June 2016
TO: Junior Market Swine Exhibitors/ Leaders/Parents
FROM: Lori Branstrom, Exhibitor’s Manager
Steph Bruno, Swine Department Superintendent
RE: Ear Tags
There are a few changes to this year’s ear tagging process, and we would appreciate you taking a few extra minutes to read over the enclosed information prior to tagging your hog.
As you may have already noticed, there are two different types of ear tags enclosed. The picture of the ear tag on the left is the USDA/MDARD (Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development) approved ear tag issued by the State of Michigan. (According to a Michigan State law, all swine going to a fair, festival or exhibition must be identified by a USDA approved ear tag.)
The information that was provided on the preliminary entry forms will be sent to MDARD along with the assigned USDA approved ear tag number. It is very important that the exhibitor receives the correct ear tags that have been assigned to them.
We realize that there may be county fairs held before the Upper Peninsula State Fair, and exhibitors may have already received their USDA tag. If this is the case, please notify the fair office so adjustments can be made to the report that has to be filed with the State of Michigan.
The tags issued by the MDARD work best with an ALLFLEX tagger. The Y-Tex tagger will work, but it is extremely difficult to release the tag after placing the ear tag in the hogs ear. We strongly recommend the use of the ALLFLEX tagger. The Upper Peninsula State Fair has an ALLFLEX tagger that may be borrowed for a short duration.
The picture on the right is the Upper Peninsula State Fair issued ear tag. Both ear tags must be in the hog’s ear prior to arrival at the fair. The ear tags DO NOT have to go in the same ear.
Please refer to the diagram as to the proper way to insert the ear tag. Our preferred location for the UPSF issued ear tag is the left ear.
In order for the unloading process to go as smoothly and efficiently as possible, please have both ear tags cleaned and clearly visible!
The ear tags identify the animal when it arrives at the fair and during the show and sale. If the animal loses either the USDA ear tag or the UPSF ear tag, you must call the Upper Peninsula State Fair office 906-786-4011 for a replacement tag. The exhibitor will be mailed a “request for change from original registration” form. The completed form must be in the exhibitor’s possession before they will be allowed to unload the hog on the UPSF fairgrounds. If an animal arrives at the fair without both of the correct (USDA/UPSF) ear tags, it will not be allowed to enter the fair.
Please do not hesitate to contact Lori Branstrom 906-212-5419 or Steph Bruno 906-458-6771 if additional information is needed.
Thank you for your cooperation.
The ear tag must be placed so the number is visible from the outside or backside of the ear.
Keep in mind that the ear should not have to be lifted up in order to read the tag.
Just be careful when you put your ear tag in the tagger, and then how you “tag” it.