting for Geoff.
YARDGARDEN AND PATIO SHOW. 2009 Yard, Garden & Patio Show (February 2009) will be coming up soon, so we need to start putting the committee together for that.
811 CAMPAIGN: You may go to website for more information. There is materials available to any company wanting them for FREE, contact Gary Hyatt with the number wanted, or go to Gary is trying to get on the NUKA agenda to deliver this message. Patty will see if she can help facilitate this. Also deliver new standards manual to the NUKA meeting. The new 30 second TV spot “psycho” is out and is really cool. Probably start seeing it soon. There are still t-shirts available; check the website as you can’t afford not to buy them!
DIG SAFELY:Anita is still waiting to hear back from Kerry on the denim shirts.
RAA hearing: There are 2 cases to be filed by ClackamasCounty, and NW Natural has some also. There is no known date set for this month, but you can go onto the OUNC website where the dates are posted. The OUNC encourages attendance at the RAA hearings to see what the process is. It is very educational.
In lieu of calling 911, the Non-Emergency Response phone numbers by County are:
Washington County 503) 629-0111
MultnomahCounty (503) 823-3333
ClackamasCounty (503) 655-8211
MUCC Golf Tournament: The 4th Annual Golf Tournament at Stonecreek Golf Course in OregonCity was a success. Discussion ensued regarding keeping it at Stonecreek, and that was the consensus. There were ideas thrown out to boost participation (Giveaways, partnering with another council, NUKA involvement, date that doesn’t coincide with other tournaments) although each year the number of participants has grown. January 2009 the next golf committee needs to be formed.
November 13th is the Regional Law Update in Albany.
Plus One Motorsports has an afterhours and overdrive open house Thursday August 28th for socializing and networking.
Food to digest: As you can read there are several opportunities for all to volunteer and help spread the word of our Call before You Dig message. These are great opportunities to network and get to know each other better too. Take advantage of these opportunities and make new friends. If you are able, make yourself available to be on a committee or to volunteer on upcoming project(s) these next couple of years. This is what this Council is all about and how we strive to be excellent!
Check out these websites for information on the Oregon Dig Law, upcoming events and information on your local Council(s).
Also available: information on best practices at
Respectfully submitted by Sheri Clark.
The next meeting:
Location: Village Inn at 1621 N.E 10th Ave in Portland
Date: Wednesday, September 24, 2008 at 7:30am
The 2008 schedule is as follows:
(4th Wednesday of each month except December)
January 23rd February 27thMarch 26thApril 23rd
May 28th June 25thJuly 23rd August 27th
September 24th October 22nd November 19th Dec - No meeting
2008 MUCC Executive Board
MUCC (new) Mailing PO Box address is: PO Box 12001, Portland, OR97212-0001
Jarrod MorrisonPortland General Electric
3700 SE 17th Ave
Portland, OR97202
Office - 503-736-5505
Cell - 503-849-7043
Fax - 503-736-5500
Sheri ClarkNW Natural
220 NW Second Ave
Office - 503-226-4211 Ext. 6745
Cell - 503-705-6825
Fax - 503-721-2504 (fax)
Marci Johnson(LCG Pence Construction)
(503) 319-5520
Gary Hyatt
NW Natural
220 NW 2nd Ave, 3rd Floor
PortlandOR 97209
Office - (503) 226-4211 ext 4320
Shannon Davis
100 NW Kearney Ave
Bend, OR 97701Office - 541-388-5296
Fax - 541 388-5269
as of 08-21-08
Applied Professional ServicesMoore Excavation, Inc
Bones Construction, Inc. / MultnomahCounty
City of Fairview / Northwest Earthmovers, Inc.
City of Forest Grove
City of Gladstone / ODOT
City of Gresham, OPSCenter
City of Happy Valley / PacifiCorp / Pacific Power
City of Hillsboro / Portland General Electric
City of Lake Oswego
City of OregonCity / Qwest
City of Sandy
City of Tualatin / Sunrise Water Authority
Civil Works NW, Inc.
ClackamasCounty / Tri-State Construction
Comcast / Tualatin Valley Water District
Dirt & Aggregate Interchange, Inc. / Verizon
Ditch Witch
Emery & Sons / Williams Pipeline
Henkels & McCoy
James Fowler
Locating, Inc.
Loy Clark